Jordboss'es Logs 2012-


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Dec 21, 2010
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Well I Guess this is Hello, My name is Jordan, (I am the Royal Prince of Williamsia) I have been collecting Tamagotchi for several years now and I thought that I'd have a second attempt at creating and running a log. I previously have run several and did run on on my website. I no longer update that site anymore as I just use TamaTalk!


This time I am going to put more effort into this log unlike last time. I don't really like logs that have all those talking with the Tamagotchi! I find it distracting and it doesn't really go with the log that well. So there won't be any of that in this log sorry. :(

As for pictures there will be Pictures at least every 2-3 days because I like to see pictures of my tamagotchi as does my readers, (previous logs)

15th January 2012

Today is a Sunday and I woke up at 12pm. The first thing I did was check on my Tamagotchis. They were fine but The ID L, was very ill, hungry and unhappy. So I quickly filled him up and he was fine. He then pooped and evolved into Peintotchi. Other than that it's has been rather a quiet day.

As for Osutchi and Mesutchi, this will be there last generation for a while now. Don't get me wrong they are a amazing pair but they are too needy for me at the moment so I have decided that I wont be running them for much longer. I will eventually post about them just not tonight because I have no internet allowence on my IPhone until tomorrow!

That's all for now guys! Until next time!

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16th January 2012

Hello Everyone, Today has been a bad one, well for me anyway. I have come down with a sickness bug and a headache so Im not feeling to well. Last night I had to stay over my aunties because my parents were both working night shifts. So that's why there wasn't really much info or anything in my log. I dont really have any pictures today because of me being Ill but I promise that tomorrow I will have pictures! Ill set a reminder for siri lol.


When I woke up this morning I had to get ready for school, I started to feel dizzy and sick, but I though that I would be fine, when suddenly I was about to be sick! I ran upstairs and was sick :( , So I wasn't with him for much of the morning. I was unable to go to school in the end so I then unpaused my little Peintotchi. He pooped got sick, Hungry and then went to sleep. Nothing much with him today.

Osutchi and Mesutchi

Osutchi and Mesutchi were unpaused at around 4'pm because I was still at my Aunties from the night before. At around 6 they evolved into Propellertchi and Batabatchi. Its been quiet day for them too!

I have also got my Tama-Go and my V5 running, just until they both mate then they get deactivated. sorry for not much info but im going to be sick!


Osutchi and Mesutchi

Osu and Mesu have been good today but they unpaused themselves and they nearly died! Im so happy that they didn't but I think they might turn into the unmateables now though ;( Other than that though there doing good. Currently they are debutchi, As you have guessed, I can be quite lazy, anyway here are some pictures :)



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Tamagotchi ID-L

Well I have several images of my little ID L! Ive been exploring my ID L alot more now and I have got to say that it is my favourite version. I love the characters, games, downloads and even the look of it. Today has been a good day with him, We first woke up at 7:45 and quickly got dressed for school as we got up a little late. I quickly put my little Peintotchi on pause and then I left for school. When I got home I unpaused him along with my other ones.



I then decided to get him changed into a outfit, The first item that I bough were a par of dungarees and he loved them that much that he got a Mo sign, (Second Happy symbol) I then thought that I would play a quick game with him.


Kutchipatchi doesn't like loosing the game! especially when its a game to do with food! I love the look on his face!



Other than that its been a good day for him. Until next time :)

Sorry that I haven't posted. I will tomorrow, I couldnt today because I was busy with my GCSE Results ect.

Well Hello my readers, I haven't logged in a few days due to me having several meetings about my GCSE's and other school things. That is all over for the moment so I can Log again as I am 3 days behind and need to catch up now!

18-21st January 2012


I decided that I would take him to the match maker and it was their where her found his love, Little Chamametchi looking as beautiful as ever. It wasn't Long before he decided to take Chama for a date and proposed to her. She looked at him and smiles and happily said yes.


After a Lovely firework display, Peinitotchi and his wife went on there date! She loved it and he liked it too.!

Shorty after the date had ended a small egg appeared on my screen. This was Charma's daughter, Choribotchi. She is the most beautiful tamagotchi in Tama-Planet.


I did have some more pictures of her but they were not very visible in the light that I was in. So I haven't included those ones. My little baby was doing good but when she woke up without her father or mother she was very sad. She couldn't understand what had happened to her or why they had left her. I took her outside and told her that her parents are up in the sky watching her and that they love you very much but they had to leave :(

That's all for the moment. I will be back later today with today's log! Good Bye! :)

24th January 2012

Well I am sorry that I haven't posted in a dew days. I have my French Assessment tomorrow and I'm going to fail it because I don't know much French! I love French but I just don't understand it. It's like it just doesn't go through my brain. However the work is not too hard. I'll let you all know how it goes ;)

It has been a pretty good day today and yesterday. Osutchi and Mesutchi mated so they now have their little babies with them, They like to poop and get ill! I don't know why but they seem to do it a lot! I haven't been on here much and won't be able to update my log until all my exams have finished. I will post again soon!

I forgot to say, I hatched up a boy and a girl on my v2's so I will eventually log about them!


I have been very busy and have no time to update: I will post soon With pictures! :)

Sorry that I have not been on in ages. I'm not going to lie but I have been really busy. The main reason being is that my tamagothi ID L died for no reason and my V2's battery does everyday even if it put a brand new expensive one it, yet if I try it in a different tamagotchi the battery will last for weeks!

So I have decided, No more ID L or v2's for a while, I've gone vintage :p Im now running a P2 and a Morino. I do plan on getting my Osutchi and Mesutchi running and my Angel up sometime soon. However it is not confired.

11th Febuary 2012

This morning I decided that I would hatch up my Morino. It's basically brand new and I have never ran it really before. Actually I did run it once, but then it got to about To the cocoon stage and then then died because the temperature would not change. I'm going to have a good go this time and see what happenes.

I pulled the little tab out and out popped a chose of a white egg or a polka dot one, I randomly chose the white egg by pressing ( B) and then I set the time 1 hour behind the actuall one because then it would wake up at 9:00am giving me lots of time to get up :)

After exactly 5 mins Morino made a little tune and out popped a little baby, Known as Baby-mo-chi, he is still currently in this stage and is doing fine. However he does seem to poop at strange times. Other than that he is doin fine.

Nothing much with P2, I was among for a good care character but I got the bad teen. I guess I'll get any character now :(

Hello! Its still only early but I thought I would give you a quick update on what the Tama's have been up too.

First of all, Morino died from what I can only guess as being a prediter attack. He was fine one minuet and gin the next :( I quickly pressed a and c and out popped a little white egg. I've set the time 2hours behind so I am deffo up in time for him.

I also have hatched my angel gotch. Je is doing fine and is Maruten now :) I have got some pictures so I will upload them letter on in this post or a different one.

My P2. Seems to have a pooping disorder. He pooped so I cleaned it up then he popped again. Either I didn't clean it or what Soo I don't know. Other than that he is good.

I'll see you all in a bit for a longer more detailed post ;)

14th Febuary 2012

Well it seems that a lot has happened in just a few days. First of all I planned on buying a Ocean Tamagotchi from a user on here but they backed out. If anyone has a Ocean feel free to PM me.

Morino died today. I was watching desperate housewives with my cup of tea and I looked at the screen and he was jut a grave stone. I'm sorry poor Baby, I wish I could have saved you.

Angel evolved today into Oyajentinshi (Sp) I'm glad I've got him back, Ive gotta say that I've got close to him lately and he is always there for me. I'll be sad when he goes.

As for my little P2. He is good extremely well. Did isay? He turned into Takotchi a few days ago. He is currently 9 years old but I think he will leave me tomorrow and tonight in fact.

Sorry for no pictures again. It's getting to be a routine of not uploading them. I promis that I will have some pictures on here soon. Well that's all for now. Good night :)


Hello and Welcome! I have had some changes in the line up of tamagotchi, So at the moment, Morino is on pause because he died on me for no reason again, and my Angel is on pause because I feel like I need a brake from him. Oh and just a qick note: I have pictures today :)


I recently started up my ID L again, This time I am giving it good care and not letting him run away on me! He is called Katsu, (Means victory in Japan)


*Edited: See next post for reason*


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WOW! Its been so long since I updated, times goes by so quick.



So nothing much has really happened with my Tamagotchi's. My Tamagotchi ID L had a baby this morining. It took me forever to get Sunopotchi's happy stamp because everytime I planted a seed it would not sprout a ice shaver. In the end though I found a link to Tama-Zone where a member said that if you set the time to 06:59 and wait till 07:00 and go outside. It will make the plan grow because it regesters as a new morining! Sunopotchi got very dirty and so did his house because it took so many times to get the Ice Shaver, I finally got it though and then I took Sunopotchi to the Date Place. He chose Lovlin in the end.


So he and Lovlin went on there date. Sunopotchi gave her a ring which was very cute. After around 1 min he was back at home with a egg this time. A few seconds later the egg hatched and out popped little Momoritchi. After a quick nap, and Sunopotchi departing, Momoritchi was upset and cried.

(Ive got to go for now but I will be back later)

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I'm back or the rest of today's log. As you can tell, I don't update this log as much as I should do. a few years ago when I was running my own successful tamagotchi site. (Tamagotchi Village) I decided to shut the site an all my visitors and members went with it. I have plans on relaunching it eventually juts site with a small forum section this time. If I do it will be here.


So after Sunopotchi left, I had my little Momoritchi with me. She was so cute and bouncing around the screen. After pooping an getting sick she eventually evolved into Rolutchi.

Over the next few days nothing much really happened with Kati (that's her name). At around 12:30 she evolved into Hineonetchi. The character that has a slight resemblance to a human girl with a blonde ponytail. Later on that day I finally gave in and bought a IR adapter of eBay. I had heard that they weren't very good but this one was only cheap and was branded not like the other ones. I purchased it for £7:50 including shipping. It arrived this morning taking 2 days to come which was very fast! Thanks Royal Mail.

I plugged it into my laptop (Windows 7 64bit) and windows could not find drivers. I searched for hours but could not fid any. I thought that I had lost £7:50 on a piece of junk. I later found the website f the company. The IRda adapter that I had been discontinued since late 2003! The website wasn't even online anymore! Happened I used the Wayback machine and downloaded the correct files and it installed on my sitters windows xp pc. It wouldn't wok on mine because it was a 64 but version. Anyway I manage to get the files send over to my Tamhitchi on the first try. I'm so exited that u can finally use my Tamagochi ID L with all the features that are avalible!

I also purchased a used Pink ID of eBay from a member on here! It was cheap at $39 including shipping! I'm glad that Ill have one, I cat wait to send files over to that one now.

I do have 2 version 3s and a p2 going but I'm not going to log about these at the moment. My v3s will be going away soon, and my p2 is going to pass away so there isn't much point in logging. However when I receive my ID I will log about him!

Thats all for now! See you in a few hours :)


Hello, nothing much has really happened because it's still 12:02 am. I haven't long woken up! I've been I'll th past 3 days with stomach pains and such. It really hurts so I have had the time off school so that is why I am here!

I woke up at around 10:00am to find that Kati had evolved into Ponpontchi! Yay a new character :)


Sorry that i just stoped in the middle of a post. As I have said before, I'm sorry about that, the reason for it was that I was beig sick and I couldn't go back to righting it after because Really couldn't be bothered. I had a headache and just never got around to posting it.

I don't know if I've said but I purchased a ID for $39 recently so that should be here in a few days, it's in LA at the moment so.

That's all for this log.

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24th Febuary 2012

The reason why this post will be about my P2's and V3's is because I can't sleep and I have nothing else to do. No pictures in these post because I'm not my IPod but I will soon :)


Kati is doing well, today we woke up together at 7:00. I got up and got ready when I suddenly felt sick and had a bad stomach. I went back to bed till 12:00am then. I feel okay now I've had some sleep but because I slept in, I can't sleep now :(

Kati was giving me a upset look. I wondered what was wrong and she told me that she wanted I earn her happy stamps so that she will be ready to mate in a few days. We went to the shop and there we found a item. I fed it to Kati and e eyes lit up. She was so happy that I had given her such nice food and not the built in food that is provided by default. After that we played a few games and earned her last two happy stamps. She now has to wait 1-2 days for her last stamp and she then will be able to mate. Then we might be able to change the icon backgrounds to the apples :)



My P2 is doing very well actually. I kind of though that he would have died by now but nope, he seems to want to stick around for a few more days. Not that I am complaining :)

I am thinking about not rehatching him after he passes away this time. It will be the first time in over 2 years that I wouldn't have had it running. I just need a change for a while you know?

I'm not going to post any photos of him because in a few days he will pass away so it will be pointless.

I am thinking about what to hatch to replace him when he dies. Feel free to PM and say what one you think I should run and why. I would love to hear your thoughts on each one and why I should run it.

Thanks for listening :)

Here is a picture of him sleeping: It will also be one of the last photos before he passes away. :(


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