Hi there!
I'm James, but you can call me Jam, like the condiment. I originally got hardcore into Tamagotchis in 2021, then fell off the wagon and now here I am. My very first Tamagotchi was a silver V2 I no longer have, but I did find a picture of the shell!
(Picture from Tamashell.)
I very distinctly remember getting Whalechi on mine all those years ago.. I was not a very good gotchi parent at all. I also recall buying it, and running it alongside my friends' green camo one. I've since rebought the shell for nostalgia's sake, along with a hefty collection of both Tamas and other Vpets.
I'm looking forward to being involved in this community!
I'm James, but you can call me Jam, like the condiment. I originally got hardcore into Tamagotchis in 2021, then fell off the wagon and now here I am. My very first Tamagotchi was a silver V2 I no longer have, but I did find a picture of the shell!

(Picture from Tamashell.)
I very distinctly remember getting Whalechi on mine all those years ago.. I was not a very good gotchi parent at all. I also recall buying it, and running it alongside my friends' green camo one. I've since rebought the shell for nostalgia's sake, along with a hefty collection of both Tamas and other Vpets.
I'm looking forward to being involved in this community!