Love Potion help?


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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2008
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Hi, I was just wondering- when using the love potion, do both of the tamas have to use it in order for it to work? Also, will it work even though they're different versions (one is a V3 and the other is V4)? And to use you just go to items and drink it, right?

Please do help, thank you! ;)

Hello there! Ok Let me answer you questions by the order that you have listed.

1. Well... I don't think you have to. I have done both. When one/both has had the Love Potion, and you have connected both Tamagotchis of the opposite genders and they are both Adults 3/4 Years old, they will fall in love and have Tama Babies. But if your Tamagothi is a young adult they will just fall in Love until you and the other tamagotchi are old enough. Remember they both have to be old enough.

2. Yes. It will work as far as I know.

3.Go to your items/Play icon on either Tamagotchi and select the Love Potion. It will only drink if an adult.

If I am false in any of my previous answers please let me know and send me a PM! I am here to help :D

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