* im your tamagotchi , so happy that you love me ♥


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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
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Hey guys! Welcome to my log about the tamas I'm currently playing with!

music star:

caga kuribo-tchi

male;0yrs;10lb;jazz music;


tama colour:

james kuribo-tchi

1170pts;0 tickets;15g

I'll give you an update tomorrow :angry:

James, my tama colour has evolved into a young mimitchi. That's what 24/7 care gets you. :)

This morning, I had sort of a scare with him.. I slept in a little longer then usual, and then jumped out of bed remembering that he gets up at seven.

When I found him, he was missing four hunger hearts. Eek!

He's fine now though. :) Soon after, he evolved.

Caga is doing pretty well. This morning his stress levels were pretty high, but I worked on it for a bit.

I also tried to get his skills up higher. I'm thinking that they are pretty low compared to others.

tone: 154 rhythm: 144 original:134

Anyway.. He's doing well. His stress levels raise quite a bit.. Every time he practices. That's getting frustrating.

Haha :) I'm so new to music stars.

New tama info: I am contacting a person about buying an angelgotchi. :p If you guys have read my intro post, you'd know that I've always wanted one!

Hopefully it falls through.

Just wanted to post a link to my favourite tama log on here..


I really like it. :) Haha, I'm so excited for what will happen when maria turns 99!

Anyway.. Tamateens blog inspired me to start another tama and see how long she or he will live!

I'm going to start up my V5 right now.

Talk to you guys tomorrow!

Edit: I decided to do a V3. I'll keep you guys updated!

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Lots of posts- I know. Don't blame me, its summer and I won't be busy until our pool is ready. (My dad just put in the chemicals today!)


James is doing okay. It wasn't a very eventful day for him..

He's gotten to 1060 gotchi points. Haha :p

Right now, I'm trying to figure out where it says how old he is.

.. Japanese language is so confusing!

Anyway, I think that's all for James' day.

Music star♥

Caga evolved!

He's confusing me, though. How could he be a Hinotamatchi?

I took a m a z i n g care of him, I must say.

He's been practicing his trumpet like crazy! I'm kind of worried about his stress levels.. Haha.

I found out that praising him will reduce them.

I've been told that when your music star tama evolves to a teen, you should start practicing a lot.

I'll start that soon!


Lydia is my newly started tama! She evolved earlier today into a Tamatchi.. Very cute! :D

I'm trying to see how long she will live.. Sort of an experiment.

I think I've only gotten to an "old" tama on my V1.

So far, she's been playing bump and losing horridly. She's not enough weight to win most of the time.. Haha!

Maybe I'll stick to "get ♪"

Hey guys! I have a lot of updates for you!

Bad news: I've decided that Caga, my music star, was too hard to take care of. I'm not good with more than two tamagotchis. He'll be on pause for a little while.. Until Lydia becomes an elder.


I've been working with James on how to get his happy bar filled up. He currently only has the tea bubble.

I've bought a telescope, Ice pop, magnifying glass, and I've got hapihapi seeds. I'm on my way to getting the full bar!

Anyway.. I had a few weight troubles with him. He was 25 g at one point.. Trying to make him eat the ice lolly. It didnt work.

Sort of exciting: His tree is almost full grown. I think it will have seeds by tomorrow. :D Then I can start my hapihapi tree.


Lydia is doing really well. She still hasn't evolved, but probably will today.

So far, I haven't paused her once and her age is still 0.

Anyway.. I think she did pretty well in bump this morning getting to round six. :D

Other than that, we went on tamatown this morning and got a few souvenirs.

I haven't been on tamatown in SO long.. It's never really been my thing..

I've noticed that it's really really really boring.

I'll give you guys another update later today!

q u i c k u p d a t e ♥♫

Hey guys! If I started a tama blog on a separate site (including contests with prizes) , who would read it? Let me know in a PM! I've been thinking about it for a while now..

PS: Read my log, and then look at the bottom!

Anyway, a quick update for each:

Lydia ( v3 )

Lydia evolved!

She is now a young mimitchi.. (Is that character name old school, or do they still call them that?)

Other then that, it hasn't been a very eventful day for her.

Her needs are very low maintenance.

I went on the code section of this site and got some items for her, but thats it.

More updates with her tomorrow!

James ( TMGC+C )

James is doing welllll! I filled up his happy bar about half way. He now has the heart cloud, clover, AND tea.

I'm still waiting for tonight to use his telescope.. and trying to figure out how the ice lolly works. (I've been trying.)

Anyway.. I've done the lottery two times today. I got a cute pink vaccum and this weird brown food item.

Can you tell I'm not very successful with lotteries?

Talk to you guys tomorrow!

:( PS: If you guys have any requests for my log, please tell me. (Ex: information on a certain topic, a certain tama version you'd like me to start up, or any questions you have on tamas.)

Please PM me about it!

James ( TMG+C ♥ )

James woke up at 7 this morning, and I decided to make the hapihapi tree grow.

I do this by setting the time to 6:59 and waiting one minute until he wakes up. When he does, I go outdoors, wait for it to grow, and repeat three times.

So.. I am now getting closer to a full happy bar!


Ice lollipop- I have one, but it's not giving him a happy extension!

Rainbow watering can- I need to find one in the lottery.

Telescope- Waiting for a clear night :D

.. And thats it!

He should be turning into an adult any time this afternoon!

His age clock says 3, but that will change soon (I hope)

I'll give you guys another update on him later today.. It's only 8 AM now.

When lydia wakes up, I'll post her a seperate log. ;) (It will be kind of long .. including tips.)

PS: View the link to my blog in my signature!

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Before starting Lydias log, I'd like to say a few things.

First,I've started playing with yet another V3 tama, but i'm not going to log on him! :) He's just for fun, really.

I will, however, be talking a bit about him in Lydias log.

Second, James has actually just evolved at three years old. He is now a mametchi! Very cute.

Lydia ( V3 ♥ )

Lydia has been doing pretty well. I'm so surprised at how she never really needs care.

I've noticed that today she's become a little more needy.

Here are some stats for her:

25 lbs ; young mimitchi ; 1 yr ; 1639 pts

Notice how it says one year? Yeah.. It's been more like 2.

Anyway.. Today Lydia has started connecting with her little friend "Jake"

He is a baby V3. They've become pretty good friends now, with two smiles.

For the record, I'm not planning on mating them at all, because Lydia is planned to grow very old.

Sorry for the boring and un-productive day!

PS : Jake is now a child :)

Not a very interesting day.. :p

James (TMGC+C ♥)

HE EVOLVED ! Sorry for the caps.. (;

He is now an adult mametchi! Very cute!

James is doing really well, actually. He is now four. :D

He's 15 g, which I think is very small for an adult mametchi. What can I say? I'm kind of addicted to the matching game!

Other then those important factors, I now have a happy bar that is missing one thing. The rainbow watering can.

Jeeeez. :(

I think I'm going to give up until after I raise a few thousand to spend at the tamadepa.

Oh, that reminds me.. I do have a yellow pass! I got it today..

So far, James has been to the theme park and _visited_ tamadepa. I was broke from buying 40 teas for the lotto tickets. Haha!

Lydia (V3 ♥)

Lydia is a very un-productive tamagotchi.

I'm sorry I never really have anything to log about..

Older versions are simple but sweet. :)

She is NOW 3 years old! It pays off for never pausing!

Her training is full.. she has 1128 gp.. and 22 lbs.

That's all for her!

PS: I am going to make a few more extended care guides on my blog! (Link in my signature)

If you have any requests or questions on tamas, feel free to PM me. :)

VERY VERY VERY quick log for tonight! :p


She is getting a bit over weight (28 lbs) .. Eek. I find it so hard to play the games! :/ I dont really like them.. Haha

Other than that, she's doing well.


Trying to get my rainbow watering can! Grr! :p

I can do about two more tries until I'm out of gp.. Haha!


I'll give you guys a big log tomorrow.

Rea (TMGC+C ♥)

I know what you're thinking.. Who's Rea?

Rea is a cute baby girl!

This morning I woke up to see the matchmaker option on James screen.

He then married a furawatchi and soon enough he was gone.

I'll miss him, but now I can take care of his baby. :)

Soon she will be changing into a child. (Right now, she is taking a nap.)

Anyway.. All of the things are here to start doing the happy bar again. ;)

Yes, before James had to leave, I did finish it! The gold coin game is super super super easy and gives you a lot of coins!

Otherwise, there isn't really a lot going on at the moment. I'll definitely log again about Rea this afternoon, since she's a baby and they grow quickly!

Lydia (V3 ♥)

Lydia is still 3! :/ I'll wait until this afternoon to see if she's four yet.

Soo.. I bought a ticket for america (I think) ! I'm going to use it after I'm done logging.

I've noticed she has waay too many things in her "inventory".. It's so confusing!

Anyway.. I'm going to go on tamatown now!

I'll give you guys an update later.

Exciting x 10 news! :)


Rea is now a Memipetchi! She's adorable and pink..

Anyway, she now has a royal palace for a living room! :( It's really pretty.

She used some of her daddies inheritance money and raised the rest with games.

I started over on the happy bar.. She has everything except the tea and the telescope.

Ugh.. She gained like 20 pounds from all of those popsicles and (failed attempts) at tea. ;)

I'm going to wait a little while before starting the tea icon again.


Good news:

Lydia is now a furawatchi. :ph34r:

Bad news:

She is still 3!

Oh well...

Anyway, we haven't been doing a whole lot today. She requires very little care..

So we just play games most of the time! :(

Rea TMGC ♥

Rea is now a teen and 1 years old! Chamametchi. :angry: Pretty adorable.

This morning, I bought her the royal palace living room! Afterwards,

I filled up her happy bar and got a weight potion. (She was getting pretty heavy..)

Ugh.. It seems that my life has been getting busier lately and I don't have as much time as I'd like for tamas.

I cant say that she has had the best care today. :p

Oh well! Hahah...

Lydia V3 ♥

Lydia is not doing anything exciting.. Like usual. ;)

All I can say for today: she is now five! Haha!

Talk to you guys later!
