is it possible?


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Nov 27, 2008
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my tama named hope had a kid and She is only TWO years old! she mated with a Five year old named Greg. They dont even have hearts when i go to the friends that normal or...what?

This does not sound normal, it is probably a glitch. See if it does anything abnormal after this.

This is an uncommon but interesting glitch known as the tama teen pregnancy glitch. it typically happens to most regularly connecting Tamas at some time or another. Still trying to figure out why though.

my tama named hope had a kid and She is only TWO years old! she mated with a Five year old named Greg. They dont even have hearts when i go to the friends that normal or...what?
Let me guess - the other parent was on a different version Tamagotchi toy than the mother? If so, then we've heard of this happening before.

Let me guess - the other parent was on a different version Tamagotchi toy than the mother? If so, then we've heard of this happening before.
There are topics like this all the time. It has happened to my Tamas before twice.

they were the same version 4.5 so whats going to happen??? is she going to become and adult or leave? if leave when will she leave if she had it today?

Unfortunately, after Tamas have kids they do not evolve. She will stay as a Teen, but will still go to TamaTown. Nothing serious will happen to the Tama, except remember: when that happed to my Tamas, the girl refused to eat. If that happens, discipline her or give her medicine. Usually that won't happen though.

lol teen pregnancy in tamagotchis.

But I don't think that's normal. D: I've gotten my violetchi to mate with a toddler once before, I think.

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