MA V4 and 3 logs!


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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
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O wow! just this minute my V4 harutchi got a letter 4 preschool!:

Fiona (harutchi): I'm scared! (cries)

Don't worry Fiona, there is lots of tamas there.

Fiona: I want mummy!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't worry! I will take you to tama town and we will visit your mummy and I will get yuou a nice dolly. Will you like that? Then you can take her to preschool with you.

Fiona: Yay!

Timmy (v3 tamachi): I want to go to preschool!!!!!

You are going there with Fiona.

Timmy: I want my own action figure!!!!!!!!

Ok! Please stop yelling! If you will be a good boy and you be a good girl, Fiona, I will buy you the toys and something else for when you get home. Would you like that?

Fiona and Timmy: YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!! We will be good.

Right! Ok sweeties, we shall go to tama town. But we must hurry! Preschool starts soon and you don't want to be late! Take your umbrellas and jackets, it's raining. And your mummy and daddy don't want you wet or they wont hug you!

(fiona and Timmy go to get jackets on)

kk so theres ma tamas. We shall come back when we come back home.

Fiona and Timmy: BYEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! :)

WOOPS! I 4got 2 buy Timmy the action figure!

Timmy: (cries) WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Meanie!

Sorry sweetie, ill get it in a minute, but I don't think u hav enough points. u need 2200points u hav 1897 points. Just a few more 2 go.

Timmy: (frowns)

Fiona: (singing bob the builder in a sweet town and prancing around) I love my new dolly! I'm going to call her twinkle! (puts a hairclip in the fur of the doll) because she has a twinkley clip! LA LA LA LAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

Timmy: MINES going to be better! I'm going to call him killer to kill your doll! (chases Fiona)

Fiona: HELPPPPPPP!!!! (cries) Mummy, he's going to kill twinkle!

kk kk stop it now! If you don't, Timmy, I wont let you have the pineapple in the shop AND the action figure! Ok? Please give it a rest! You 2 are giving me a hed ake!

(fiona and timmy stop, timmy curls up to sleep and Fiona sucs her thumb)

Thats good. You to need to keep your behaviours good, i alwayz reward goodness!

Fiona: I made a new friend mummy, her names Mim. she's a harutchi aswell! She said when we are grownups- we can both be young mimitchis and mimitchis together! Then we will be twins. her mummy was wondering if I could stay over for lunch.

Today? I don't know...

Fiona: Please?

Oh ok then, I suppose I will go and get your brothers action figure from tama town whilst you are there.

Fiona: YAAAY!!!!!!!

(Timmy wakes up) Huh?

Fiona is going to her friends house. Have you made any friends Timmy?

Timmy: I have only made one friend. His names Bob.

Ok...What kind of toddler is he?

Timmy: I don't know...

Kk, If you want the action figure, you better do some games. I hav to feed you a few snacks for energy tho. Is it ok with you?

Timmy: (smiling) Yes it is

Ok so what do you say?

Timmy: Thank you Mummy

It's kk, Anyway, put your coats on darlings! We need to drop you off Fiona at watsits place....I don't no where she lives..

Fiona: She said to meet them in tama town cafe. Her Mummys name is Cindy. Can we see our mummy first mummy?

(smile) Why do you call me mummy aswell?

Fiona: Because you are like our mummy.

Timmy: ye because you be nice to us, feed us our favourite snacks, let us play your nintendo, help us write our diarys, take us out places, read us bedtime stories and loads of other stuff. If we didn't hav our main mummy you will be the best in the world.

lol thanks sweetie (hugs both) ok off to tama town cafe! (puts the coats on)

(we walked to the bus stop and went on the bus to tama town cafe.) Ok we are here!

Which one is cindy? Omg! Poor Fiona! Sum1 sent her a snake!

Fiona: (crying) WAAA! It bit me!!

(puts her arm ina bandage)

fiona:cindy is the memetchi

(walks over)Hi apparently, my Fiona is friends with your Mim? And you invited her to have lunch with you?

CindY: Yes, (shows me Mim) so you agreed?

Ye, this is her first friend so i thought it will be good to let them socialise.

Cindy: Well ye. It could raise thier social levels. I want her to evolve into maidotchi.

(i looked shocked) But Fiona and Mim were excited to become mimitchis together!

Cindy: Oh? Thats all right then. I thought she wanted to become maidotchi. Well, she is intelligent so I will put her is a intelligemnce class wen she becomes a teen. well then I think we should go. we shall meet back here at about 2is? Or 3ish? 3:30pm I think. Then they will of had the fun together after dinner. (Cindy goes off with Mim and Fiona)

Ok then! Lets go Timmy!(goes on bus)

oh points! (feeds timmy cone) Lets play bump! ffighting against a toddler with the spike. now a teen with nice teeth. Aww! we lost! Only got 80 points! playing get now. really easy Darn! Wasnt looking play agen!............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Geese! Took a long time! W00t! 100 points 2 go!

Timmy: Yay!

Got 2200 points now! :) off 2 tama town agen!


yay got it!

Timmy: YAY!!!

he's playing with it right now! aww don't tamatchis look cute when they smile? Anywayz g2g Bibi xx you say bi 2 Timmy

Timmy: Bi!!!!!!!!

Fiona and Timmy evolved into teens this morning! Fiona is a young mimitchi and Timmy is a duck thing with no wings or flippers. Unfortuantly I lost Timmy sumwhere.I got 2 find him. Il post back 2nite and say wat happened. We can find him Fiona! :eek:

W00t! Found ma tama. (ages ago hes not dead thank god)

Fiona: Awwww!

Fiona enough! Timmy is upstairs sumwhere in ma room. I need 2 excersize Fiona, I will play jump cuzu get 500points. 1 sec...Yay! Shes da right size now.Shes very intellagent now. 68 intellagence. I wanna get it up 2 80 early. Ma old tama left school wen she had fashion 40. And it was only wen she had her baby tht she took her job. I am trying 2 bond wiv Fiona at da mo, then its gonna b wiv Timmy. Im watching a film wiv em in a sec. and me and Fiona are gonna make sum profiterolls or cupcakes soon, Yum! I shall tell u wat will happen later 2day. Bibi

Fiona: LOLZ! L8erz!

Hmm, Fiona, u get ya results in ya test 2day! Soon u will be getting ya exams, I think ya exams are 2day actually!

Fiona: Na, they are 2moz. I dont wanna revise, Olly Oniontchi will think im a nerd. =(

fiona! He likes intellagent girls. And besides, he is keen on u, asking u out everyday. y dont u say yes?

Fiona: Cuz u kill me everytime i asked sum1 out!

Only cuz u were little ba then.

Fiona: So shall I say yes?

Yes! hes just rite 4 u! Anywayz u revise kk?

Fiona: (calls Olly) Kk...=)

Omg teen tamas these days.. (even tho im a teen)

C ya <_<

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Timmy died yesterday...4 sum reason cuz it was unhappy! thts stupid dont u think? Especially since i wanted ma tamas 2 fall inlove! My new tama is called Timmy aswell and hes only a toddler. im not ever putting him on pause. Poor Fiona has 2 be stuck on the screen 4 ages. Although im taking her 2 tama town in a sec. Did I mention she evolved in2 mimitchi? well she did. shes ever so adorable now. (she alwayz was anyway) Olly has went off 2 spain and mite b staying so Fiona is not happy wiv him. I hgope tiommy evolves in2 sumthing cute so hes easier 2 luv. Anyway g2g I am having a funeral 4 old Timmy.Dressing up Fiona as a tama angel (using the wings)mite come bac on soon. Do u no how 2 get a pyoncotchi on a v3? (i dunno how 2 spell it)If so plz tell me. Bibi

Fiona : Bye! :wacko:

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Fiona had a baby and left. I miss her. I had her 4 3 weeks. (put her on pause loads of times). Then she finally left the baby and went into the spaceship 2 tama planet. Her baby boy is a harutchi called Max. A harutchi. I am getting him to evolve into a debatchi. And my v3 tamagotchi (the new timmy) evolved into adult, had a baby, then died. Seriouslly, it died wiv the baby! No reason. I hav a toddler girl calledd Rosie. I will ad more tonight. Goodnite (morning)

I suposse its kk tht Timmy died anyway. He didnt hav much gdlooks or anytghing and couldnt bond wiv him. I put max on pause. He needs a nice toy 2 chear him up because i forgot 2 visit his mother. We shall in a min before school. The weeks gon so quick! (probs cuz im getting new teachers and stuff) only 2 days till weekend! thiursday (2day) and friday! MAybe I shall do a group hatching 2 celebrate. theres not much 2 say. i might giv Rosie a doll aswrell. shes asleep at the mo. Im bonding wiv Max so I need 2 put him on pause. The poor little thing is frozen. (well, i mean on pause) im taking him 2 tama town now. Darn! hes satill asleep. I will tell u wat wil;l happen in tamatown after school. Tatar! xx

Max: Zzzz


Max evolved into a young androtchi! and hes getting pretty excited tht hes going to b adult soon.

Max: I wanna b Debatchi!

Ye u gonna b 1, i seacrhed on ninternet and it sed how 2. So dont worry. U will b debatchi. But u do understand u will hav low training dont u?

Max: Ya, il do anything 2 become a debatchi.

Kk, gt ready 4 school tho. You havnt been there once!

Max: But I hav 2 hav low skill points!

Ohwell, go there so u wont be so dumb, if u do go, i will take u 2 your mothers.

Max: Ok, and can I by a CD? I want goth rock music and linkin park.

I hav goth rock music. Im alwayz playing it and my brother has linkin park.

Max: I want 2 listen 2 sum on my own. I want 2 hav sum parties.

Oh ye! I 4got tht 1 your friend Kevin had a party! Doesnt he hav his own music?

Max: No! Im bringing sum. Can I hav a party 4 my bday?

Yes, but dont get 2 drunk.

Max: Yay!

Yay! Rosies awake now!

Rosie: Morning!

Good morning.

Rosie:Can we go shopping??


Rosie: Plzzzzz? I want sum more clothes and sum music and a doll.

kk how many pointys do u hav?


Sure? Kk we can go shopping after school.

Rosie: But I need sum uniform!

Aww kk after Max has seen his mum.

Rosie: yay!

Max? U ready 2 visit mum?

Max: Not yet, I need sum breakie.

Kk u do tht. Fiona visited me at school and shes ahving a sleepover 2nite over here! Not by herself tho. Wiv her family (husband, kid) she had a baby girl and shes a memetchi like her grandma! Mimzys fine by the way. Mimzy is Fiona's mum and shes coming to the sleepover aswell, along wiv her husmand (Max's grandad)-

Max: im ready!

Rosie: Im not! (putting on make-up)

Rosie! You're much 2 young 4 tht!

Rosie: You put on make-up everyday and u r 12.

Well, im 13 in a few weeks, im becoming a teen, so i hav tht excuse. Its different 4 human teens, tama teens dont need 2 pretty themselves up. Humans do. Its against the rules 2 have makeup on a tama teen.

Rosie: So? Plz, just this once, im trying 2 impress this tama boy at school.

Fine, just this once.

Rosie: ty.

Are we ready now? off to tamatown! Max got 200 points from his mum!now rosies turn..she go her doll and wings! I wish i could get wings on v4s. i alwayz pretend they r angels wen they use them lolz. I hav 2 go. i may be on 2nite and wiv the entire family. Grandmas, granddads, max's parents and a few friends of Rosie's cuz she has me as family. bibi! :D

Max: Bye!

Rosie: Bi

My tamas should be evolving tomorrow! I think (and hope) Max is becoming a Debatchi! And Rosie I dont know. Its alwayz a suprise with my V3. You never know what they will evolve into. Im playing with Max now. Getting him to average weight. He has low training so it shouyld be Debatchi tomorrow. Im playing mimic. He won! Got 400points. I think it's one or 2 games to play then he will be average weight. Im playing bump and mimic at the same time in a sec! Fionas here! Did I tell you about her coming? Well she's here and we are having icecream for her 2! She's talking to Max and Rosie so they are not having thier say about this yet. Rosie's friends are coming in a min. Mimzy says hi. hmm, lets eaves drop in the tama families convo...

Mimzy (grandma) : Oh my! Havn't you grown Max! And you too Rosie! What nice teeth you have!

Fiona :mametchi: : Max wants to become a debatchi! You are going to have a nice pair of teeth too aren't you? :blink:

Josh (dad) :pyontitchi: Oh? So he is going to become a universal too? Just like your old pap.

Max : Yes. Are you ok with that? I have to hav low training.

Fiona : Ofcourse we are! You are going to be so hansome! But of course, you already are aren't you?

Rosie: is Katie and Tammy coming yet?

Yes they are. Tammy is a bit stuck in traffic and Katie is very kindly getting som more food for us :) .

Rosie: Kk (goes to watch TV)

Jamie (grandad) : How are you taking school, Max?

Max : It's all right. I have a maths test today.

Mimzy : I'm glad it's ok. Did you ask any of your friends to help you for these tests?

Max : Yes. Masie is helping me with maths. I am making her a tuna sandwich as a thank you.

Fiona :nazotchi: :That's very kind of you! Do you have any other friends? Whats are thier names?

Max : Yes. Kylie :kusatchi: , Jack :hitodetchi: , Alex :ph34r: and Berry ;)

Josh :pyontitchi:: Wow! You are quite popular!

Jamie : Well, he is very sociable. When your are older, will you be a bus driver? I hear you get a lot of money!

Mimzy : *snif* I wish we wern't going to evolve tomorrow into oldies! WAAAAA!! *cries*

Jamie : You are still very young on the inside and out.

Craig (Fiona's older brother) :furawatchi: : (walks into house) Hi there! I have a new job!

(everyone): Wow! Congrats! Which one?

Craig :I'm a doctor!

Fiona :mimitchi: : Wow! (hugs Craig) I had that job before! But now I'm a news reporter! If you have any questions, ask me.

Craig : Thanks sis!

(doorbell rings)

Rosie: I wil get that!

(Rosie opens door)

Katie :D :Hi there! Sorry we are late!

Tammy :nyatchi: : Wow! That traffic jam took hours!

Rosie: Hi guys! I bought this really cool game on my nintendo! Wanna play?

Tammy :wacko: : Sure!

Katie :ichigotchi: : Ok!

(the teen girls go)

I think we hav to go!

Fiona : Aww!

I ment stop typing and do something else sweetie.

Fiona : Oh! Ok!

Bye then! Be back tomorrow!

(everyone): Bye!!!!
