Lighten Up Somebody's Day


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2008
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The purpose of this is to make somebody's day brighter and maybe make them laugh. Here's something funny that happened to me.

Okay, one day on the school bus my friend said, "Look at that guy. He's talking to himself!" I told her he probably had one of those ear things in and was talking to someone but he didn't! He wasn't holding a phone at all and several times I've seen him talking to a 'Stop' sign and yelling at a tree.

Now, say something funny too!

The week before last, it was break, and Katie and I were in the music room, and our teacher asked us to go get something from the hall.

The hall has a huge stage and we were singing and dancing behind the curtains.

After 5 minutes of us singing and dancing, someone opens the curtains. It was our deputy principal.

She asked us to leave, because year 12 exams were going on.

:) LOL.

I can't think of anything funny at the moment.

But I found this insanely hilarious (it's what Starry said in another topic):

Um, Maroon.

'Cause right now I have a maroon colored yarn, and the yarn makes me think of knitting.

And it makes me think of you lolol.

I don't know why, but I've been finding everything funny lately.

: D I'm also very odd lately.

Well, where to start; our form/class is bonkers...

The other day in Drama, we were impersonating (so basically taking the mick out of) our teachers, and two of the boys were have a pretend-fight for whatever reason, and one boy ripped the other's shirt which wasn't meant to happen. I guess you had to be there... and then, one of the same boys :D and a girl were annoying each other and the girl picked up a chair and started advancing on the boy who was trying to leg it... that's actually normal in our form, but usually she knocks the tables over XD...

Also, once in French, Miss was telling us about the number system being different in Canadian French, than normal French. One boy asked: "Why can't we learnt Canadian French then?"

Miss replied: "We're not in Canada!"

The boy then said: "Well, we're not in France either!"

It was so funny cos Miss couldn't get out of it...

These are not the best... I might post more if I can think of more :)

Sofai and I wanted to tick off some kid in our class. I walked up to her, and was all ":DDD OMGOMG YOU'RE AWESOME! DO YOU THINK I AM???". She nodded, then I ran off screaming "HEY EVERYBODY! GUESS WHO'S MY NEW BFF??"

I can't think of anything funny at the moment.But I found this insanely hilarious (it's what Starry said in another topic):

Um, Maroon.

'Cause right now I have a maroon colored yarn, and the yarn makes me think of knitting.

And it makes me think of you lolol.

I don't know why, but I've been finding everything funny lately.

: D I'm also very odd lately.

That makes me proud.

I find somethings my friend say hilarious, but I just can't remember.

In gym class, we were playing soccer. Me and my BFF HATE soccer, so we were clowning around in the center, and this is what i did. (embarassing much?)


I'll probably post a video of me dancing that. I got it off TV.

And during the middle of a french exam, (dead quiet mind you) My Best friend shouted really really loud "PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!"

She got detention, but she didn't care, since I was (literally) rofl.

And in math class, (my group, being nutty as usual) We were clowing around. I'm like "You know, they should really make a TV show on our math group. We'd be more popular than Big Brother! And NOTHING is better than Big Brother" And everyone in my group agreed with me. And NO WAY was I stopping at that. "We could be all like talking like normal, than all of a sudden...... 'STOP! IT'S COOKIE TIME!' and then we could have eraser wars.. *throws erasers everywhere* haha! OOH! And you can't forget a classic move! *hops on chair and dances randomly* RANDOM DANCING!!!" and everyone laughed. Thank god the teachers were using the washroom at the time.

Yes, everything *that was written like this* i did. So I DID throw my erasers everywhere, and hopped on my chair and started to dance.

My brother sliced his finger last night :) He was singing and stuff and the next minute "-Slice- @#$%%^&*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1111!!!!!!!one!!!!!1!!11!!!!!"

Good old Kyle :)

I was rocking out to Nine In The Afternoon in the radio and Katie started filming it. I was wearing a sleeveless shirt and I had my arms up, and she goes "SHAVE YOUR ARMPITS!" and I'm like "SHAVE YOUR CHEST!"

Most awkward conversation ever; Our office lady lol Mrs Rose walking into BWS [ALCOHOLICCCCC] and when she comes out, all my friends and I start talking to her lmaoooo, she's like "Oh... What are you all doing at the shops here?"


Me and my bff kaeleigh called this guy from our class, and this is how the convo went. H=him, m=me, and k=bff



H-Hello? Who is this? *huff huff huff*

M-Tori and Kaeleigh.


H- Well, I don't know who this is, so I'm gonna go now. *huff huff*

M-Uh oh. OK!

K- hehehehe ok!

H-Bye! *huff huff huff*

So, yeah, we three wayed, and when he hung up, we started laughing so hard we couldn't talk.


And another time, we called Kaeleigh's crush and he had to go to dinner, so we just shrugged it off and hung up. Then we called the guy from our class again and he had to go to dinner, and we started getting fasicinated. To prove my theory, we called my crush and he had to go to dinner too. My theory: guys eat dinner pretty often. xD


One time when we called a guy from my class, he said he would call back after dinner. We waited all night, and he never called back. So, about a week later, my friend says, "Oh my God! I can't believe he is still eating dinner!! I didn't know it would take this long!" and we both busted out laughing, and I fell off my bed.


When my cat was alive and younger, I would throw a paper ball at him, he would stand on his hind legs, pull his front paw back, and hit the paper ball back to me. I would start running, and he would attack my feet. He always won.


I heard fireworks. So I looked, and saw a flash of light. I was like "ZOMG" and started cheering, but It was a firefly


I lit a Jumping Jack thing and when I was running to the porch I fell. xD. I didn't get hurt, though.


And I went to look out the window to look at fireworks, But I tripped, hit my gut and fell through the screen



Me & my friend were just about to go to form

When we noticed this boy from class walking to his form.

We decided to randomly start chasing him.

He look behind him, saw us running.

He started walking fast.

Look behind again. Nearly fell over.

Looked behind again, the terror on his face

was halirious.Then he started sprinting.

Don't think we were bullying him or anything, hes our friend.

Hes embarassed now lo. We always wind eachother up.

I was talking to this guy who sits next to me in maths

& then all of a sudden him & his chair were on the floor.

I was like WHERD HE GO? lol.

Oh oh oh!

When I was eating, I went inside for a bit and came back and a squerl was eating my food. >:


Me and my cousins were watching the Canada Day fireworks (We can see them from our driveway, without paying. :D ) and one of them took a lawn shair and sat in the middle of a sidewalk to watch them. XDDDD

I'm a very spontaneous person.

I was walking through the shops with my friends and thought "I wonder if I yell... Will it echo?"

And I yelled.


... It didn't. :)

An orange spider was comming to eat me. And it went all over my phone. So I started freaking and I killed it. And my friend was all "OMDZ DID YOU JUST KEEL THAT SPIDER." And I said "Um...yeaaaah. :s" So she hit me with her bag and I fell. And tripped like 4 people up Lol. It was like I fall, Joey and Lee are running they fall over me and Leah came to see what was happening 'cause all she heard was thud thud and she fell and kicked me in the side then a big (xD) Girl fell on all of us. I almost died laughing after everyone got to there feet.

Two teachers were laughing there socks of at us and my other friend was all day like "I shoulda filmed that on my phone you guys wanna do it again!?" Minor Injurys Lol Joey had a bruise on his leg from when he feel on his knee, Lee had a cut on his wrist from my braclet, Leah got nothing and the Other girl well I dunno she got up and ran off.

I have a masive bruise from were Leah kicked me ;p.

Mind it was outside our class we were waiting for our teacher thats why so many of them in the same class piled on top of me the girl.. I think she was just comming past Lol not looking were she was going.

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I was singing songs (lots of them with swear words, like B!tch, D*mn, H3ll, cetra cetra) and I was singing the swear words. I was at my friends house, and then my friend's mum came upstairs, and stared at me like o.0-that-girl-has-issues.


and my best friend came over, and I'm like "Wanna rootbeer float?" and she's like "No thanks. I don't drink beer."

WTF? Rootbeer is pop, NOT alcohol.

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