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Active member
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
Hiya, I'm EvilKitten and I'm loggin about my v5 refresh which I have decided to name Irawr my friend and I are kind of obsessed with the word rawr. So I went to Walmart today and got a battery I decided to put it in my v5 and dadadada!! I got the Irawr family which has one girl and two boys the middle boy is a mousetchi, the other boy a mattaritchi, and the girl is a belltchi. They are cute little babies, I wish I could post pictures but sadly I can't since 1) I don't have a phone with a camera sucks I know. 2)I don't have a camera, but I might get one for Christmas. So no pix for now, but I might find some on Tinypic or Photobucket. The design I have is blue with a purple star abd light purple ring. Also I might get a battery for my v3 or a new v4.5 if I find one at Target. So my little ones would like to talk now the colors and names will be at the bottom.


Mattaritchi-Riff Raff


Hey, I'm Frank'N'Furter and I'm the oldest

Hii I'm Columbia the second oldest and the only girl

I'm Riff Raff and the baby but that dosen't mean I'm nice :furawatchi:


Yeah I guess he's kind of cranky, they did just change and all that but jeez if you ever saw Rocky Horror Picture Show you'll know where I got the names. I'm sooooo original also I might take the star and circle and face off of my tama with some nail polish remover. I'm just weird like that. If you like my log please PM me also I'll be posting once a day or twice if the mood strikes me.


Hey again, nothing really interesting happened with the Irawr family today I trained them and they now have 0% what a change...Riff Raff is still being rude to me, I don't know why all I do is feed him and play games then he's all bla bla bla I better get married bla bla bla. But I don't thinkk I'll marry him off if he keeps up this rude behavior, yeah ummm did you guys here about the Tamagotchi Music Star? I saw some pix on I'm buggin my mom to get me one. They look really cool, I like the pink and black star design and the purple and black one I dunno which one I want thogh. If I get it you guys who are reading will be the first ones informed. Now my kids wanna talk.

Hey guys, its 9:51am right now.

Umm, yeah I didn't know we were giving them an over on the time in New York...

Shut up you babies.

Coming from the last born, you should be the last one calling anyone a baby.


Yeah, Riff Raff is way too cranky today my cat is randomly on my desk scratch that two of 'em Teddy and Annie. My username is named after Annie since she is the most evil kitten ever. Teddy is big like to huge to be a kitten and he's heavy. Alright now you know about my cats I hope when Columbia evolves I get a memetchi, I have to keep my points down for that though. I might get a new v5 refresh too, if they have 'em at Target or ToysRUs. Well bye remember PM me if you are enjoying my log.

