Log of the shiny V5!


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2007
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Hi readers.


This is my V5 log (duh). I have another one, 'Oo! Shiny Log' for my other tamas. Ehh, I hope I can keep track of both logs. :wacko:

My V5 is white with... things on.

Here are the stats:


Kuro Family

Bonding: 10%

Generation: one

Chamametchi: daughter. called Kira.

Mamekatchi: Son, called John

Shelltchi: Daughter, called Claudia.

Well, they keep asking me for training all the time, but only once did it raise their bonding!! :wacko: Is this normal? *sigh*....

more laterz! :eek:


-the Kuro Family

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YAY!! The triplets FINALLY got 20% bonding! :huh: Now, when I press the C button, Kira comes close to the screen!!









ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: ;)

lol. But she is! Claudia and John are too, but.... She's my fav. :eek: More to come later!!

-Flame :p

-The Triplets ;)

Tiny update......


I played tea time and got 70 dollars...


I can't afford anything in the shops... :blink:


that's all.

Lame but its all I got. :mellow:

-Flame ;) , and the triplets

[SIZE=14pt]Adulthood!!!!!!! [/SIZE] :D

Yup!! Kira, John and Claudia are ADULTS!!! :D I saw them this morning before I had to go somewhere (in which pausing was needed, sadly).

Here ish the out come!:


Kira: Lovezukintchi... :D lol weird name


John: Hatugatchi


Claudia: Watatchi

They're cute! Especially Claudia. ^_^


But... I'll miss the adorable teen that Kira once was... Oh well.

Don't be mad.... but...

I'm taking a [SIZE=14pt]SHORT[/SIZE] break from tamas. :D

No worries. I'll be back with them again in about a week, max. :p

-Flame :unsure:

[SIZE=14pt]And she gave herself a week's break... then forgot to unpause the tams...[/SIZE]

Yup yup. I'm pretty sure today (or yesterday since its 3 in the morning here... ooo I'm naughty...) is a week after I posted last, saying I was having a break. But I had things to do for a while today, and then when I got home I forgot, instead playing the Sims 2 for like... 5 hours :unsure: . Um Yeah, so.... Sorry. I have no activities tomorrow (exept maybe a short trip to Value Village), so I'll unpause and begin posting again!! :D Let me hear a "Yaaaay!! :D "


random people: Yaaaay


YEAH, thats what I'm talkin bout B) lol


Cya tomorrow,


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My V5 is fine right now. Nothing big has happened, just that I..... WON tea time!! :D

Yaaay! Oh yeah and, they asked me for music training or whatever. But didn't gain any bonding. :D *siiiiiigh* :rolleyes:

I'm sorry if this log is boring, there's just nothing I reall have to write about...

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[SIZE=14pt]Well, it seems...[/SIZE]

That John, Claudia, and Kira were taking a bath. Cute! Other then that, this morning, I think I missed their call for training. :furawatchi:

[SIZE=14pt]Bonding! [/SIZE] :D

Yup!! They've got 40% now!! And now, what they do is run off screen and then run back, and fall on their faces for some reason :(

Claudia: No fair!! I don't wanna get my cute face bruised by always falling!! :p


John: chill sis!!


Claudia: .........


Kira: *giggle* :D


Today, I woke up and... They were the Ninja family! :furawatchi:

I wish the ninja family weren't bad characters, they're so cute!

But anyway, so I fed them steamed bun and they're back to normal! :mellow:

Hey.... Yeah, been a while........ :( As I posted in my other log, I'm not too into Tamagotchi right now.

And I'm not gonna be posting here for a while until I like them again. ;)

I'm still here though, reading other's logs and posting other places! :D

Bye bye, tamalog! (for now)

-Flame B)

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