kuchi's kingdom of logs


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Sep 7, 2009
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yo! this is the kingdom of logs, from v2 to v5. all logs

have been certified with the mark of king kuchi.Just look for this sign ;) at the bottom of each page.

Now, I've got a v3 activated.Soon, I'll activate a v4, which these logs will focus on until further notice. It is my job, assigned by king kuchi, to record the history of the royal family.So check out my log to find out news of them.

(do not confuse with v5.5, which I do not own.)

ello? is enywody dere?

hello there, citizens of tamatalk.Today, at 9:03 AM, doon was born into a v4.It seems like he wants to talk.

ello, me name doon.my guardian, k.k, say dat me can talk here every day.Me like playing jumping rope.

yes, doon. this is where you can voice your thoughts to the world.

so k.k, can me play jumping rope?

whats the magic word?

pease can me play jumping rope?

okay. Lets go!

I'm still triying to think of what character I should try to get. PM me for suggestions!


[SIZE=14pt]its tamatime with doon & k.k!!!!![/SIZE]

ello.dis is doon with the action news weport.today-

oops. Someone went poopy. we'll be right back after a message from our sponsors.*BEEP* oh, don't cry doon.

cones & scones, cones & scones, a very tasty treat.

and we're back. todays news, fake tamas. k.k told me dat dere are people tying to sell fake tamas on tbay. Me, being a real tama, understand the im-,imp-


wight. we advise too stay away.to you, k.k.

this just in; the wanted criminal BILL has just robbed a tamabank. if anyone spots a tama that looks like this; :) stay away & alert tama police.Well, thats all the time we have-

ooh, can me do it?


see you next time, on-

[SIZE=14pt]tamatime with doon & k.k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE]


it just happened, k.k! there was a tingling, next thing I know, I'm a mizutamatchi!oh!hi tamatalk. guess what? i evolved! mizutamatchi!


*picks up phone*

hello? doon?

Marie? I evolved!

cool! Me too!I'm a tamatchi.

I'm a mizutamatchi! Hey k.k, can I go to marie's house?

sure.*whispers*arent they cute?



peoples of tamatalk!doon is now a highly responsible kindergardener!

yea. so doon just got a letter from mrs. frill.It said for him to come to school. he was so excited that he pooed.

K.K.! anyway, she gave me a backpack! :D :D :D

you know you'll get a job some day, right?

[SIZE=21pt]WHAT!? :) :eek: :( :( :( :( [/SIZE]

so, K.K., doon found out?

again,WHAT!?[/sizemarie knew?


T~D told me. I was suprised too.

why didn't you tell me, k.k.?




but nothing. you kept secrets from me!*storms off*


well, I guess I deserved that.see ya next time tamatalk.



oh yeah, oh yeah, hinotamatchi,peoples of tamatalk, im a teen!

yeah. doon is so exited because he's a teen. he went to the social teacher cause he was highest in that.

B) B) B) :p :D :D B) B) B) B) B) B) B)

what was that?

dunno.im gonna go hang with my peeps.

who would that be?

ya know, that young memetchi down the road, the oniontchi across the street, &, yeah.*dashes away*

he is so a teen.


*whispers*hi. doons asleep, but i thought i'd post his stats.

hungry; <3 <3

happy;<3 <3 <3<3

training;[iIIIII ]

intelligence; 20

artistic; 21

social; 64

age; 2 yrs

weight; 64 lbs

2230 pts


this, people of tamatalk, is how doon was born.

it was a cold, stormy night. Inside the castle of king kuchi, a very important metting was going on."he is the heir to the throne. he cannot stay here." King kuchi said. His high minister, memetchi, was worried."where shall we send him?" he asked. "he does not have any relatives, your high tama."

An androtchi piped up suddenly. "we could send him to earth." she said. "that is a good idea. i have friend on earth. he'd care for him perfectly." he thought for a tamasecond."violetchi!" he boomed. "yes, your tamaness?" The messanger asked. "deliver this egg to the tama projector." he replied. " of course, king kuchi." she took the egg & dashed out the door.

As was said, it was a cold, stormy night. no one noticed the violetchi dashing towards the tama projector. She placed the egg on a pedestal & pressed a button. A beam of light hit the egg, & it dissapeared into the air. "good luck, young prince." she said. Violetchi looked up to sky, though she could not see the egg shooting off to earth.

A young boywaited for an egg to crack on his

v4.then it hatched! he noticed that this tama was special. a name popped into his mind; doon...........

~exerpt from the tamachronicles

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theres a striped dog! & a striped hat! & a striped toy! I WANT IT!!!!

doon just evolved into a shimashimatchi, so hes obsessed with everything striped.

striped shirt! give it to me, k.k.!*leaps*

doon- aghhhhh!DOON!

sorry k.k.

heres the story. i was just chillin' on the computer, & doon, still a hinotamatchi, was getting ready for bed. then he went poo, so i sent him to the bathroom. the instant he came back, he evolved.

striped camera!*leaps*

doon, not the camera man!before doon destroys the camera, bye tamatalk!



but i miss him!!! :( :( :( :( :(

doon just graduated from school. he got accepted as a school teacher, though.

k.k., why do i have to have a job?

so that the rest of your family will have money when you go back to tama planet. & you have enough money to buy food.

*sniffle*can I see *sniffle* what my new *sniffle* job is like?



doon is asleep, but just last night he was telling me how much he loves his new job. he counts how many kids get on & get off the bus. then he chooses the number of kids that are on the bus.

whaa?***huh? hi tamatalk.

go back to bed doon.

:furawatchi: okay.


<_< <_< :( :( :( :( :( :( :( doon, our pride shimashimatchi, survived. he married dina, who gave birth to the girl renn. renn, only a teen, died this morning. i have reset her & lina was born.

dello. my name lina. me girl.k.k. is very nice to take care of me, after da....ding.

lina will be raised as a smart character, in remembrance of renn.

bye, tamatalk.


lina changed!!!! shes a puchitchi!!!!!!!!! :kusatchi: :unsure:

& im in kindergarden!!!!!!!!!!!!! I :ichigotchi: kindergarden!


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