Is Reseting wrong?


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I think it's cruel no one should reset their tama!!!! ;) :D :furawatchi:

That's stupid... plus the tamagotchis aren't real. They don't really have a 'life'.

sorry about that but im afraid ur wrong tamagotchis r real otherwise they wouldn't be around so that was a bit of a silly ting to say and kuchipatchi love i totally agree with u!!! :D :) :) :angry: :angry:


I reset mine alot if I want a different gender. I don't think it's wrong at all! :mimitchi:

I don't think there is anything wrong with resetting Tamagotchi... ._. Everyone has their reasons, and Tamagotchi's are just pixels, aren't they?

I think you should only reset a tama if its about to die or something and you dont want the little guy to suffer. If you reset it cause you dont like the character, thats stupid because its your own fault for not taking care of the gotchi. I only think I reset mine on pupose once, because I wanted to marry two of mine together, and one was the wrong gender. Then I felt really bad like a killed him because he wasnt there anymore. D: SO DONT RESET

I reset them really often, because I want to change the version (and move the batteries to other Tamas) xD I don't think it's wrong or anything... I mean, they are not real. They don't have feelings. Who cares?!

I personally would not reset my Tamagotchis unless they pass away or have technical problems. I mean, I love my Tamas like they're my kids, and I'm aiming for the 99th generation, and I would NOT want to have to start from Gen.1 all over again! I don't know about after 99th generation... you see, it's a personal choice. If it's wrong, it would not be any wronger than stepping on an ant.

it kinda depends on what your goal is. are you trying to get a certain carachter? if so the is a little point in it. or are you trying to get to a high generation? then DON'T reset it.


I don't think it's a CRIME to Reset your Tama but I think it's a bit mean.

Tamagotchi's are my Favourite things.

I Love them. Why go through all that hard work to get your Tamagotchi things and care for it to just Reset it? It's a bit Pointless in my opinion.

Resetting isn't all that Bad.

I only reset mine if it dies or has a MAJOR Glitch that os seriously affecting my Tama.

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Resetting is not wrong to me. I only reset when my tama dies because I work so hard on my tamas for all generations. I would never reset it because i was ugly. I love my tamagotchis in any form. :eek:

Yes in a way but not.

tamagotchies are virtual with means they have no feeling in the real world

your friends are a bit wacko keep resetting them because not everyone gets all the charters on there tama.. make sure they know that because there wasting their time !!

How is resetting wrong?

And how is it mean? You should know by now tamagotchis aren't really alive.

Yes in a way but not.tamagotchies are virtual with means they have no feeling in the real world

your friends are a bit wacko keep resetting them because not everyone gets all the charters on there tama.. make sure they know that because there wasting their time !!
I've gotten every character on my V1. Both babies, all toddlers, all teenagers, and all the adults, plus the oldies and the secret character you get from mating 2 oldies.

I'm thinking that if you reset because of reasons such as deaths or glitches is perfectly reasonable. But to me, if the owner resets because the Tama is not the right gender or character, it just seems to me that they don't really love their Tamas all that much. If the owner truly loves their Tamagotchi, they wouldn't 'kill' it just because it's ugly, would they? :) But as I said, if you decide to reset, it's all Pro-choice for me ;)

Yeah ! I mean think of that poor little Tamagotchi getting killed because it's owner didn't want it ^_^

Just because your tama is "ugly" doesn't mean anything. It is the personality and what skills. One of my tamas was "ugly" but i kept it like that because I just wanted my generation to go to at least 5g. So it's wrong to reset your tama just because it is "ugly" :wacko: ;) That is just plain out stupid. :D

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