Jordboss's Tamagotchi Logs


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2010
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Welcome to Jordboss'es new logs.


My name is Jord and I have been waiting to start up a log for a long time. But I have been busy with lots, I recently had a tonsilectomy and aidenoidectomy and that took some recovering, I also have had the flu and samonella food poisening recently and I have just recovered from it, I'm still not 100% but I'm feeling alot better.

Since my last log alot has happened. I bought a new Tamagotchi Familitchi and also found my Angel and repaired my P2. All that has been fun, and sad along the way but all my Tama's are fine now!

Tuesday 8th November


Today I woke up with a major pain in my stomach, I quickly had to dash to the toilet...... You don't want to know the rest.


I looked at the clock and it was 10:12am, The post time so suddenly there was a knock at the door. I looked out the window and saw a small package for me to sign. I signed And then slammed the door and opened up the Tamagotchi. Inside was a tamagotchi V5. The rare European version was stairing back at me, I quickly put in a battery and pressed download. On the screen was the previous owner characters. The Kuchipatchi family but they had died, on the 56th generation it displayed, so I pressed reset and hatched them up along with my broken sound V5.


Once they hatched they were fine, filled them up and played several games and they were really happy. Currently they are: Mattaritchi, Sakuramotchi and Ahirukutchi on the New V5 and Ahirukutchi and Tororotchi and Mousetchi on the old broken one.



I also have my ID L, nothing going on with him apart from he evolved into Kuchipatchi and earned two of his happy symbols. That'd about all that's happened today. I should be back tomorrow with some pictures, but bye for now


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