Lara's V3 log :D :D :D :D


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Well-known member
May 12, 2005
Reaction score
New South Wales Australia.

I got a V3 today! :ichigotchi:

I'll try and post every day to record my Tama's progress


Name: Tony

Age: 0

Gender: Boy

Stage: Child

Type: Mizutamatchi

Training: ll

$GP$: 2000 :ichigotchi: I'm saving up, incase a UFO appears in the shop :ichigotchi:

TamaTown username: Bubba

Generation: 1

I'll post again tommorow :ichigotchi:

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I started up all my V2 Tamagotchis!

I've still got lots of new characters to discover :D

I'll only post about my V3 in this log though :huh:

Tony evolved into an Obotchi Today!

He looks like Elvis, cuz of that little curl on his head :huh:

I might be getting another V3 tommorow! :p

Hopefully the store will have some! :huh:

Guess who got a new V3? :D

It's blue with waves :D

I currently have 5 Tamas up and running! my 2 V3s and my 3 V2s :lol:

Here are my V3's stats

Shell: See through yellow


Age: 2

Gender: Boy

Training: llllllll

Stage: Teen

Type: Obotchi

TamaTown Username: Bubba

Shell: Blue with Waves

Name: Billy

Age: 0

Gender: Boy

Training: ll

Stage: Child

Type: Tamatchi

TamaTown Username: Lucky

Thats it.

I'm making a V2 log. ^_^

because one of my V2s just turned into something REALLY cute, and I need to scream it out somewhere :huh:

Anyways. Billy is now a Young mametchi :huh:


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