Judging people by their music taste. :|


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Well-known member
May 31, 2008
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I've met people who judge others by what they like.

Someone at my school, for example, thinks me and my friend are "emo" because we like MCR.

But honestly, do you judge someone? I admit I have.

I know I've judged some members her if they like Miley Cyrus for example, but their awesome people.

I think if you judge someone if they like something that's "mainstream" (eg. Rhianna), it's wrong. But if your shoving crap like "OMGOMG MILEY CYRUS IS AWSUM IF U DUNT UR MEEN!!111!!!1!1" down someone's throat, judge away.

Spoons (I've been on too much GaiaOnline ._.):

Have you / do you judge someone by their music taste?

Have you been judged with what you listen too?

Have I used Judge too much in this post?

I don't think you have judged to much.I try not to judge people,but I find myself doing it sometimes.And yes I have been judged because of what I listen to.Some people just don't like MCR,AC DC,and things like that.

I yell at my brother when he blasts The Jonas Brothers to annoy me :)

"KYLE. YOU. SUCK. STOP! TURN IT OFF ARGH! SHUT UP! -Smashes things then kills Kyle-"

I don't judge that much, there's no such thing as bad music, just music that people like, and others don't. It's like food :)

My best friend likes music I'd call stupid, but then again, she likes music I like too :)

I have judged people if they rave on and on about the Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus, but not in a way that was rude or mean or...Well, we became friends. Haha.

But I am judged ALL the time for liking a lot of Japanese pop and rock, Korean rock, MCR, and stuff like that. So I've learned not to. It's mean. I have been singled out as the nerd of the year at my school for my taste in music. Not going very well.

^ I listen to Japanese and Korean.

One...Or most of my friends thinks it's really weird.

I try to keep my music taste to myself because according to Racquel, Super Junior and NEWS are soooo weird o_O

I've judged people by music taste before, but I haven't in a while.

I usually don't notice when I judge someone like that.

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I don't. I love music from lots of different genre. Mostly techno, electronica, dance and house music. Some people have told me my music sucks to my face.

I don't judge. Lots of people do though.

Everyone's done it, it's just a thing people do without thinking.

Of course, that doesn't make it right in any way.

I get judged very often because of my music taste. I don't know how they can, seeing as I like pretty much all genres (classical included), so I can't really have a set style based on that..

Not really, no.

That's all I really have to say. I've never been judged. My friend Sarah has though.. she's labelled emo cuz of her clothes and music. Eh... and I'm sorta considered a copier since I like alot of the same music as she does and people think I'm trying to be exactly like her :|

I have judged people, although I try not to.

I've also been judged before.

And no, I do not think you've used "judge" too much in your post.

^ I listen to Japanese and Korean.
One...Or most of my friends thinks it's really weird.

I try to keep my music taste to myself because according to Racquel, Super Junior and NEWS are soooo weird o_O

I've judged people by music taste before, but I haven't in a while.

I usually don't notice when I judge someone like that.
I AM Korean xD

I have sometimes, because lots of Hannah Montana/Jonas Brothers/you get the idea fans tend to be annoying, so I kind of learned to judge because of that. XD

But I don't most of the time. Maybe because I like lots of music genres...

I get called emo alot at school because of some of the bands I listen ot.

If I'm emo, then I'm the happiest, spazziest, most carefree emo you will ever meet

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Sorta kinda. I don't judge people in the sense that "oh em flippin gee if u listen 2 dis ur dumb." I usually just think that they have bad taste in music. Not judging how nice or not they are as a person.

Eh.. no, not really. Someimes I'd be like (to myself) "hmm, I really don't know what they see in that band/person" but it's not like I never look at them the same.

It's just kind of a factor that makes up a person's persnality, so I can't realy avoid judging them by it mildly, and it's not like I completely change my mind about them, either.

We're all different, so, yeah..


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