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New member
Apr 7, 2008
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Hay everybody! Let me introduce myself.... :(

I am Jay Vee, proud owner of five tamagotchis:

1 v2

2 v3's

2 v4's


My V2 is called Janna, and she is two years old. She has about 7891 points, and 30 items.

One of my V3's is called Layla, and she is a baby. She has 305 points and no items.

My other V3 is called Alex, and he is a teenager. He has 2230 points and 16 items.

One of my V4's are called Fenbe, and he is four years old. He has 10 points and 28 items.

My other V4 is called Mazie, and she is a kid, with 1690 points. She has two items.

I probably wont be keeping track of some of them, because it is a lot of work recording the quick lives of FIVE TAMAS! :(

Mazie is my main tamagotchi, because she has rainbow colours and usually never beeps.

These are her stats:

Pencil: 18

Star: 24

Flower: 10

She goes to preschool all the time, and since it is the school holidays i can play with her all the time to get her points up.

dang it she just beeped. Oh well that is only the thrid time she has beeped. (I usually turn the sound off because my mum hates hearing my tamagotchis beep!)


Ok, I better go now because my tamas are ready for bed.

Talk lata,

JAY VEE xoxoxoxox.

Layla :(

Janna :D

Fenbe :(

Alex :(

Mazie :(

Hay guys,

Sadly, Janna died without have a baby :D

When i saw that she died i reset her right away, and got a baby boy! I called him Gusta. (You are probaly thinking that I like weird names, which is SO TOTALLY TRUE!)

Now Gusta is a kid, with 400 points.

Hey, did i ever tell u Mazie's USERname? Well, it's Killa. I was reading a book about murdering, and the star was Mazie, and she was a killer, so I just named her that. (yer, I am a bit weird, but at least im happy!)

Mazie is now a teen! She looks soooo kewl!Her stats:

pencil: 36

star: 89

flower: 23

She goes to college now, and I hope that she will get a really good job.

Layla and Fenbe say hi. I connet them alot and they are becoming great friends! I hope that when Layla is an adult they willl have children! (It probably wont happen, because Fenbe is already 4 years old, and Layla is just a kid. Oh well.)

Great news:

The matchmaker came to Alex! He now has a baby girl. What should i name it???? Maybe Tinaz, or Jessi. I am sooo excited! Now that Alex has a baby he is harder to take care of, but it is worth it. The baby is sooo cute!

It will be sad when Alex dies because he is one of the only boys. Oh well atleast there will be Gusta and Fenbe.

Well, it is time for me to get off. I think that Alex is beeping. Or Guasta. They all sound the same! LOL

I Hope that Mazie will grow really odl and have a baby. Hmmm.... you never know.... maybe she will marry Fenbe? It could happen....

Hi guys! Sorry I haven't posted for while :angry: I was sorta busy.


So here are Mazie's Stats:

Pencil: 42

Star: 91

Flower: 29


OK, sadly, layla died because my baby brother hid her and she died because i couldn't find her in time



I called the girl tama that was born after she died Layla (2), in honour of Layla. Shw is now a kid. She has 10 points and she is a healthly little tama! :D


On a happier note, Alex passed away and now his baby girl is there!!!! I called her Jessi. She is really cute just bobbing around on the screen. She is still a baby, but will probably turn into a kid really soon. She beeps alot, and it can get annoying.


Fenbe is a healthy five year old now. The matchmaker should come soon!!!! :wacko:

Gusta is a kid. He looks like a raindrop lol!


Ok I gotta go. Cya!


Luv JAY VEE xoxoxox


Layla :furawatchi:

Fenbe :ph34r:

Mazie :lol:

Gusta :ph34r:

Jessi :D


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