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May 20, 2009
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Hi all!!!! Well i have has my tamagotchi for about a week and a half now:) and I had a boy a first Well he FINALLY got married and married a mimitchi!And they had a baby girl and left her this morning.She just transformed into a hitodetchi.And the preschool teacher just visited her.


Thanks for reading...Leave me replys and tell me about your tamagotchi:)



**Kaylaa:) :furawatchi:

Tragedy for me. Both of mine finally became adults and one went bizaaro. Yes, music star. I'm trying to fix it by doing open-tama surgery. Btw, welcome to TamaTalk!

Welcome to TamaTalk! It's really fun here, I know that you'll like it :) and most everyone is really helpful.

Oh, and I'm not sure if this counts as a TamaLog, but if it does then the area that you'll post this in would be The Library. There, you can find other logs by other TamaTalker's all about their Tamagotchi's as well! This section is for problems with our Tama's, like if we think that they are broken, and need immediate advice and such.
