Katie's Journal


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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2007
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Pennsylvania, USA
Okay... Here goes. I am going to try to keep up with my new Tamagotchi Log. The key word there is try people! :lol: Anyway, my life is hectic and I have like a gazillion (alright not a gazillion... but many) Tamaz running. So, yeah, I am sorry if I can't stay caught up. Oh, yeah, and sometimes my spelling and grammer can really suck. Besides that, I have a short attention span. ;)


And you may hear from my personal life, Pokemon, Warriors, and my Webkinz, too. Oh, yeah, COMMENTS ARE WELCOME!!!


Alright... where should I start??? :huh: Maybe with my Tamaz stats? Yeah, sounds good.

Purple V1

Name: Hazel

Character: Kinakomatchi

Gender: Girl

Age: 0

Happy: full

Hungry: full

Training: 1/10

Weight: 10 lbs

Generation: 27

Comments: Her generation is my lucky number! YAHOOO!!!


Name: Zahi


Gender: Boy

Age: 0

Happy: full

Hungry: full

Training: 1/10

Weight: 10 lbs

Generation: 9

Comments: Nothing really. Just that Zahi is a wierd name and I have no idea why I picked it!

Tropical Blue V2

Name: Milly

Character: Ringotchi

Gender: Girl

Age: 1

Happy: 3/4

Hungry: 3/4

Training: 4/10

Weight: 20 lbs

Generation: 21

Comments: This is Tilly's sister! (see below).

Tropical Pink V2

Name: Micah

Character: UFOtchi

Gender: Boy

Age: 1

Happy: full

Hungry: full

Training: 3/10

Weight: 21 lbs

Generation: 1

Comments: I got this one for Easter! It is Milly's future husband.

Blue Camo V3

Name: Jade

Character: Shiroteletchi

Gender: Girl

Age: 0


Hungry: 3/4

Training: empty

Weight: 6 lbs

Generation: 17

Comments: None really. She is still looking for a future mate.

Ocean Bubbles V3

Name: Tilly

Character: Kutchitamatchi

Gender: Girl

Age: 0

Happy: 2/4

Hungry: 2/4

Training: empty

Weight: 16 lbs

Generation: 13

Comments: AHHHH! Unlucky 13!!!! Wait, is there a such thing as an unlucky Tama? I think not!

Glow-in-the-Dark V4

Name: Lola

Character: Ichigotchi

Gender: Girl

Age: 2

Happy: full

Hungry: full

Training: 6/10

Weight: 2 lbs AHHH! The Ichigotchi weight glitch! LOL

Generation: 3

Intellegance: 58

Arts: 228

Social: 50

Comments: I'm shooting for a Makiko!!!

Purple Floral V4

Name: Aaron

Character: Young Mametchi

Gender: Boy

Age: 1

Happy: full

Hungry: full

Training: 3/10

Weight: 20 lbs

Generation: 1

Intellegance: 120

Arts: 7

Social: 16

Comments: I am shooting for a Tensaitchi!!! He is Lola's future husband. =)

Blue Mini

Character: Old Timer Guy (oldie)

Orange Japanese Ocean

His battery is dead and he is really hard to take care of so he is off right now.

Pearl White Japanese Angel

Age: 20

TP: 8

Happy: 3/4

Hungry: 3/4


Comments: Why is it 20 and still a Kuri-ten? It should have evolved a long time ago. Anyone have this happen to them?

Digi Pet

Name: Hope

Character: Butterfly

Yeah... so you can see that I have a lot! I probably will not be able to update like this all the time. :( It will be alright though. Soo... enjoy and that is about all for now!

Okay, Here I am! It was Monday :( and back to school today for me. Since I have so many Tamaz, I obviously don't take them all to schooll. I have before, but I am always afraid that I lost one, and they get dinked up, and if I want them on pause they come off, etc. That, and getting them all through the metal detectors in the morning... well, it is a major pain! And people start staring at me and wanting to play with them. So, I take them to school in shifts. Today, I took my 2 V3s:


Blue Camo V3

Name: Jade

Character: Kupitamatchi SHE EVOLVED YESTERDAY!

Gender: Girl

Age: 0

Training: 1/10

Hungry: empty :(

Happy: 1/4

Weight: 12 lbs

Points: 9999 gp

Shop Stock: SALE umbrella, rc car, umbrella, rc car

Comments: Woops. Yeah. She was in my change purse at school. I kinda forgot about her (I know, I'm ashamed :nyatchi: ). She was in the stats I just stated, with one poop and a death skull. After I am done doing this, I will get her back to normal! Currently, she is on pause.

Ocean Bubbles V3

Name: Tilly

Character: Kupitamatchi

Gender: Girl

Age: 0

Training: 0/10

Hungry: 1/4

Happy: 2/4

Weight: 12 lbs

Points: 9999 gp

Shop Stock: melon, BBQ, grapes, plain ticket (to I think China)

Comments: Obviously, by Tilly's stats, she seems to be calmer and drop hearts less frequently to her friend, Jade. She has 1 poop, but other wise is doing well! After I fix Jade up, I will take care of her. :p

Tonight, I have a night softball game! :lol: We are playing an away game at Cranberry's feild, which is really nice! It will be under the lights and I am really excited. Unfortunatly, it is the only night game of the year. :( I have to be there by 7:30 to warm up. The game will start at 8 and go to 10 or a little after. Then I have to get home, get a shower and go to bed----- agh, I have to get up for school at 5:45am. :angry: I am convinced that kids would get better test scores if we could sleep in later and have school run into the evening!!!!!!!! But ANYWAY, I will probably put my Tamaz in the car and have them sleep there while I play. Well, that is all for now! And by the way, COMMENTS ARE WELCOME!!! I actually enjoy them. :)

;) Cinderpelt :mametchi:

Okay, I'm in a rush with my insane life----------so let's make this a quick update!


Today, I took my 2 Version 1s to school. They both evolved into :blink: Ichigotchis!!!! Yay! That is like my favorite character of all time (that and mametchi ;) ). Both of my Version 3s also evolved today. I got two Obotchis! I haven't had those for a LONG time for some odd reason, so I'm real excited! ;)


That's 'bout it for today!

Tragedy strikes in many ways today... First off, I am ashamed to say, that this is second time that my Tama has passed away. Both times that this occured was on my debugged Tamagotchi. Poor Zahi... I didn't think that they could die in their sleep! Unless his fast forward button got hit... But anyway, He went to sleep last night with no happy hearts filled, but one hungry. It was after a softball game and I was tired and didn't feel like changing the time and taking care of him and putting it back. When I got up this morning, he was gone and already in Tama Planet. :( When I reset it and pick a new character, I think that I will just let it live and see how long it will last. I've never done that before. Maybe Zahi died for the better? But either way... I'll never forget him. I was getting attached to him and his wierd name... :D


Second order of business, I took both of my V2s to school today and kinda forgot about them. They were nearly dead, but thank goodness that they weren't! Man, I have never, ever, been this neglectful and forgetting of my Tamaz. Maybe it is the end of the school year daydreaming epedemic?


And... my real fish are sick. They're tank was filthy this morning because, in my morning delirum, I spilled the fish food in the tank. You can't even imagine how bad it was... ahem... is. I didn't have time to clean the tank before my bus came, so I figured I'd do it after school with my dad when he gets home from work. I put them in a temporary, new tank untill the other one gets cleaned.


But I ordered a new Webkinz off of eBay! I got a black and white cat. I was tempted to name him after one of the Warriors, but I decided to name him/her Panda. I hope it comes soon! Then I can decide by its face whether to make it a boy or girl. :D


Finally, my BFF, Maria, is spending the night at my house on Friday! While she is here, we might make her a TamaTalk account! Both of us are SO excited!! :lol:

:) Cinderpelt :lol:

Since Zahi unfortunatly died, I obviously reset and started again. Since it is debugged, I picked a Toratchi and named him Logan. He is so CUTE!!! The problem is, he is dropping hearts insanly fast. In like a matter of 5 minutes, he looses all of his hungry hearts and pooped 2 times!!! This happened to me a long time ago right after I debugged it. I thought simply that I rubbed to hard, so I went back into my Tama and fixed 'er up. :mametchi: The problem has been gone since then, but now it returned!!! HELP :mimitchi:


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