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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
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Ok,I swore that I wouldn't tell but you don't know Katelyn unless you go to my school! I told Katelyn that I would tell everyone that Nick And Katelyn were going out!So Mrs.Jill called Katelyn a Gossip Girl!So Katelyn told me that she was going to tell the LatchKey teachers that me and someone were going out!So she told them and Mrs.Jill was like''How long have you been going out''I answered 3 weeks!Mrs.Jill said''That's longer that I have kept my boyz'' Thanks Nick and Katelyn!NOT!


Ok,Nick was talking out me and my bf!Now he said''Tell anyone you'll be dead....So I told everyone!(But I don't break promises,If it isn't my friend I will break promise!)So then he told that me and my bf were going out!TOLD THE INTIRE LATCHKEY!And now there bugging me if I have a bra!Someone pulled up my shirt and saw my bra!

And now there bugging me if I have a bra!Someone pulled up my shirt and saw my bra!
How immature......

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Ok, don't even joke about this sort of thing.

I've seen you give 'advice' to other people and they have all been inappropriate.

Please stop.

Anyways, if you and your boyfriend are going out, then why does it matter that everyone knows?

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Not funny, not helpful and bad for kids. Imiture I might add.

Well, you did it two. You shouldn't have and she shouldn't have. And if you didn't she would not have. Well, just ignore.

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Man that is so immature, tell someone or just igonre her all day. You shouldn't be embrassed that other person should, pulling it people personal area's.

* removed *
How immature, tamaw/pants is right. I too have seen you give advice to people, I wouldn't say they are advice. You gave me advice, slapping someone and telling them to bugger off. Man, that advice can lead us into trouble. Bad cookie.

Anyways ignore her, who cares what she cares?

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I didn't fully understand the whole story. For whatever reason I just couldn't follow it.

So I apologize now if I misunderstood it.

It sounded like to me, you did the same thing to a girl. If you stoop down to her level by doing what she does, I have no sympathy for 'ya. If you do the same thing as she/he has done, you are just like them and have no reason to complain about it.

So just

•don't get back at him/her. It's not right, and you are being what you had hated.

•ignore them. They obviously are very immature and maybe if you show that you don't really care they'll leave you alone.

•talk to your parents. If this starts getting out of hand [like the pulling up of the shirt] you need to talk to your parents about this issue you are having witht these people. It's not right that they can do this to you and your parents have been there and done that. They should be able to help you.

•talk to your teacher and/or conselor. If they are bugging and it's really bothering you, or causing you physical/mental harm, it needs to be stopped. The teacher or conselor should be able to help you because they have the power to control the class.

I feel for you because I know there are immature people like that in this world. Just remeber, don't become like them. ;)

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