Log of Destruction III


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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2007
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Hi! I'm writing a new log for my much loved seventeen tamas. (The number is sure to change!) There are 2 V2s, 4 V3s, 4 V4s, 5 V4.5s, and 2 V5s. I have written two log of destructions previously and will post the links later.

The Tamagotchis

(All first generation)

The V2s

Sote is a three year old ringotchi, weighing 22 lbs. She is 8/9 trained.

Simon is a two year old ringotchi, and he weighs 23 lbs. He is fully trained.

The V3s

Spike is an eight year old otokitchi and she weighs 43 lbs. She is fully trained.

Agnes, "Aggie", is a three year old patapatatchi. She weighs 22 lbs and has a full training level.

Eliza is a 2 year old young mametchi. She weighs 22 lbs and is 8/9 trained.

My fourth v3 is experiencing error and I will write about him tomorrow.

The V4s

Kelsa is 3 years old and has recently evolved into Memetchi. She is fully trained and weighs 33 lbs. Her skills are as follows:

Intellectual- 80

Arts- 76

Social- 78

She works as a firewoman.

Toby is 4 years old and evolved into Marotchi two days ago. She has the low training of 4/9 and weighs 35 lbs. Skills:

Intellectual- 94

Arts- 100

Social- 97

Pratt is not even one year old. He is a Puchitchi. He has a training of 2/9 and weighs 14 lbs. Skills:

Intellectual- 13

Arts- 20

Social- 0

Remy is a three year old Memetchi. She has a training level of 7/9 and weighs 31 lbs. Skills:

Intellectual- 75

Arts- 76

Social- 75

The V4.5s

Lora is one year old. She is a Ura young violetchi. She has a training level of 6/9 and weighs 1 lb (?). Skills:

Funny: 79

Gorgeous: 76

Spiritual: 78

Mason is a 3 year old tsukkomitchi. She is fully trained and has a weight of 30 lbs. Skills as follows:

Funny: 78

Gorgeous: 76

Spiritual: 79

Poem was just hatched today and is a hitodetchi. She has a training level of 2/9 and weighs 14 lbs. Skills:

Funny: 25

Gorgeous: 11

Spiritual: 19

Polo weighs 32 lbs and is 7/9 trained. She is three years old and has evolved into a beautiful Purimatchi. Her skills are:

Funny: 77

Gorgeous: 80

Spiritual: 77

Bruce is a one year old Ura Young Mametchi. He weighs 20 lbs and has a training level of 7/9. Skills:

Funny: 77

Gorgeous: 76

Spiritual: 77

The V5s

The Bridg family has two brothers and a sister, in the sequence Brother-Sister-Brother. Bakutchi-Ichigotchi-Mamekatchi. They are 100% bonded and are a blended family.

The Small family also has two brothers and a sister, in the sequence Brother-Sister-Brother. Bakutchi-Ichigotchi-Korokotchi. They are also 100% bonded and are a blended family as well.

Et Cetera

Mating plans are as follows:

Spike &amp; Bruce

Toby &amp; Simon

Thanks for Reading and more tomorrow,

Kim (me), Simon, Sote, Spike, Aggie, Eliza, Elvis, Remy, Pratt, Toby, Kelsa, Lora, Mason, Poem, Polo, Bruce, the Bridg family, and the Small Family.


Wow, a lot has happened since I last wrote.

The day after this last post I left for a VERY hectic camping trip. I should've left them paused, but I did not. Because of this, I can only hope for the second generation to be short on masketchis and gozarutchis. Two pets (Aggie and Remy) Passed away.

In Aggie's place I hatched Hades, a boy.

In Remy's place I hatched Olive, a girl.

So far, Bruce has fathered five shirotsubutchis. First there was Lora, who had Flora. Next there was Eliza, who had Halia. Then there were the three still dependent babes, Poem's daughter which I plan to name Dedra. The other two were the twin products of Bruce and my youngest sister (who is five and a wonderful tamamama)'s pet, Rose. I plan to name mine Velva and the other twin's naming is still undecided.

Mason, with the help of the matchmaker, mated with a what looks to be a Matsuritchi to create Zelda.

Kelsa mated with a Pyontitchi and had Myth.

Polo had Oasis with a Yasaguretchi using the same method as the above two.

The only dependant little ones I have currently are Velva and Dedra.

Simon &amp; Sote mated to bear Lace (Simon) and Lotus (Sote), twin girls.

Toby mated with a pyontitchi via the matchmaker and had Tansy, another girl.

The V5s both used the dating show to move on to the next generation.

Growth News:

(I'm going to relate as much growth history as I can remember)

Elvis- Teletchi -&gt; Mitzutumatchi -&gt; Young Mametchi

Bruce- Tsubutchi -&gt; Tamatchi -&gt; Ura Young Mametchi -&gt; Ura Mametchi

Simon- Petitchi -&gt; Marutchi -&gt; Ringotchi -&gt; Gunjirotchi

Sote- Petitchi -&gt; Marutchi -&gt; Ringotchi -&gt; Masktchi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Polo- Shirotsubutchi -&gt; Kurobotchi -&gt; Ura Young Violetchi -&gt; Purimatchi

Poem - Shirotsubutchi -&gt; Hitodetchi -&gt; Ura Young Marotchi -&gt; Horoyotchi

Pratt - Tsubutchi -&gt; Puchitchi -&gt; Hinotamatchi -&gt; Simasimatchi (How cute!)

Kelsa - Shirotsubutchi -&gt; Mohitamatchi -&gt; Ichigotchi -&gt; Memetchi

Mason - Shirotsubutchi -&gt; Hitodetchi -&gt; Ura Young Marotchi -&gt; Tsukkomitchi

Lora - Shirotsubutchi -&gt; Kurobotchi -&gt; Ura Young Violetchi -&gt; Purimatchi

Aggie - Teletchi -&gt; Mitzutumatchi -&gt; Patopatatchi -&gt; Tarakotchi

Eliza - Teletchi -&gt; Mitzutumatchi -&gt; Young Mametchi -&gt; Tarakotchi

Spike - Teletchi -&gt; Tamatchi -&gt; Patopatatchi -&gt; Kutchipatchi!!!!! -&gt; Otokitchi

2nd generation etc.

Myth - Shirotsubutchi -&gt; Mitzutumatchi

Halia - Teletchi -&gt; Kuchitamatchi

Flora - Shirotsubutchi -&gt; Hitodetchi

Zelda - Shirotsubutchi -&gt; Tamatchi

Olive - Shirotsubutchi -&gt; ? -&gt; Ichigotchi

Lace - Petitchi -&gt; Marutchi -&gt; Hinotamatchi

Lotus - Petitchi -&gt; Marutchi -&gt; Propellortchi??? (It says adult on v2 character chart)

Oasis - Shirotsubutchi -&gt; Hitodetchi

Tansy - Shirotsubutchi -&gt; Harutchi -&gt; Hawaikotchi

Hades - Teletchi -&gt; Mitzutumatchi -&gt; Young Mametchi

Both V5 families had the adult stages of Sukatchi -&gt; Memetchi -&gt; Mametchi.

The Bridg family currently: Mattaritchi - Tororotchi - Ahirukutchi

The Small family currently: Hoshitchi
