Jordboss's Descriptive Tama Log


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Dec 21, 2010
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Croeso! ( I am Welsh)

So here I am. Again. This time I'm making my log work! I'm slowly getting better and better at it. I've had a few problems at the moment with family and personal stuff. I haven't had time to log but rather than trying to relaunch and fix my last log, I thought I would just create a new one. So here goes!

22nd of April

To start of this log, I am only logging about my ID L at the moment. I have a busy Life at the moment and the colours are easy to take care of. So I'll just be running him for a while. Maybe when I get more time, I'll be logging about several others :)

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Welcome back to Jordan's New Logs. I recently tool a break from all the logging but now I'm back. This time I am going to see how long I an keep this log going for.

22nd April 2012

Today I decided to hath up my ID L. It has been a while since I last run him and I though that it would be a good one to slowly get back into the tamagotchi world after my short break. At 7:00am I went downstairs on search off AAA batteries to put in my little guy. In the end I sole them from the T.V remote. As I put them in I heard a beep and then I was given the option to reset or download. I chose Download. I immediately took u little guy to date place and it wasn't long after, I had a baby girl on my hands.


She then evolved, I'm not sure what character I'll get this time. But anything will be a good change :)


We then decided to play some games. Because I downloaded it I still had some games that were from my previous generation.


Not much else happened that day.

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23rd April 2012


Hello again. Still catching up sorry. It won't be long and then I will be logging about the actual date :)


My little ID L is doing good. I've decided that I am naming her Katsu. It means something like victory in Japanese if Im correct.

We woke up at 7:00am again. I decided that I would take her to the park and see what was happening but no one was their.


A few hours later, Katsu got hungry so I filled up her bowls with the default food, however she don't seem impressed. I think I better get her nicer food next time.


Sorry about no pictures today. There won't be any until she evolves now. Should be very soon though.

Take care :)

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24th April 2012

Katsu wanted some attention when I woke up. I had the day off school because Im covered in bites again. They are so itchy and I can't do anything because im constantly itching. So iv'e spent the day with my little ID L.


After checking her status bar, I realised that she was hungry and her happy bar was going down fast. We went quickly to the Tama Cafe and bought a snack. Katsu said thanks and then tucked into her tasty meal.


We then decided that we would go to the Donut Park, Katsu was about to leave when Mamametchi popped her head out from around the corner. She offered to buy some food off us. Katsu said yes so that the money could do towards her new dress fund.



After realising that I hadn't planted a seed in a while, we went to the Tama-Depa and bought a pack of seeds. Katsu was now itching to go home so she could plant it. I told her that I was tiered too so we headed home. As we arrived at home Katsu went into the garden and planted the seed. After giving it some water she watched it slowly sprout. We just have to wait now and see what item a get :)

So I have reached my limit for photo's. Ill be back soon for the second part of my log :)

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Good Morning Tamagotchi Fans. This just a quick update to let you know that I am still here. I have been super busy do I've been unable to log. However I am free later today so I plan to update you. I'm now running a Music Star too :)

So, i cant post pictures any more. My iPhone has broke and it will be a while untill I get it fixed.

End of April - 2nd May 2012


This is last time I will be logging about my ID L for a while. I don't have much time to run it and if I do it will run away on me. So this is good bye for a few weeks.

Music Star

On the 28th I looked around in my draw and found that my Music wanted me. I decided to use my last battery and I put it in him.

I tried to download but the menu never came up. So I reset and started again. I hatched a boy and called him Alyx.

Alyx had the usual 1 hour of neediness and then evolved into Kuchitamatchi. I though I was looking after him well.

The following days after e was doping good. 2 days ago he changed into Tarakotchi. Everytime I hatch my Music star I always get him on the first generation, then either Mametchi or Kuromametchi on gen 2. Time will tell :)

I'll sleek to you soon :)

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hello, Ive moved to a new site or my log! Its a lot easier for navigating and I can edit post after Ive made them! feel free to check it out here


20th May 2012

So you may have noticed that I failed at relaunching this log. However this was one of my best logs that I have made so I am going to continue with this one. I plan on getting one of the mods to help edit and clean up my topics as they have misspellings all over then because I type on my iPhone and a you know, IPhone have small screens.

This time with the log I have some rules that I am going to follow this time.

• I must update at least 2 times a week.

• I will no longer be posting photos. I find that if I post photos, I hate logging and I end up leaving all of my readers in the dark, never knowing what happened to the tamas.

• I will always try my best to post neat and you correct grammar and spelling so that it is easy to read my logs. I've had several PM's asking this so now I have made it true. :)

• I will be running this log up unti I physically cannot type any more, I hopefully am here to stay this time :)

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20th May continued (Part 2)

I am currently running 7 Tamagotchi! It's the most I've run in years. I decided that I wanted to hatch my Osutchi and Mesutchi. I hatch both pairs so I've got 2 Osu and 2 Mesu. (Blue) ( Lime green/yellow) ( smoke black) ( Clear)

I also am running my P2 again. In supposed that it still works because the other day, I had mimitchi. He had just evolved and I dropped him in my tea. It stopped working and didn't work untill it dried out again! Lucky it has started to work, the buttons aren't as responsive as they were but still work. In gratefull that they work :) anyway, in running him now. I love Mimitchi Tama ( Clear Yellow) and Mimitchi!

Angelgothi is being run too! I only just opened him up out of the package. I wasn't orrognally going to play with him or hatch him up but I had a mad moment so I hatched him up. He is a Japanese white color with white trim and golden wings with Angelgotch written on the top. I love this design :)

Last but not least is Morino. He is in good condition on the front, but bad condition on the back. I won him on eBay for £3 and £2 for shipping. I thought that even though it's got marks and stuff in the back, it was still a good deal so I bought it. He's the white design with Morino on the top, with brown squiggles and characters drawn on it! I love the colours :)

20th May continued (Part 3)

Osutchi and Mesutchi

Wow! Has it really been that long since i updated? I guess it has. I orrignally only wanted to take a few months brake away from tamagotchi because I had not time to run them and I wanted some time to myself. I actually have been running Tamagotchi since the last post, but I haven't logged about them on this site, Ive been blogging on the forum and on the old website because I've had no time to do html.

Well Im back now and will be for at least a few months again. I am currently running Two pairs of Osutchi and Mesutchi. My oldest pair that were on Gen 11 died this morning from low batteries So I just hatched them up again. Ill post the latest log below! :)

Today I decided to hatch up my Osutchi and Mesutchi. I have only been running my P2's and was looking for some more to run. Osutchi and Mesutchi fit well at the moment. At first when the hatched they looked like little poops. Im happy that I am running these again. I have kinda been missing them. For some reason I seem to like some of the older ones more than the connections. Its properly because I have run more of them than the connections. I guess that it will change in time. Like regular Tamagotchi, Kuritchi needed that one hour and 5 mins of constant care. I admit I fed a few snacks because I though that s/he needed a treat. They took a nap, pooped twice, got sick, and finally changed into Mohitamatchi.

At the moment I am down my Nan's and she doesn't have a pc that has internet so I am writing this up on my good old blackberry. Then I will go onto tama talk and my website and post this log. When I first started up Osutchi and Mesutchi, I had to go looking around the house for some batteries because I have non left. Well I did find some very old ones that are the wrong size and have about a days worth of life left in them. So tomorrow I am going to take a short walk into town and buy 4 new batteries. LR44 ones are hard to find now er days because the connections used CR2032 and now we are on AAA batteries sooo..... Anyway I'm unsure what I will be doing when my current P2's pass away. I think that I might put them back in storage and leave them for a few weeks or months and just use my Osutchi and Mesutchi for a while.

My second pair of Osutchi and Mesutchi are doing fine. The other day when I was running them I had Bunbutchi and Gankotchi but she died leaving Bunbutchi without a mate. I decided to rehatch her up and leave the male on pause while she caught up. She's currently Hawaikotchi and is about to turn into a Adult any day now. I think that by either tomorrow or Monday she will be adult and then she can mate!

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Mimitchi Tama is doing good. He currently is TonMarutchi and is 2 years and 48lb. I know that he is over weight but I really haven't got any time to get it down. It's also hard when his buttons are water damaged from tea haha. Anyway once I've finished this log, I will get him downtown to at least 35. I plan on getting Potchitchi the dog or even Mimitchi. I've given him perfect care other than not playing many games with him so only time will tell why character I will end up with. I love him and am enjoying spending time with him :)

Well, It's been a while since I posted. To be honest not much has happened. Some sad things and some happy things though, read below to find out :)

22nd May 2012

P2 (Mimitchi Tama)

Well my P2 has been doping great and finally I got the good teen character Tongaritchi. I have been giving him quite good care so I hope that I will get Pochitchi or Mimitchi. Even Zucitchi would be nice. it's been a while since I got a good care character :/

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Angel turned into the good teen character on the 21st. I've sort of been neglecting so I don't get the twins again. They are so needy and I want a different variety of characters :)

I also been think about not hatching it up again for a while after it departs because I want to hath some connections. I've been thinking about doing v2's however I'm undecided yet and I still need to get some batteries :)

Osutchi & Mesutchi

It's been a hard time for my poor Osu. First his wife died Just before se was going to have his kids. Then his second wife died too. Currently his girlfriend is still a teenager and will be a adult very soon. Other than that he is doing well. His stats:

Hungry • • • •

Happy • • •

14 years


I've been trying to make sure that he doesn't I over weight to 100lb so I don't get him fat! So far so good :p

Mesutchi died, I rehatched her and she died again. I think there is a little glitch in my Mesu because every time I've tried to mate they have died. I hit reset this time so it should be okay. Time will tell. She is currently the fat character but I just got her down to minimal weight. :) se currently is Hawainkotchi :)


Morino died and I've just rehatched him. So there isn't much to write about him sadly. He is doin good and is full on everything. Angel, him ad Osutchi and Mesutchi are sleeping :)

Osutchi and Mesutchi II

I've two pairs of Osu and Mesu that I am currently running. The second pair are both two years old and are in bed. Both are Mohitamatchi. There doing good and are full on everything.

That's all for today and I'll be back soon :)

Extra note: just put batteries into my Tama-Go and found out that I had Marotchi and her husband. I may be logging about her soon :)

What tamas should I start up after Angel, Morino and Osutchi and Mesutchi die? :)

23rd May 2012 (Note)

So I'm really starting To enjoy loggin about my tamas. At the moment I have nothing to do so I'm going to make this log and then try and get onto the 2nd page :) So onto the log?

Sorry for not posting yesterday. I'm really tiered and this hot weather in the UK is killing me! I like the cold and the rain not the sun and heat. Oh well on with the Log.

24th May 2012 (Part 1)


I woke up this morning ready to head off to work. I decided that I would take my P2 with me today but keep her on pause because I want to get Pochitchi and I could miss a disipline. So I put my ID L on pause. I got home a few hours later and I unpaused her. It wasn't long after she turned into a Makiko. I have got a image but imageshacks not uploading :/

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