lilgirl12's Awesome Tama Log


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Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Hello and welcome to my log. I got a battery for my tamagotchi and I got a girl.



Name: Snow!

Age: 0

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Stage: Baby

Weight: 15 lb

Training Points: 0


If you have any questions or advice just send me a message. I don't know what weight is healthy or when to feed it. I am a beginner so any help would be appreciated.


Snow just pooped for the second time. 12:07am. > it up :)


Yuck. All happy now ;)


Playing Jump..and I won 20p. I now have 66p. :hitodetchi: I'm poor.


Anyway I'll update you later!




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She is now 13 lb and I now have 90p. Snow! has pooped more and now she is asleep. Message me if you know how long she will sleep!






EDIT: Snow! is now awake. She has 3 hungry hearts and 4 happy. I fed her a meal now she is okay.


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Snow cried so I praised her and now she has one training point! She also pooped some more. She is 16 lb and has 4/4 in hunger/happiness. She is doing great!



Snow has turned into a toddler! She is the star shape now. Someone message me and tell me what it's called please.


Snow: Hi everyone. im so happy


aww isnt she a cutie


bye x


EDIT: Hitodetchi :lol:


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Information Update:

Name: Snow!

Age: 0

Gender: Girl

Training Points: 1

Weight: 24 lb

Points: 766

Happy: 4/4

Hunger: 4/4


Snow is doing fine! She hasn't pooped at all lately and she lost a lot of weight. Earlier she was 50+ pounds but then I played games to get money and lose weight. It worked!


I bought some shrimp so I now have 676p. Still a lot!


:lol: : Hi everyone! lilgirl12 gave me some shrimp. It was yummy. I also lost over 20 pounds. I love her so much!


So cute! :huh:


Bye x



Snow is now 20 lb and we are on Level 2 in bump...round*..aww she lost. We did get 40p! Now we have 976p in total! She pooped once and then she called me for no reason so I put her on a time out. She is now at 20 training bars!


She's too shy right now to talk..I'll update later!


Bye x :angry:


Weight: 28 lb


Snow pooped as a child! Wow. She hasn't pooped in ages and yay! That shows her bowels are moving. :angry: Anyway :angry:



Snow cried so I praised her. She now has three training bars. She weighs 23 lb.


:hitodetchi: : I can't wait to grow tomorrow!





Snow has not pooped in a while, she is currently 35 lb and asleep though I have been changing the time. B) Anyway she is turned into a teenager today! Around 1:30pm will be her transformation :( I want it to be now!


:) :Zzz...





Satus Update:

Hearts: 4/4 Happy 4/4 Hunger

Points: 1425p

Training Bars: 4

Weight: 16 lb


Snow is two hours away from evolving. I'm so excited! We played more games and got more money. She pooped twice today..I think. I can't really remember.





My hitodetchi turned into a ringotchi!! I tried toplay heading but was bad at it. Also after she evolved she pooped straight away. :p


Age: 1

Hearts : 4/4 Happy 4/4 Hungry

Training: 5 (She cried so I praised her)

Weight: 28 lb

Points: 1438p



Dang there is no smiley for a ringotchi. Oh well.


Snow: I'm a teen! I'm so happy. She fed me some cereal, ice cream and some bread. It was good. I am having a very happy healthy life. I love her!



