Kiji's V5 Diary


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Jul 8, 2008
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Hello! I hope everyone likes my first Tamagotchi Log here at Tama Talk! ^_^

Dear Diary,

I'm now at Gen. 3, wow time flies fast when you're having fun. When my friend was leaving for Korea for nearly the whole summer, I wanted to remember her by changing the family name from 'Candy' to my friend's name. I wish she didn't have to leave now to go to Korea! :eek: I'm gonna go back to when I was still on Gen. 1 to now:

The babies were in order like this: boy, girl, boy. The babies were adults in four days; the eldest was a Furikotchi, the middle child was a Violetchi and the youngest was a Nemutchi. My bestest friend that left the country was also into Tamagotchi, she liked the Violet Family the best, so I decided that I'd get that family first. Trust me, it wasn't easy getting Sukatchi. It took me almost two days! I was happy when I finally got the Violet Family. Then my Violetchi (the one that was a child in my Pure Family) married Kuchipatchi. Then I got three babies, the same order as the first family. Now they evolved, the eldest became a Mattaritchi, the middle child became a Tororotchi and the youngest became a Mousetchi.

I had them for two days now, I wonder if they should evolve today... Well, I guess I'll have to find out today! See ya'll!


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My Tamagotchis evolved! Mattaritchi became a Bakutchi, Tororotchi became a Ichigotchi and Mousetchi became a Korokotchi! Yay, they're teenagers now! :mametchi:

So far I'm up to 20% Bonding... What a poor result... :eek: At least they're full and happy now.

Bakutchi: At least my fire won't burn up my rope and I'll not explode, heh heh.

Ichigotchi: I love dancing!! *Dances around*

Korokotchi: I'm sleepy... *Goes to sleep and snores loudly*

Me: *Confused* Why is Korokotchi asleep on the floor and why is Ichigotchi dancing around and why is Bakutchi standing there not doing anything?

Bakutchi: Because I don't want to do anything.

Me: Oh ok. Say good-bye to the readers guys!

All: Bye!

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Dear Diary,

The bonding with the kids went up to 40%, at least the result is getting a bit better. I went to TamaTown for a visit, it's been a long time since I last visited there. The kids went to see thier grandparents. Ichigotchi went a little overboard with the chocolates they gave her. :mellow: Bakutchi played some games and we got money! ;) Hooray! Well, I'm still poor since I have 910GP. And Korokotchi, well he slept on the floor in their house again. I had to go get a bucket of water and pour the water all over Korokotchi. It was nice to visit my previous Tamas I took care of. I'm trying to get the Meme Family. Since they're gonna be adults the day after tomorrow, and only one could get married three days after that, maybe I could try and make them ready... only when they first evolve into adults. The only two lessons they learned was one, never eat a lot of chocolates and two, never sleep on the floor or else a person might get a bucket of water and spray it all over you.

Korokotchi: Brrr, w-why d-did ya have to p-pour c-cold water all over m-me?

Me: Cause' you were asleep on your grandparents' house floor.

Ichigotchi: Zzt! I'm thirsty, could anyone please get me water? I want water! Zzt!

Bakutchi: Did I miss something? I'm back with more Gotchi Points! Man, those games are hard.

Me: Ok, could you please give me the Points so I can deposit them in the bank? Oh yeah, Ichigotchi is a bit hyper still and Korokotchi is still shivering from the incident.

Bakutchi: Oh, should I do something or what?

Me: Oh you don't need to do anything. I'll take care of this.

All: Bye!


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