Lots and Lots of Projects!


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2007
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There's a lot of ideas here,so please reply!

1.Tama Hammock

2.Tama-Bed(Big-sized for a lot of Tamagotchis)

3.TamaHolder for three

4.Tamagotchi Secret!!!(Look at this!This is a awsome idea for the people who want to secretly bring their Tamagotchis to school!)

For the Tama Hammock,you will need:



Two Blocks of Wood



First cut the fabric into the shape of a hammock that will fit your Tamagotchi.Get the two blocks of wood and glue the hammock-shaped fabric onto the two blocks of wood,connecting them.Get the chopsticks and glue the chopsticks under the blocks to connect them.Let the finished project dry.Tadaaa!The Tamagotchi Hammock is finished!!!

For the Huge Tama Bed,you will need:





Your Tamagotchi(s)

First mold the foil into the shape of a big bed.Use all of the foil if needed.Use fabric to cover the foil on top.Use more fabric to make a blanket and little pillow.Just like the little original Tama Bed,decorate the fabric/bed sheets with markers.At night when your Tamagotchi is sleeping you can put the Tamagotchis onto the bed and probably you can even keep it a place you can remember where you put your Tamagotchi!

For the TamaHolder,you will need:

White Clay


Your Tamagotchi

First mold the clay into a big space(not flat)that will fit three or less Tamagotchis.Press your Tamagotchi into the clay,two side by side if you don't have 3 Tamagotchis,or just plain three side-by-side.Take your Tamagotchi out of the clay.Let the clay dry.Later,paint the clay.Put your Tamagotchi in.Tadaaa!There you have the finished product!

For the last project(Tama Secret),you will need:

A stretchy sock that dosen't stink


Your Tama

Needle and Thread

Put your Tama into the sock.Cut the ends off until the sock fits your wrist.Sew the cut off ends EXCEPT one end.Trace your Tama's screen and cut it out.This may be hard:Feel where the buttons are and cut a rectangle letting the buttons show.Take your Tama out.Sew the the fitting ends together.Put your Tama in.NOTE:To keep your Tama from falling out,sew the open end,and let the IR connection thing show by cutting.

TO USE:Trick the teachers by telling them your Tama in a sock is a watch!!!

Nice ideas!! I shoudl try! I have one, but I never tried it:

Tama Drawer

1 Craft paint Drawer.

1 Wood Paints

5-10 Pictures of tamas small

1 Craft Glue

First, Paint the Drawer wit hthe paint and when you're done, let it dry. Then, when it's dry get glue on the paintbrush and then glue the tamagotchi pictures on the back and then paste it on the wood. Continue this till you're done. Then, you have a tama drawer! You can fit your necklace or charms in it if they fit, or your dead tamagotchis with dead batteries.

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