Lime and Creams Tama Log


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May 9, 2006
Reaction score
~1:30 P.M.~

I Got a bright green package in the mail today. I wasn't expecting my tama

for 2 more weeks.

~1:40 P.M.~

I ripped the package open to find my Lime and Cream colored Tama. So I yanked

the tab.

~1:42 P.M.~

The little egg hatched! I found a boy in the egg! I thought, hmm... I shall name

him LIME and he shall be mine, My Little LIME.

~2:16-2:20 P.M.~

LIME took a nap, awh! sooooooo cute! When he woke up, i bought him a ball.

He keeps falling off the ball... It's soooo sad.


~2:44 P.M.~

He changed into a Mizutamatchi! AWH! It's lumpy!!


LIME was a present from my mom. I couldn't find a V.3 in the store, so she let

me order one off of E-Bay. I ordered him not even a week ago! It came from

Hong Kong! I live in the U.S. So I was soooooo suprised! It is So awsome looking.


I will post later,

* Lime and Cream *

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Well, LIME is doing fine, I bought him an action figure earlier today and he loves it! :mellow:

Lime has 2 training bars, AWSOME!

I'll Post later!

Love Yall! :mellow:

Hey peoples! Wats up? LIME is doing fine, he just turned one years old! AWH! He hasn't changed yet though :lol: I want to see what he turns into...

He's rolling around the screen right now, but HE HASN"T CHANGED! :D

I'll try to post when he does!


* LIME AND CREAM * :huh:


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