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Active member
Feb 17, 2007
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TARO, my beloved first Gotchi, died today (waahh! :mimitchi: ) I shall now keep a log for my new Gotchi, an adorable baby boy named LAYNE.

Thus far, I have fed him 7 Sushi, 2 Bread, 2 Scome, 1 Orange and 3 Cone. He's getting kinda big (21 lb!!) but as of now I'm a bit over-protective due to fact that he keeps getting hungry. Played Jumprope twice and got 14 each time. He's gotten sick only once, and thankfully he needed only one dose of medicine for it.

He doesn't want to go to school yet, and he has no training. He has two "pencil" stats, none for the "star" and 2 for the "flower."


After a quick nap we tried Jumprope again (we only got 13 :p ) But there was a sale in the Shop and we bought a Ball for only 250P!

LAYNE got kinda sad and I had to Praise him to cheer him up. A while later, he changed into a Harutchi! :mametchi: So there's pretty much no chance he'll become another Togetchi like TARO, but that's okay. :mimitchi:

I fed him 2 more Sushi, 3 more Bread, 1 Tart, 1 more Cone and 1 more Orange. We got our first mail...from the Burglar! I have litterally NO points now.

He has 1 Training Stat, 1 Pencil, 2 Star and 2 Flower. He weighs 31lb.

We got another letter, this time a "!" The teachers invited LAYNE to go to school! Yay! :mimitchi:

Sadly I HAD to Pause him, I had a private viola class and I didn't want him to get hungry again.

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I took LAYNE to school for the first time today! Well, not Tama School, but my own. I kept him Paused during PE 'cause I had no pockets in my gym shorts, but the rest of the day was fine (I just had to keep the volume off)

He didn't eat nearly as much as yesterday, but he still got hungry. Later I had to put him in time out because he called me and wasn't hungry or sad.

I went to TamaTown with him and got his picture!!

OMG it's LAYNE!!

:D Soooo cute! Anyways, stat updates:

2 Training

9 Pencil

6 Star

2 Flower


Mastered jumprope on the way home (got 30 jumps) There was a sale in the shop so we bought chocolate and a plant.

Back from another hard day at school. LAYNE got sick twice (oh no!) :) But he's fine now, it only took one dose of medicine each time. ;) He also evolved, I'm not exactly sure which Tamagotchi he is now, but I can't get onto TamaTown right now so a pic will have to wait... :ichigotchi:

LAYNE got an invitation to go to Primary School! Yay!! I chose Ms Flower so he can get more star points. Speaking of points, here are his current stats.

4 Training (had to give him a time out for calling me for no reason)

17 Pencil

17 Star (played Dance [in the bathroom :D ] and mastered it. Yay!!)

3 Flower (I can never improve these!! :) )

44lb (Wow, he's pretty fat...I'm worried)

EDIT: I have a few corrections to make (sorry! ;) ) First, I didn't master dance, but Shapes. I played dance alot, though :p Second, I've found out it's a Young Mametchi.

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