Making Cookie Dough


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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2006
Reaction score
Hi! I`m timagotchi and this is my log about a Cookie Dough v5. If you liked My Log About a Newly Renewed v4.5, you`ll probably like this. The v5 in this log is my sister`s, but she let me have one of the boys on it. First, I would like to introduce everyone:


The Humans

Daisy (my sister)

Timagotchi (me)


The Jiggy Family

Figgy(Daughter belonging to Daisy)

Wiggy(Son belonging to Daisy)

Miggy(Son belonging to me!)


I can`t say my real name or my sister`s real name online, so I use those. Anyway, I`m going to start with stats:


Family Name: Jiggy

Family Type: Blended

Bonds Per: 0%













These stats are pretty long, so you don`t even have to read them. I just put them there because some people might want to. That`s all for now. Bye! :huh:

Hi again! Sorry about talking so fancy yesterday. I can get kinda formal when I`m writing. Anyway, when the Jiggys call for training, they always want the kind with balloon animals, darts, and paper airplanes. I`m gonna call it Game Training. Nothings really going on, except that I`m going to take them to Tama & Earth Expo. TEE for short.

Miggy: Yay! Gimme a T! Gimme an E! Gimme another E! What does it spell? TEE!

Figgy: :snort: I`m glad I didn`t sign up for cheerleading tryouts!

Miggy: :sniff sniff: B- but I was jus- just exc- excited!

Wiggy: Guys! Guys! Break it up! You know timagotchi dosen`t like it when we fight, and you don`t want to ruin the experience at TEE, do you?

Figgy: Oh look, goody-two-shoes Wiggy to the rescue!

Me: That`s quite enough from you, Figgy! Now stop insulting your siblings or you`re not going to TEE.

Sorry about that. Figgy`s kind of stressed out and confused because I don`t know much about v5s. She`s also kind of snappy in general. Well, that`s all for now. Bye! ^_^

Hi! Nothing`s really going on with the Jiggys except that they evolved. Their trip to TEE went pretty well. Here are their stats:


Family Name: Jiggy

Family Type: Blended

Bonds Per: 20%













I`ve decided that if anyone who dosen`t have a v5 wants to see the restricted parts of Tama & Earth Expo, just PM me and I`ll give you a password for it. And if you DO have a v5, PM me for a 300 GP password. It`s different every time because it comes from playing Polish & Sparkle, which could result in some delays. Oops, I`m talking fancy again. Sorry! <_< So anyway, if you want one of those passwords, just let me know! Most of the PMs I get I`ll put in this log. Well, that`s all for now. Bye! :eek:

Hi! I found out something really cool. If you play the game in the bookstore and get it mostly right, you get a present! The present is a book, and when you read it your tama`s happy hearts go up one! That`s so totally wicked! Anybody have anything to say about this trick?

Wiggy: I think it`s quick and efficient. You don`t have to play a whole game to fill our happy hearts.

Figgy: I think it`s good because reading makes you smarter. Wiggy must do a lot of reading to be such a smarty pants.

Miggy:I like it because it`s a lot easier than those really hard games. I can`t get past two rounds of Tea Time!

Me: Well, I`m glad you like it. Wiggy, I do think you shouldn`t show off so much. And don`t think I can`t see you sneaking that candy Miggy!

Sorry about that. I think they all need a nap. Well, that`s it for now. Bye! :furawatchi:
