Lilly's V2 Logs


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2005
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I got my tama's around 6 somethin on the 23rd of December, 2005, as an early Christmas present.

My mom got me True Friends Camo tama's (purple and yellow), and a mini tama).

I started them up right away, frustrated with the annoying plastic container they come in. First was my yellow camo, then purple. I set yellow camas time and then purples.

Yellow hatched into a Puchitchi, I named him Tama, after my tama on the GB game. Quickly after, purple hatched into a Siropuchitchi, I named her Ella. I played with them a bit and then had to go shopping. I took them with me. On the way to the car, they fell asleep. First stop was Toys 'R Us. While in Toys 'R Us, I was holding them and heared beeps. Tama was awake. After playing, he aged into a Hitodetchi. Almost right away, he fell asleep. Then Ella woke up and aged into a Marutchi. Before I could even look at her, she was asleep. It took me awhile before I knew what she was. They stayed asleep and are currently sleeping as I type this.

I took them to the mall, attatched to my pants. I would have kept holding them but I had to hold other things. I came home after a few hours and started up my mini. It's a blue one with a green circle around it and a pink little.. blotch at the bottom. I put her at the wrong time so I could play a bit. I named her Mini even though you cant actually name the mini's. I was a little sad at how lame it was, but atleast she's cute. I eventually put the time on actual time because she had just been hopping around for a long time, doing nothing (about 30 minutes to 1 hour). I don't plan on changing her battery when it goes, so I'll probably just attatch her to my purse and use her as an accessory. Oh and she looks like Ella did when she was a baby.

Plans: Tama and Ella have a baby, name it Tala. Since their will be two (I think), name the other one something (NOT Elma cause I don't like that name, mom suggested it, maybe Tella or Tell or Mala). Yeah, Tala and Mala would be cute.

Right now, all three of them are napping. I can't wait until tomorrow (or rather, later today).

Yesterday wasn't very eventful. Ice (my friend) met my tamas and I gave her a present.. a v2 tama! She only had a v1. She only saw them sleeping because we got their a bit later than planned so we couldn't connect, but that's okay.

Today was Christmas and I opened my new tama. It was a girl, named her Ali. I was going to name her Aisha (after Ice) but for whatever reason I didnt. I really wish I had, because Aisha named her tama that I gave her after me (we have the same shell, which is beachish). Ali aged into a hitodetchi.

Some time around then, Tama aged into a Ringotchi. I wasn't paying attention and missed it :D a few minutes later Ella became a Ringotchi as well. I hope that's good. Another time during the day, Mini became a Mametchi. Too bad she's a mini and not very fun, but atleast Mametchi is so cute! It's one of my favorite tamagotchis! I can't wait for Ali to age, I want to see what she becomes! I'm hoping for a Young Mametchi.

I finally found out how to connect! As of currently, Ella and Tama have 2 smilies with each other. Both of them have one with Ali.

I am going to make a shorter version here. Will continue with my logs because someone asked me to.

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I havn't wrote anything in a long while, been very busy. Tama became a Pyonchitchi, Ella became a Mametchi! I'm so happy :rolleyes: They had babies (more on that later). Ali became a Furawatchi. I'm incredibly happy because those are my 3 most favorite ODD generation tamas.

I went to my Nanny's house on 12/31/05. I was playing with my baby cousin named Hayden, he's two, and sat on the couch to check on my tamas. Well he saw me pressing the buttons and walked over, grabbed the necklace they were on, and lifted it up, asking me to take it off and give it to him. So I did, I wanted to see what he would do. He put it around his neck. Aisha's niece, also 2, did the same thing when I was visiting with her. It was so cute. Since I have 4 tamas, he didn't want to stay with just one, he'd press all the buttons (mainly A and C) over and over and then switch to the next one. He didn't do any harm though, worst he did was put my mini in set time mode, but didn't press anything after that.

Ali changed that day. That's also when Tama and Ella had their twin daughters, Mala and Tala. Today, 12 AM, Tama and Ella left them. It was sad, but now Mala and Tala, who at Kinakomotchi's, are happy and independant.

I'm really sick. I'm feeling better now because of the medicine, but I woke up with a throbbing headache. It took me about 5 minutes to realize, "OH CRAP! I fell asleep at 10:00 because I was resting since I wasn't feeling good, and I forgot to pause my tamas!" And I woke up at 11. I hurried, throbbing headache and all, to my tamas. Tala had only 2 food hearts, only 1 happy heart, and had pooped. Mala was the same, except she had 2 happy. Ali.. well.. Ali had left during the night. I will get to that later :angry:

Mala changed into an Ichigotchi, Tala into a Hinatchi. Ali and a random ChoHimetchi got married and had a little boy. Ali left last night, as I had said, and I named her son Pete. My friend wanted me to name him Pete2 but I couldn't, so she'll have to settle for Pete. Her Ipod is named Pete (which explains the Pete2). An hour later, Pete became a Kinakomotchi. A little while later, while playing a game with Tala, I heared a noise. A beautiful noise. Luckily the game was over, so I looked at Mala. She was becoming as.. MARUMIMITCHI! I knew Tala would be changing soon too, so a minute or two later... she became a.. MIMITCHI! I'm so happy, I never thought I'd get this lucky! I've had almost all my favorite characters and I'm only on generation 2! I can't help but stare at them, they are so beautiful. I was so sure I'd get bad adults because of them waking before me. I'm planning on taking their pictures either today or tomorrow.

I also plan on keeping Mala away from the matchmaker for a few days. Why you ask? I want her and Pete to get married. :(

Also, I moved the website to a better host. Aisha cant go to the other one without it messing up her comp.
