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Dec 21, 2006
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[SIZE=14pt]Morino log 12.26.06[/SIZE]


Yesterday I checked the mail … a Morino tamagotchi was sitting in my mailbox! I am so excited. It was a Christmas gift from my brother. I quickly unwrapped him and looked at his egg. It is so cool looking, yellow with red and green leaves. So exciting. I brought him inside and pulled out that little tab. It beeped … and a Time and Date screen appeared, I quickly put the time and date in. Then, a white egg showed on the screen, but, it I pressed the A button, a checkered egg would appear. I was so excited. I chose the checkered egg. While it was bobbling up and down I decided to go watch a movie (Jackass 2 J). A few minutes later, I looked down at my morino to see that the egg had cracked open and a little worm called Imotchi had emerged. He kinda gasped at me for a few seconds, funny. Then he went upon his business and crawled back and forth. I went to the food menu and fed him three leaves, and what I’m going to call, grapes. I checked his status, and he was full leaves on food and empty on happiness. Quickly I went to the hat icon and played four games with him. The game is SO easy, and fun too! You have to guess where the leaf is, under which hat I mean. He was very pleased. As I continued to watch the movie he dropped a few leaves here and there, but all was mostly silent. I am very glad to see that this is such an easy tama to raise. He went to sleep in my pocket at 8 PM, with everything full except one happy leaf.


Morino Log 12.27.06


A great nights sleep. I love vacation. But my sleep was disturbed, I awoke at exactly 8 AM to a sound coming from my Morino. I hopped out of bed to check on him. Someone was trying to step on him! At 8 in the morning! I looked at the screen, little Imotchi was gasping as a footprint was growing closer and closer. I quickly pressed my fingers repeatedly against the screen, then I noticed the attacker was gone! Imotchi was so glad. I checked his status, full on hunger, and that empty leaf from yesterday … full. I guess he gets happy when I save him J. He weighed 14 milligrams. The day went on, and all was very peaceful. I felt comfortable enough to put him on top of my piano. Big mistake. I went to play guitar hero, and when I came back to check on Imotchi, he was in bandages, with a poop by him. That attacker returned, and succeeded. I felt pretty bad. I should’ve just kept him in my pocket. Poor Imotchi. Well, I healed him up, got him off his crutches, flushed that poop off the screen, and all was good. The day besides that has been very peaceful. Morino is a really cool tamagotchi. While I was playing Zelda on the Wii, all of the sudden I hear a set of beeps coming from Morino. Quickly I put the controllers down and saw that he was under attack again!! I pressed B and quickly rapped my thumbs against the screen, instantly the attacker was away. I have named the attacker George. Little Imotchi went to bed while we were at Walmart. He is currently 1 year old and 16 milligrams, full on everything. I just hope he doesn’t get attacked again tomorrow … George has a way of sneaking up on him when I’m away. My brother wants to get a devilgotchi or an angelgotchi. That should be interesting.


Morino Log 12.28.06


Wow, I was up till two o clock in the morning because I had Starbucks yesterday. I am so sleepy. When I woke up at 10 today to see that Imotchi was empty on two hungry leaves and one on happiness! Poor guy. I quickly fed him some leaves and played the hat game with him. As I was putting him down he began gasping at me. What was happening? George was back!! I pressed B and slammed my fingers onto the screen and George scampered away. Imotchi is 2 years old and 18mg. I’m trying to keep him around a bulky 20 mg, he started out at 10 mg, but morino tamagotchi gain a lot of weight when they go into their cocoon, Kabutotchi’s minimum is a whopping 80 mg! He got attacked again while I was in the car, and I saved him. I hope that George will lay down on his attacks when little Imotchi becomes a Kabutotchi! Imotchi went to bed today in my pocket at Pasta Fina with full hunger leaves, and one leaf missing on happiness L. He weighs a plump 20 mg.


Morino Log 12.29.06


This morning George attacked again J, I scared him off though. It’s funny how little Imotchi is so scared of George. After I scared off George, Imotchi was still gasping at me. I looked at the clock to see that it was 11 in the morning! Imotchi had been up for three hours! I quickly checked his stats, empty on hunger, and almost empty on happiness. This is so scary! I fed him two grapes and two leaves and played the game with him twice, once I got three out of four leaf guesses, and it gave me two leaves filled on his happiness bar! That’s a really good feature. I flushed his poop off the screen and everything was good. I think today will be a normal day with him. He is 22 mg and 3 years old. One thing I want to comment on is that the screen saver feature is NOT as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be. It’s a really cool feature. I know if Imotchi is injured if his overhead dot isn’t moving. And it only takes a quick tap to bring it back to up-close view. So, if you are edgy about getting a morino just because of the screen saver feature, don’t be. The screen saver is WAY exaggerated and is a really good feature.


Update: Well, it’s ten o’ clock and morino is in bed. I want to let people know about something though , I don’t think the touch screen feature is “real”. Today, Imotchi got attacked by George, and all I did was press B and George ran away…I didn’t even touch the screen! This is really weird to me. Everyone made such a huge deal about how it was touch screen. Oh well, it really isn’t that big a deal. Also, my brother bought an Angelgotchi! Oh yeah. Good to see other members of the fam getting into tamagotchi.


Morino Log 12.30.06


Good day. George only attacked twice, and not in the morning. I went to the mall and got my haircut, so I put Imotchi on silent. I didn’t want him to distract the hair stylist. After the hour long haircut, I checked him, and he was missing two leaves on hunger and happiness. I quickly fed him two leaves and I figured I would play the games with him later. A few minutes later I checked him again, he had pooped J, so of course I flushed the screen. About ten minutes later, we got in our car and I checked him again. The above screen view showed no sign of movement, the dot representing him was motionless. I panicked, I was scared that George must have attacked him. Quickly I pressed A, and saw that he was not on the screen, but a cocoon was! He had gone into his cocoon, I am so excited, I thought he wasn’t going to for two more days! I checked his temperature, and it was on FULL cold. Scared that he would freeze to death, I adjusted it to heat. I was waiting and waiting for the cold that it will take a long time for it to change. It is now 7 PM, and I changed the heat on at 5:30 PM, and I expected the meter to slowly go to heat, but it didn’t. Minutes turned into an hour, and still no change. I am very worried, it hasn’t adjusted at all! I wonder how long he can stand the cold. Poor guy. I just hope tonight he heats up a little and can survive, I really want him to stick around for a long time J. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow at 5 PM!


Morino Log 12.31.06


New Years Eve!! I am so glad we had such a great year. I hope you all did too. Little Imotchi was in his cocoon all night, I kept my flashlight by my bed so I could check on him. The temperature I found out was on medium yesterday, not cold, I was confused on how to read the dial. The cocoon remained at stable temperatures throughout the night, I had to adjust it to cold once, then back on with heat. I lost a bit of sleep worrying about him (because I thought he was going to die). I awoke this morning to see that he was just fine, still in his cozy cocoon. I just had to wait till 5 o clock. I know that’s when he went into his cocoon yesterday. 1 PM rolled around and I had to adjust it to cold again. Everything was running smoothly. Then, at 5:28 PM, I heard a really neat tune coming from little Morino. I quickly grabbed the egg and looked at the screen. He hatched!! He survived!! Everything is good!! Kabutotchi stood center screen. A big difference from Imotchi. He is so cool. He is sitting on my desk watching me type this actually J. When he gets mad and glad he is really funny. I am so excited that he didn’t freeze, that was my initial thought … then when I saw Kabutotchi I was thrilled! Everything is going great. He is full on everything, and he is 4 years old, 80 mg, and 33.5 millimeters. I am so glad I have my little morino!


Morino Log 1.1.07


Another year gone, a new one to come! Happy New Year everyone! (that rhymes I think!) My little Kabutotchi has had a good day, mostly. I forgot to bring him in my pocket when we went out to town today and I came back and he was in bandages!! George got him while I was away! That is sooo terrible. I got him healed up and back to his normal self. He is so cool. He is 34.9 mm right now. Growing fast! I am surprised to see that Kabutotchi is actually more needy than Imotchi. BUT, with the new snack feature, it makes him actually easier. The far right snack gives two hungry hearts AND two happy hearts. Raising little Kabutotchi has been a breeze. I am excited to be able to care for him when I come home from school. Speaking of school … school starts tomorrow. Dang it. Oh well, I’m kinda looking forward to it. Good night everyone, and Happy ‘07!


Morino Log 1.3.07


Not too many logs, basically because there isn’t much to say! Kabutotchi has been doing very well. He has survived out in the wilderness, often by himself, as I have been very busy lately and cant pay as much attention to him as I once did. George attacked him yesterday and succeded, when left Kabutotchi in bandages and a crutch again. Poor guy! But, he has grown sooo much. Last log he was 33.1 mm, now he is 37.4 mm! He is growing up so fast. He is currently 7 years old. School started again, and I have him paused during the day and I unpause him around 5 o clock. He weighs a whopping 99 mg … the max. I cant seem to find an easy way to work his weight down, but of course, he seems to be doing quite well!


Update: I have discovered something exciting. By feeding your Morino the snack on the far right of the food menu, it instantly helps him grow.


Morino Log 1.7.07


Kabutotchi is getting old … 10 years. And yes, it shows. This morning I awoke at 9:15 and he was getting attacked by George. After I saved him, I checked his stats and he was empty three hunger leaves … and it had only been an hour since he woke up. I have noticed he is dropping leaves more quickly. I worked his weight down to 80 mg again, he is 40.2 mm in size, and all I feed him are leaves. I want him to stay here for a long time. He is my favorite tamagotchi I have ever hatched. It’s always a pleasure to see him tossing his arms up and down … almost like he is waving. It just gets kinda sad this time around … when a tamagotchi gets old and needy, because you know that they are going to pass away soon. I hope my last few days with him are great, he really has made a great companion and someone to look after while they are in my pocket. I would recommend that everyone gets a morino tamagotchi. It is very easy to get attached to a Morino tamagotchi. I think it is because you feel more of a guardian than you do with other tamagotchi. Simply, because you have to fend off attackers, the reward is a happy leaf and a very smiling Imotchi, and the cocoon stage is when care is of most importance, this is a stage when many Morino tamagotchi die. It is so gratifying to have a Morino tamagotchi, and to be able to care for him. When he passes … I will always remember him as more than my first Morino, but my first Tamagotchi Friend.


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