-Kikitchi-'s Tamagotchi +Colour Log


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Active member
Oct 31, 2009
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Hey guys, Kikitchi here.

I have recently bought a +Colour over the internet and it arrived not too long ago. I have decided to start a log, but my tamagotchi is already a teenager. So, I'm starting it a bit late. I hope you guys don't mind. :(

Oh, and also...

- This log will have pictures posted.

- This tamagotchi is in Japanese, so don't freak out if you can't read what the pictures say, I'll post what it says in english too.

- Any "fan mail" sent to me regarding this log will be posted here.


-Kikitchi- :p

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Kikitchi evolved into a Kuchipatchi this morning! He is so cute! :( Here's a picture:



I finally earned enough money to purchase the Green Transit Ticket! Now I'm able to go to the movies! :D Here's a picture of Kuchipatchi acting:

Kuchipatchi's Acting Skills

He'll be getting married in two days, and sadly, I'll be in Mexico. I will try to update this log from my iPhone, but I cannot promise anything. :D


Name: Codie

Species: Kuchipatchi

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Age: 4

Hungry: FULL

Happy: FULL

Tree: Letter Tree 1/4

WANTED ITEM: Remodel House - 6500 GP

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Hey Guys,

Today is an exciting day! My flight got cancelled and I'll be staying for another day! And thats awesome, because Kuchipatchi is getting married today! I sent him to the matchmaker to find his true love!

Kuchipatchi Meeting the Matchmaker

Then A Memetchi came in and thats whe it happened.

Love at First Sight

They kissed!

Kuchipatchi and Memetchi Kissing

Here are the EPIC fireworks - IN COLOUR! :D

Fireworks - In Colour!

They had a baby girl.

Kuchipatchi bringing the baby home

The two of them playing with a ball

Then, it was time to say goodbye to my Kuchipatchi. (You can find his memorial here)

Goodbye, Kuchipatchi!


Name: Angie

Species: Nokotchi

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Age: 0

Hungry: FULL

Happy: FULL

Tree: Letter Tree 2/4

WANTED ITEM: Remodel House - 6500 GP

-Kikitchi- :)
