Leafray's V4 Log:


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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
New Zealand
Hai everyone! :p This is my first Tamagotchi log written and created by me! It will include some facts, tips and how my Tamagotchi is doing each day. I will probably post every 2 days because I will be posting on my holiday trip! :D Anyway first log entry:

My Tamagotchi name is Jess and its obviously a Female born yesterday! :chohimetchi: It is a Mohitamatchi!

Stats currently are:


Age: 0

Weight: 34

Gotchi Points: 20,260

Skill Points:

Intelligence: 11

Fashion: 33

Social: 29

I am aiming on a Fashion skill job! Today Jess and I went to TamaTown to shop and earn Gotchi Points, we got some souveniers, a ball & a lion doll for a late Christmas present for Jess! ;) I had to clean here 2 times today and had to make her go to Time Out for beeping for no reason and I praised her 2-3 times today! :chohimetchi: She is starting to become a good girl! Today, a mail from the Gotchi King arrived and he generously gave Jess 1,500 Gotchi Points! Now, school time! She arrived with a greeting from her teacher and Jess did well and only missed 1/2! Thats quite good but need improving though! I must play games with her later in the plane at 2am tomorrow to our holiday! I feel that I must give her a present during the trip and after the trip as a 'holiday souvenier' She deserved it anyway, time to go now! ;)

PREDICTION: Jess might evolve to a Teenager tomorrow!

Next post: Monday 29 December!

I thought I would like to post again because typing is fun! :p

:p Jess got a mail! She was very excited because she loves mails! It was the Gotchi King! Jess got a ring from the King! ;) She was very surprised and was very exicited to try on the ring and I let her to. The ring was too big for her :chohimetchi: but she would fit when she is an adult! B) Jess is very smart and goes to preschool everyday! I am proud of her effort that she doesnt give up and learn from her mistakes! Very proud! :D I am putting her into a diet and she can only eat sushi :chohimetchi: But shes good and healthy now! I just bought her a pencil so she could use it for studying and drawing! :D Thats it for now! I will end this log with a prediction and a countdown to the next post!

PREDICTION: She might turn 1 today! ;) NEXT POST: A few more hours!

[SIZE=14pt] :D Great news![/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]My Mohitamatchi has evolved to an ;) ! I was aiming for this characther and dont know how to but now it is! :lol: [/SIZE]

Log entry:

Jess was wandering around when suddenly...sparkles surrond here, she rotated, she got lifted and another twirl and she became an... :ichigotchi: !


Jess: I cant believe it! I am an Ichigotchi!

Me: I am so proud of you!

Jess: Thanks! I am very lucky to have you as my owner!

Me: My pleasure, but its time to go to preschool! We will celebrate when you come back!

Jess: Oh yay! I like my preschool teacher! She is so nice! She give is candies for being good and sometimes she even play 'Dance' with us! Off I go then! See you later!

Me: Have fun! Be good and study hard!


PREDICTION UPDATE: Jess is now 1 years old! My prediction came true! ;) NEXT POST: A few more hours!

Hello people! :D

Jess the Ichigotchi has recieved 2 Fortune Letters and they both contain for Gotchi Points: 3 stars! :mimitchi: The King gave Jess a ring but no bouquet yet! ;) In the plane while i was travelling with my family, I played with my v4 and v5.5! :eek: Really fun thing to do in a plane when you are bored! :D Thats about itbut here is another scene update! :D


Jess: Yay I got a ring!

Me: Nice one!

Jess: I need to go to school now!

Me: Have fun! Study hard!

PREDICTION UPDATE: Jess might evolve to an adult today!

Unfortunately, Jess the Masktchi died yesterday... :mellow: Now I got a new baby boy called Cappy.

---------This log will now be officially close---------
