Its a miracle


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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2005
Reaction score
Scranton, PA, USA
It's a miracle! I May 05 I lost my purple V1, *sniffle*. Now on October 1st, I've found it!. since May, I've gotten a new V2, a fruit rings. I've had a few gens on that one, but I won't bore you with them. My latest tama, Mia is a grown up, 4. When I lost my V1, I had a tarakotchi named Mia! Mia's back! And yes, you guessed it, Mia jr (which I'm calling her now) was named after her great, great, great grandmother. Well, I have to get Mia 1s battery, in a few days. Can you wait until then? :marumimitchi: And I'm going to wait until Mia 2 has a baby, so they can marry! Well, bye bye for now!


This morning (it's roughly 8am, I'm an early bird) I'm taking my Mia to Sunday School and church. My friend has a tama and we'll connect. I have a funny story to tell you about my friend's tama. Her girl, Yumi, married my other friends V2, Oriky, and they had two boys! They both bough UFOs, and here's the funny part, They went on a honeymoon! They both went in the UFO, and almost by mistake both went to NYC! They brought their children with them to! Well, enough with them, Mia is a slot chamion, and in two days bought a ball, boots, trumpet, maraccas, glasses, computer, bowtie, drum, ipod(music) UFO & weights! She also has a panda and Mimitchi costume (the one's you get with the codes!) Well I'm ganna surf the net to find out what charecter mia is! Bye!


This is for yesterday,because I was out late eating with my family. We got home at 8:00, and since I have to get up at 6:00, 8 is late for me. Anyway, yesterday was really boring so I'm going to talk about today. First of all, I put up this chart to show Mia 2's growth before I started this log. PS, Mia 2's on her first gen.


I'm sorry if I spelled the names wrong.

Well, Mia 2's now 6. I WANT THE MATCHMAKER TO COME!!!!!!! I hope I mate a good tama, so I can get a Kinotamatchi! Well I letcha know when the match maker comes!


Sorry I haven't been on for awhile, I got pounded with homework this week. But alot's happened since then. Mia had the matchmaker come she married a sheep charecter...





girl! I named her allie! But here comes the sad part... I left allie at home not on pause and she died :rolleyes: But that's when I put the batteries in my V1! On my V2 I got a...

Boy!!!!!!! His name is Hino (after what allie was when she died)

My V1 is a....

Girl!!!!!! I name her Tanya, for no apperant reason at all, I just like the name.

Well, they're slleping andll wake up anytime now. I'll let ya no what they turn into

Probably this :mellow:

When I just wrote the last post I accidentally let Hino go to sleep with his doo doo! Oh well, there goes my chance at a Mimitchi. It's the price for not pausing.

Sorry I haven't been on inso long, and so much has happened since then! It got really hard for me to take care of both of my tamas, so I mad this decision. I want you to know it was a really hard one. :eek:

I gave my little brother both of my tamas, and he gave me his jelly beans tama. I reset his old, dieng tama and got becky. She later evolved into a ^_^ . She then evolved into a young mametchi. Right now she's ganna turn two any hour now. But here's a funny thing with Becky, I put her on pause all 6 hours I'm at school. I'm probably ganna lap her b'day when she evolves!

On sunday a had a sad encounter. My little sis couldn't find her tama. Then I heard a scary sond, the sound that her tamas make when they play tug of war. I looked at them and saw them on the ground rubbing their faces on the ground with a skull sign over them. None of the buttons worked. I was helpless. Suddenly I heard a loud, hi pitched sound, the sound that they make when you reset them. They scrunched up their face, and shot up into the air. The screen turned black. Then an angel appeared.They were dead.

I'm ganna write a horror story about that in the Fan Fiction section. as soon as I write it I'll give ya the link.

Don't worry, I got a homework routine down patt so I'll be on more often

