Love potion? V3s + V4s


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Mar 10, 2007
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Hi! I'm Tamabajka and I have two questions... They need to be answered... now!

1. I was just wondering, how do you use a luv potion??

I have 1 and I know you cant use it till ur an adult

2. Can my V4 fall in wuv with my cousin's V3?

She has a wuv potion, too...

You see, I've never tried this before and I don't wanna waste a free wuv potion...

[SIZE=14pt]HELLO? Can some1 help me[/SIZE] [SIZE=21pt]PLEASE?[/SIZE]
Hi! I'm Tamabajka and I have two questions... They need to be answered... now!
1. I was just wondering, how do you use a luv potion??

I have 1 and I know you cant use it till ur an adult

2. Can my V4 fall in wuv with my cousin's V3?

She has a wuv potion, too...

You see, I've never tried this before and I don't wanna waste a free wuv potion...
You use the love potion on your tama right before connecting with another adult tama of the opposite gender who has also used a love potion. When you connect, the chance of them making babies is increased expodentially.

And yes, a V3 and V4 can fall in "wuv." ;)

Don't expect people to post every few minutes. Sometimes people don't answer,and sometimes they wait a day or two to answer. Be patient.

'Don't expect people to post every few minutes. Sometimes people don't answer, ans sometimes they wait a day or two to answer. Be patient.'
Sorry. ;) :kuribotchi: :ichigotchi: I'm just impatient. :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :pochitchi: :mametchi:

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