Jchlo's V4 Gotchi Log


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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2008
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Note: I have not got a V5 tamagotchi yet, as soon as I do, I will add a V5 Blog onto it.

A baby girl is born, Who I called Tammy. I fed her and made her happy, and played 'jumping rope' to burn off the lbs. I cured her baby illnesses and did stuff such as sending her to the toilet when she needed it. She cried, so I praised her and she got her first training point. She evolved into a toddler Mohitamatchi. Finally, she recieved her first mail, and in that there was 600gp from the King! She then brought a Lion doll from the shops. She then got Star and [!] Mail. In the [!] Mail, she got to go to pre-school. I then kept sending her there so that she could get more points. But then, the robber came and stole 100gp! But finally, the King came again and gave her 1000gp! She randomly beeped, so I time out'ed her so she got her next training point.

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Training Points= 2

lb= 15

Gender= Female

Generation= 1

Intelligence (Pencil) = 24

? (Star) = 27

? (Flower) = 11

Gotchi Points = 4400


Tammy woke up at 9:00 this morning. She got some mail, and I sent her to pre-school a few times. We played Mimic and won. We kept playing games, then she got a new training point when I praised her! I kept playing games for a while to get Tammy higher points. Then, she evolved into an Ichigotchi! Then I praised her. And she got another [!], and she got to be took off pre-school. Till, another one came to go to school! She picked the easel/Canvas man (lol). Just before she went to sleep, she got another training point when I had to time out her!


Training Points: 6

lb: 3

Gender: Female

Generation: 1

Intelligence (Pencil)= 40

? (Star)= 49

? (Flower)= 46

Gotchi Points= 7410


Tammy woke up at 9:00 this morning. I got myself ready to go out and played games with Tammy. While we were out, she started crying, so I praised her and she got another training point. We went to the shop and brought 2 chests, in 1 was a ball, and in the other was 1000gp! I sent her to school to get her some more points. But a while later (Probably an hour or so) the robber came and stole 800gp, leaving her with only 8110gp left! We played games and I fed her. She then got Star mail, and some mail from the King, which was 600gp. We then just played games and went to school for a while. She cried and got another training point when I praised her. She got a poop in the mail so I re-feeded her with treats and snacks to make her happy again, and then finally played more games to lose the lb again.


Training Points - 8

lb - 4

Gender - Female

Generation - 1

Intelligence (Pencil)= 70

? (Star)= 55

? (Flower)= 66

Gotchi Points= 11310


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