Let's Go! Tamagotchi Version 4.5!


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Jan 19, 2007
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:lol: B) :wacko: :furawatchi: [SIZE=14pt]!Tamagotchi V4.5![/SIZE] :D :wacko: B) :lol:

Welcome.... welcome... one and all to the famous Flib's Tamagotchi Log!! *clap*

Ok, well he's not really famous, but whatever...

This tamagotchi log is a log like no other. We have pizazz, we have color, and most of all, we have...

well nothing really. Just a tamagotchi log with a few things here and there. But it would still be nice if you read it, because let me tell you this, it WILL be interesting and funny, whether you like it or not!


Lets get down to business.

So, around 7 tonight, I decided to start up my V4.5, that died about a year ago with tons of money, items, and pretty much everything. I set the time and date and before I knew it, the egg hatched. Yaay! A boy! I couldn't quite think of a good name for a boy tamagotchi, so then I thought of my favorite Animal Crossing character, Filbert. Obviously, I couldn't fit Filbert in there, so I thought of Filb. Nope, that sounds weird. How about...

[SIZE=14pt]Flib! [/SIZE]

Yee haw~

And so I decided his full name would be Fliibert. But I really dont know why.

I played a few games with him, fed him, and then decided to take him to Tamatown for his first visit.

Bad idea.

I had still gotten some gotchi points(I think about 7500...) and a few items, but when I returned, Flib was sick, hungry and there were about 3 poops(xD) next him. Wonderful.

A few more games later, while I was doing homework, I heard the evolution noise. Yess! Finally! I thought. No more baby! And right before my eyes, little Flib turn into a....(im sorry I just find these so exciting)


And that was pretty much it. After evolving Flib went straight to bed. What a good little boy. =3

I'll posts stats and more updates tomorrow!

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[SIZE=14pt]April 11th, 2010[/SIZE]

Dear diary log,

Last night I had set the time back to 9pm instead of having it at 1:30 so when I'd wake up in the morning, he'd still be sleeping, or I wouldn't have to wake up hearing beep-beep-beep!

I set the time back and played about 5 games of climb, and 3 games of tug-of-war. We won all three times in tug-of-war, and most of the time in climb, so overall Flib did pretty good!


Oh, yep! I forgot to tell you, Flib will now write in green because most logs seem pretty boring without the tamagotchi talking.

So, after those games, Flib went from 25lbs to 11lbs and now he doesn't want to play games anymore. =(

I'm too skinny.

Well you wouldn't be that skinny if you were HUNGRY more often!

That reminds me, stats time!

Happy: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Hungry: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Training: | (I know, sad, isn't it?)


Funnny: 16

Gorgeous: 4

Spiritual: 24

Weight: 11lbs

Not too shabby, right?

Hey! Its only my training that isnt any good!

So now we are going to go to Tamatown and get some money and souvenirs, Ill post again when we come back and with updates!

Yee haw~ Tamatownn!

<.< Oookay...

[SIZE=14pt]Hey everyone![/SIZE]

We're back from Tamatown and we have 2 mail messages!

I wanna see wat it is!


First, we got a present from the king and it was a chest! Pretty cool!

This one is the exclamation mark letter,

Its from the preschool teacher! Ms. Flower(i think. xD)

Aww, my little boy is growing up so fast!

He got a backpack from her too! I'm going to go to preschool later on, but now I'm going to show you what I got from Tamatown

Actuwally, IM going to show youu!


We gots 9900 gotchi pwoints, some candy, a chocowate bar, and a bwochure.

Now we're going to check out preschool...


So, first Ms.Flower did a little song and I guess Flib was supposed to copy it?

Well he didn't.

Both times he did the opposite and then he was mad.

I was also mad so I sent him back and he got it right both times! Woohoo!


Flib, you dont have to say that agai-



I think we're done for now....

By the way, stats are still the same but the skill points went up about one from preschool.


I fed Flib a little more today just so I could play more games and get his skill points up. I didn't want to give him to much so after a few games, he's now at 10lbs. Sheesh, what a fatty. xD

Just a while ago, Flib called for attention for no reason so I had to give him a time out.


But the good thing is that now his training is at two! Finally!

Stat's updates!

Happy: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Hungry: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Training: | | (Yay!)


Funny: 30

Gorgeous: 4 (Woah)

Spiritual?: 26

Weight: 12lbs (I just fed him an ice cream)

So I guess thats about it!

Bring me to Tamatown!

What? We just came back!

I want more stuffs!


[SIZE=14pt]April 12th. 2010[/SIZE]


Flib just evolved into a....


Awesome! Finally!

Here's some stats updates-

Happy ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Hungry ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Training: | | | |


Funny: 54

Gorgeous: 10

Spiritual: 34

Weight: 20lbs

Age: 1

Hopefully soon he'll be able to go to school instead of preschool!

Im not a little kid anymore! Yess!

Oh also, maybe I can get some pictures of him up soon. ^.^

Thats all for now, more updates soon!


[SIZE=14pt]Todays Updates[/SIZE]

I'm back. >=D Mwahahahahaaa.

^.^" Heh... heh...


Flib started school earlier and he got Mr.Turtleman!

I forgot you could pick or else I would have gotten the guy who gives out gorgeous points because Flib barely has anything. =(

He got a party hat as a present from the teacher, doesn't look like they'll be doing much work this year....

So I just remembered that I had unlocked three new games for Flib after becoming a teenager and I wanted to figure out which one gave out gorgeous points. It turned out to be shape and at first I had no idea how to play and I kept losing.

Thanks mum. >.>

Then I actually READ the guide and learned so now Im working on getting Flib more points.

Sadly he can't play games because he's STILL to skinny. Ugh.

Thanks again...


Stats update!

Happy: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Hungry: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Training: | | | | | (I got another one! =D)


Funny: 68

Gorgeous: 21

Spiritual: 48

Weight: 21lbs

Age: 1

Yee haw~

Tamatown tomorrow! Homework now! ^^

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[SIZE=14pt]April 13th, 2010[/SIZE]

I got Flib's training up today! Finally! So he now has 6 training points.


I also started up my Tamagotchi + Color too because the batteries died but Im not going to log about it, just Flib. =P

Good. >.>

I took some pictures of Flib today and yesterday, also with my Color, but I cant find the thing to connect my camera so I can save the pictures on my computer. So for now I found a picture on the internet of what Flib's shell looks like.

https://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000U41U...02.LZZZZZZZ.jpg Clicky clicky!

Stat's updates!

Happy: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Hungry: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Training: | | | | | |


Funny: 68

Gorgeous: 33

Spiritual: 48

Weight: 21 lbs

Age: 2

So yeah...

Im sick today so that means Ill have all day today to play with my Tamagotchi's! =D



Now I'm going to bring Flib to Tamatown and MAYBE HE'LL BE A LITTLE NICER.

Ill post updates later!

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Yaay! I finally have pictures to show you! I found the thing to load my pictures onto my computer, and I just finished uploading them to Photobucket, so here you go! ^.^

Flib's Pictures:

https://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af22/ta...ooboo1/v451.jpg Brushing his teeth

https://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af22/ta...ooboo1/v452.jpg Close up! (blurry)

https://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af22/ta...ooboo1/v453.jpg Normal Picture

https://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af22/ta...ooboo1/v454.jpg Close up again!

https://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af22/ta...ooboo1/v455.jpg Brushing his teeth again (blurry)

https://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af22/ta...booboo1/v45.jpg Playing in his playhouse

Tamagotchi + Color Pictures!

https://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af22/ta...boo1/color3.jpg Adorable! <3

https://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af22/ta...boo1/color2.jpg Normal Picture

https://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af22/ta...boo1/color1.jpg My Color on top of it's box that it came in
