Log for my MINI tamagotchi


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Feb 24, 2006
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Welcome to my new log - a day in the life of a mini tamagotchi. Not very many people on tama talk have minis, so I thought it might be a good contrast.Let me begin...

My soon to be baby tamagotchi, is currently in it's egg - 6:48 AM

A lovely tamagotchi has emerged from it's shell. It is a cute little babytchi (female)- 6:56

I turn off the ligts for her, since it is still early - 6:57

I will fill you in on whatever happens! Tune in often to see how it's doing

I was doing a little research about my little babytchi. Here's what I found out:

Wakes at: 9:00 AM

Sleeps at: 8:00 PM (Also takes 5 min. naps)

general description:

Sweet little baby girl. Funloving little creature, needs constant care and attention.

Just now I have thought of a name for my little babygotchi:

Fille, which actually means girl in French. I will call her by this, although the mini dosen't require for your tama to be named.

Yay, Fille!

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Here is what happened to Fille during today.

Woke up - 9:00 AM

Fed her a meal - 9:01 AM

Paused her from 9:15 AM - 2:20 PM (usually I would not have done this, but during school I have to)

Fed her a snack - 2:20 PM

Fed her a meal - 2:23 PM

Fed her a meal - 2:55 PM

Fed her a snack - 3:32 PM

Fed her a meal - 3:57 PM

Fed her a snack - 4:27

Observations: Fille is not nearly as dependable as I thought she would be. She did not need accessive care, although I tended to her throughout the day. She likes to bounce around alot, and walk around the screen, away, and back. She is a very good tama! :)

I just found out something very helpful about mini tamagotchis. To know if they are hungry (or need anything in general) you can press the 'c' button. If they are hungry, a little swirly thing will appear next to them.

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More happenings on my new tama, so read up and tell me what you think!

4:36 PM - pooped(ew), and I cleaned it up

5:08 PM - Fed her a meal

5:15 PM - paused

6:33 PM - unpaused

Fille has also started her own diary, with daily posts, here it is!

Monday, March 13th - 6:39

Dear Diary, Yay! I finally got my new diary!! Okay, so first let me tell you something about myself. My name is Fille, I am a babytchi tamagotchi. I love bopping around, and playing. I am very independent, and love a good laugh. Guess what? I got my new issue of Tama Weekly today. I just subscribed to it, and I think it is a very well written magazine, I love it!Sincerely,


Just more updates!!!

6:44PM - Fed a meal

7:31PM - Fed a snack

7:36 PM - Fed a meal

Also, here is a description of my mini tamagotchi:

purple w/ purple, blue, and white bubbles. The buttons are yellow, and the backround looks kind-of like a checkerboard.


Not many new updates, but here they are:

8:00PM - Lights out!

Ah ha! I have just discoverd why my tamagotchi was so independent when it was only a baby. I don't think it's a baby after all! It must be a Marutchi! Here's what I found out about it:

From one site, I got a description that said "spoiled little brat that loves to roll around" but Fille certainly dosen't seem like a brat to me! But I got from many sites that it loves to roll around, and that is very true. And I found out it poops about every 1 half hours, and that has been exactly true for me, so I guess Fille is a Marutchi!

Fille also has another diary entry!

Dear Diary, I just finished reading the issue of Tama Weekly! There was a really great article about a mimitchi who climbed the tallest mountain ever!! (I'm blanking on the name right now, but when I remember I'll tell you) I hope someday that I'm a groun-up mimitchi like that! But for now, I'm just a toddler.

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More happenings (from yesterday)!

9:00AM - Woke up

9:06AM - paused

3:02PM - un - paused

3:04PM - Fed a meal

3:35PM - Fed a snack

3:51PM - pooped (don't worry I cleaned it up!)

4:05PM - Fed a meal

4:11PM - Fed a meal

4:41PM - Fed her a meal

5:07PM - paused

8:00PM - bedtime!

8:30PM - un-paused

Another diary entry from Fille!

Dear Diary, I don't have much to say, except that I'll be a teenager soon! I can't wait!



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Yay! Fille is now officially a Kuchipatchi!! *celebrates* What's weird though is dhe skipped the teenage stage and went right on to be an adult - hmm...

About Kuchipatchi:

Laidback and loveable, but not very bright, is what I got from one result. And this from another: Average tama, mild and lazy, but very romantic.

Today's happenings:

9:00 - Woke up

9:11 - paused

3:05 - un-paused

3:33 - Fed a meal

4:00 - paused

6:43 - un-paused

7:10 - Fed a meal

Fille has another diary entry for you! Read it below.

Dear Diary, I am officaily an adult!!! A Kuchipatchi, to be exact! Ohh, I'm soo exicted! There are so many things I can do now as an adult; stay up later, wake up earlier, get more meals, oh it's going to be awesome! I just hope I don't get too old too soon!

10:00PM - went to bed

10:00AM - woke up

10:11AM - paused

5:30 - un-paused

6:02 - Fed a meal

6:16 - pooped and cleaned it up

7:04 - Fed a meal

7:33 - Fed a snack


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