Is anyone here in the 6th grade?


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I passed 6th grade with Average marks, but that would be like making the Honoroll on the Standard team. Yep, I barely passed my Advanced Classes, these classes in 7th grade are easy ._. I choose not to do my work though

I passed 6th grade with Average marks, but that would be like making the Honoroll on the Standard team. Yep, I barely passed my Advanced Classes, these classes in 7th grade are easy ._. I choose not to do my work though
I passed 6th with straight As... which is why in 6th they placed me in GT (aka teh best class eva! Who doesnt want to play board games during class?)

6th grade was alright for me, but 7th grade is the best year by far. The classes got a lot harder though.

I'm in sixth grade too. It's boring, and I liked fifth grade SO much better.....

im in 6th grade i love it! its easyer then 5th grade for some reason! we also get to go to outdoor ed. , and a huge bike ride threw the hole day!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO! not yet thow! lol! out door ed. is in 2 months november 5th!!!

I love 6th grade too because we have a new science lab at our school,it's nothin fancy though but it's cool.

We like have three minutes between classes and I hate that,it's not a whole lot of time,cause I need time to fix my hair XD.

im in year 6 it aint hard but i think year 5 was the 'working year' thats the year when you have to actually finish your work you didnt really have to in year4

year 6 is fun

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