I'm new to tamatalk


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New member
Feb 15, 2007
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Hi I'm oniontchi12 and I'm new to tamatalk! I have 6 tamagotchis, 2 v2, 1 v1, 2 v3s and one v4. I like danny Phantom and I hate Mr. Meaty! I also cats too. My favorite color is purple and my best friend is tamalight. I also have a boyfriend. I am in sixth grade and I am 12.

Welcome to TamaTalk! This is a great site and I know you will definately enjoy your time here. Please read the rules of TamaTalk found in a users guide to TamaTalk. Please don't spam, and keep it safe. Have fun!

Hi oniontchi12! I hope you have a great time in tamatalk. You should check the rules out before making any posts. Tamatalk is a great place to make some friends and not be made fun of because of having tamagotchis since it's not 'in' in our school anymore. Just keep it safe and you will have a great time here! :) :p

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