Imaginary friends.


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Growing up, I didn't have many friends.

So I used pokemon as my imaginary ones. I pretended that I was playing outside with squirtle and pikachu, and that they would sleep with me at night.

I'd talk to them, and tell them stories.

I never told my real friends about it though, even though I felt like puching them whenever they accidently "sat" on one of them.

I actually belived my imaginary friends had feelings.

I did once... I barely have any friends...

he still hangs around. ;3

i have i have had him since i was like 1 and a half lol

his name is norman and norman2 and norman3 1 and 2 both died

in water even tho he is a frog lol

I had an imaginary family. A mom, dad, older brother, younger sister, golden retriever, and a cat. I didn't really name them, either..

And then, when my sister refused to play anything with me, I had Wally. The wall. He was everywhere, and always bounced my ball back to me. I even carved his name into him with a tack. O:

I still talk to myself quite a bit, though. Or at least that's what it might sound like. I usually imagine that I'm talking to my doppleganger or something along those lines. Either a me that's worse than I am or better. This usually only happens in my own room, though.


I think I had one when I was 4. she was princess (does not know full name XP) and she would fight this big circle-y guy XD (he was the big mean blankblankblank!?) I think I have some really lame drawings of her from a long time ago, but I couldn't even draw stick people back then XD

EDIT: ohh! ohh! I remember one clearly now!

a tabby cat named chelsey. I just had to have a cat back then, but I was allergic to them, so I created her!

I still have random anime characters following me if I feel like it XD


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I did, when I was like..3. o.x I don't think she had a name.

I've had loads. When I was about five, my hands were imaginary friends. My left hand was a boy, and my right a girl.

When I was seven, I invented a girl called Kerrina (I called her Kerry). She was my very best friend. But I don't have her anymore. I do have some right now, it's true. Too many to name. They aren't real, I know, but they're real to me.


I had one named ayna (I-NAH) and I would call her on my toy phone. xD one night I said her and a bunch of her friends were sleeping over and I made my mom put out a bunch of pillows for them. xp


The rabbity creature thing. He had big teeth and multi colored shoes.

He was like, three metres tall. He liked to eat carpets. I was only like, 1 or 2.

Uh. I had many, often nameless. I abandoned them in a train? lmao. I must be crazy then.

No imaginary friends.

More, alter egos?

Like, there's who I want to be, and who I am.


i have my friend inside my head, but i ll tell u bout that in a sec.

i used 2 sit in the tub and make the shampoo bottles "talk"... XD i no its pathetic.... i still talk 2 a teddy bear because he's my friend... i've had him since i was like 2 weeks old!

kay... i have a friend in my head... her name is wanda and she's really outgoing around people she knows but shy around everyone else she doesn't know.... which is everyone but me and the teddy bear. i also talk 2 my dog cuz i believe she listens. wanda and i usually have little conversations and its really fun. this is how one went once...

*I was reading a book*

Wanda: Des! WAKE UP!

Me: Whaaa? Im awake!

Wanda: No you weren't! You were just staring at that book... you fell asleep with your eyes OPEN!!!

me: that's called reading.

wanda: I know what reading is. sheesh, no need to be mean....

*i go back to reading and about 2 chapters later...*

wanda: SEE! Youre doing it again!!!

Me: Stop... I wanna read.....

wanda: whatever.....

*5 chapters later...*


*i decide to humor her*

me: sure.... yep... i was doing it again.... :)

wanda: you don't believe me? you were! you were you were you were!!!

*about 5 minutes later, she's still yelling "you were!" inside my head... she's really weird.

yeah.... i make up friends.

yeahhhh xxx i totaly have one i have had him since i was like 1 an a half lol i even have proof he is real btw his name is norman and he is 10

when i was little i had a teapot full of milk and i said norman do you want a drink of milk and he said yes please i said can you get it yourself please cuz i am not allowed to poor it lol and the teapot lifted and the milk poared out into his cup


i also have one called mandy and she is 5

I used to have Timon from The Lion King as my imaginary friend. Haha, I got bored with him and imagined that he left me for another person. XD

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