Kawaii's Tamagotchi Log :]


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May 25, 2010
Reaction score
Welcome to my little corner of TamaTalk!

I got the battery back in my Music Star! So happy! Anyways...

I put the battery in and 3 little presents pop up with an egg.

Entered my user name and date and time. Know just waiting!

A baby girl!

I named her Mai. She will speak in this colour!

I fed her and played a game of "Music Notes" with her.

She has all hearts filled now. I am taking her to the shop.

This is the path I want her to follow:

Petitchi -> Hitodetchi -> Chamametchi -> Chantotchi

Okay, so I will post when she evolves.

Please no-one else reply in this thread, this is my log!

Thank you!


Okay, so Mai just evolved into a ..... Tamatchi :furawatchi:

Mummy, why are you sad 'cause I am Tamatchi ?

Cause I wanted you to be a Hitodetchi !

Aww.. sorry.

It's not your fault Mai! I should have taken better care of you!

I love you Mummy! Though, I don't like being pink and fat ><

Oh! -Giggles- I am sure you will row out of that into a lovely Tama :ichigotchi:

:) I'm hungry!

-Gives food- There you go


0 Year

15 lbs.

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress: 00

Tone: 34

Rhythm: 30

Original: 30

Hip Hop Music

Okay, so I woke her up this morning (Oops) and she was not very happy with me....

Mum! Why did you wake me up?

Sorry ; but I have to get ready for school.

Why aren't you wearing your uniform?

Because the State of Origin is on tonight and it is a free dress day!

Oh cool! Can I watch it with you?

Yes you can! Who are you cheering for?

Queensland !

Me too. Guess what I just read ? :huh:


Tonight you will become a Teenager ! :D

Yay! Help me become a Chamametchi?

Surely will!

Phew, she went back to sleep. She wouldn't play games with me or anything!

I will post next when she evolves, maybe?

Woop Woop!

Got out first Fan Mail from Cleosaurus

I love your log!even thought you only started posting like, yesterday.

i'm one of your "daily readers"

Please check out my log too!

~Cleo :]
Fan Mail! Yay!

I know! How exciting!

Yes! Thank you Cleosaurus *Hugs*


I just got an attention call from Mai. Thought it wasn't for attention!

The preschool teacher came! :D

She gave Mai a pretty toy (Helicopter) and then left.

Mai went straight to preschool. She then beat another Tama at skipping.

Yeah beat that you ugly Tama!

Mai! Don't be so rude! :huh:

Sorry! Sorry Tama!

She turns into a Teenager tonight! So excited! I really want a Chamametchi!

Me too! They are so pretty and pink!

I will take you to school today! And not get busted with you!

Yay! :p

What an eventful day?

I can't wait until tonight!

What is happening tonight?

Gosh Mummy! I evolve! :furawatchi:

I know, I was only joking! How could I forget?

I really want to be a Chamametchi, so can you please start to play alot of games with me and stuff?

Excuse me? I always do!

Yeah, but I want more. I want the best chance of being a Chamametchi!

Okay. I will. I am so excitied!

I will post when Mai evolves!



The Gotchi King came to visit May today. She recieved 2000gp.

I have taken her to Tamagotchi Music City a few times now.

She bought make-up.


0 Year

17 lbs.

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥

Stress: 15

Tone: 73

Rhythm: 48

Original: 79

Hip Hop Music





(Changing this)

Mai evolved into a ....


I am so happy!

So am I! Look how pretty I am!

You do look pretty, Mai.

Thank you! :furawatchi:

Guess what? You will find your band members soon!

I am so excited about that!

Me too! What kind of band do you want? All girls? Mixed?

I really want an all girls band!

Oh okay. Well that is cool!

Yeah. I just think that we would get along well!

Yeah. Well, now that you are a teenager, does that mean you have to be annoying? :p

I pinky-swear not to be an annoying teenager!


I want to be a Makiko! Or a Chantotchi!

Very nice. I hope that your wish comes true. Well, let's go and watch "Alice in Wonderland"


I will update when she gets accepted into the next schooling level!


Sorry I haven't replied for a while.

Well, Mai evolved into a .... Mimitchi!

In her band there is a Kutchipatchi named Toby and a Mamethci named Ryo.

They are doing their first performance. It is so cute. Mai is into Latin Music now.

Here is her band:

:lol: :lol: :)

I think we went well at our first performance.

That is good!

Yeah, though we got 2 "X" and 1 "O"

That is pretty good for your first try!

I thought so too! Can we go to Music City please?

Sure! Why not?


The Gotchi King came to visit May today. She recieved 2000gp.

She went to her first performance. Mai still has the karaoke.


3 years


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress: 35

Tone: 434

Rhythm: 418

Original: 540

Latin Music

Yay! Mai just passed her Pro Debut!

Mummy! Did you see us? We rocked!

Yes I did! That was so awesome!

I know, we are currently ranked 54th. It is so exciting!

Oh that is so awesome!

And the MatchMaker will be coming soon!

I know! Why don;t you go out with the Mametchi in your band, Ryo?

I really really want too! But I don't think he likes me!

I am sure her does! Just give it time!

Thanks Mum *Runs into room*


Dear Diary;

I really hope that Ryo likes me. He is so

cute! I have liked him ever since we

started the band! *Sigh* I really want a

little girl. I already have the name, Aqua

or Rose. I really love those names. You

know what? Next band practice, I will

ask Ryo out! So excited!

Love Mai

:D :)


Band Practice Next Day....

Hey Ryo.

Hey Mai, how are you?

Good thanks. Umm I was wondering?

Actually before you say anything, I would like to tell you something

Sure *Preens self*

Meet my girlfriend, Stacey.


Yeah, her name is Choco. She is a Violetchi.

That is just fanta- *Runs home crying*

Later at Home...

What is wrong, Mai?

He has a girlfriend!

Aww, that is so sad. I am sorry :)

It's not your fault. She was so pretty, she was a Violetchi named Coco.

Bet you she wasn't as pretty as you!

She was so skinny! She was beautiful. I feel so worthless *Runs up to room crying*

Guitartchi just came to the door and gave Mai 700,000 gotchi points!

Shopping spree, much?

What are you going to buy?

I bought a mirror, some food (Beef Bowl)

Oh yummy!


Mum, I don't think I can hold out much longer! I really want guitartchi to come!

I would tell you the answer, but I am not sure when Guitartchi comes with a mate, I will look it up!

*Searches Internet*

He will come when you are 5.

Urgh! I don't know how long that will take though!

Well, you are 4 now, so it won't be to much longer!

But I can;t wait much longer. By the way, I don't want to to get married to a Mametchi!

Why? Cause of the Ryp situation?

Yes! Exactly!

Okay, how about a Kutchipatchi like Toby?

I don't like them much! They are kind of fat

Hmm.... okay. How about a Kuromametchi?

Yeah, they are really cute. But still remind me of Ryo!

Hmm...you have to put this whole Ryo thing in the past.

I can't! He was my only ever crush. Now my heart is crushed :D

Aww! Kuromametchis are very cute and reliable. I reckon you would like them!

Really? Well, what happens if the one I like crushes on a Violetchi named "Choco"?

I thought you said it was Coco?

Oh, well, I meant Choco!

But he won't!


Cause he will like you better. And he will be having your kid. Not that Violetchi's!

Awww, thanks Mum! I already have baby names too!

Awesome, what are they?

If it is a girl; Berry, Camielle, Angel, Destiny or Belle.

What cute names! What about boy's names?

Well; Coby, Tobias and Ricky.

What pretty names! Imagine if your husband's name was one of them!

That would be so good! It would be like destiny has brought us together! :eek:

Yes! Now, go to sleep. You might age over night! :(

That would be so good! Goodnight!


Ssshhh....Mummy doesn't know I'm posting!

Look! Here are some pictures of me on Mummy's gymnastics mat! :eek:

Mai Dancing

Mai Happy

Cute, huh? Well I am getting over this whole Ryo thing.

I really want to meet a nice Kuromametchi!

One with a good name too! :D

Anyways, I will hop off now. I really hope I grow soon.

Here are my stats:


4 years

27 lbs.

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress: 46

Tone: 759

Rhythm: 680

Original: 852

Latin Music

Chello there :)

Mai got married to a Shimashimatchi. She had a baby boy.

My school work and exams are piling up . so I am going to take the battery out of Mai for a few days.

So that she doesn't die!

I will re-post when I put the batteries back in!

