I'm gonna give this another try =]


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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I haven't been into tamagotchi since last July, but I've decided to get back into them! w00p I started up my V4, and soon will be starting up my P2 (if my dad can open up the back).

I didn't want to part with my current V4 tama, so I didn't restart it. It's a pyonchit and is 4yrs of age...his name is Naji. :furawatchi:

I have to go for now, but I'll update mroe later. See you! *Naji waves*

Acordding to my Dad, the screws on my P2 tama are stripped! D: Whatever that means. But he can't get them open, with or without a special tool.

Sooo...MY MOM SAID I'M PROBABLY ALLOWED TO GET ANOTHER P2 FROM EBAY! ^^ I've already been looking over some tamas.

I decided to keep Naji on pause for awhile because I started up my V1, and resetted it. I want to pay full attention to Haru (my new female tama) so I think it would be best for Naji if I kept him on pause. Haru is such a well behaved tamagotchi! When she was born, I feed her, played with her, ect. She only pooped once and got sick for only a moment. Her health bars stayed very high, and hardly dropped. o_O Thats unusual.

Haru JUST turned into a toddler, a Marutchi. She's soooo cute, and I think I actually love her like a baby/daughter. <_< Is that weird??

If I get a P2, I'm pausing all tamas and playing with JUST the P2. I'm weird like that.

I unpaused Naji. He is just so fun. xD I finally got a job for him...although I'm not too sure what it is and the game makes no sense at all. o_O There is a pen, three flowers, and a star and if you click certain buttons they move, but if you click teh middle button they seem to disappear....x.x I'm not sure. I'll read up on it.

I'm such a bad tama mum! I woke up at 11:30am, and Haru had already been up for 3 or 4 hours! She was sick, poop was filling up, and all hearts were empty. That probably scarred her for life. No Mimitchi for me. :p

Still waiting on those P2 tamas on Ebay. One ends tomorrow, and the others end next week. But...the one that ends tomorrow needs a new battery. I don't want to get the tama and then not being able to open it to switch the battery, like my current P2. :D

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w00p! I'm probably allowed to get the P2 off of Ebay! The one I'm thinking of getting ends ON MY BIRTHDAY! ;) It'd be like a birthday gift, you know? I can't wait! My dad is bringing my blue P2 to a eyeglasses store to see if they can get it open (it was recommended). Hopefully they can...I miss Webster. :lol:

Haru and Naji are doing well! Naji got a heart in the mail today, and was overjoyed. Hopefully the matchmaker comes soon! I mean, I don't want Naji to go but..he's already 4yrs old. The matchmaker will probably be coming soon. I will dearly miss Naji...for some reason, I've treated all my V4's like gold in the past, and all have come out to be good characters. When Naji leaves his baby, I'm going to treat it really well! Naji would be proud. =]

Haru got sick again...I can't even take my eyes off her for a second without her losing hearts and becoming sick. I guess that when she was a baby, she acted like a toddler. And now that she's a toddler, she's acting like a baby. Does that make any sense? o_O Right now, Haru is rolling around happily. She's quite chubby...I don't really feel like playing with her. Tomorrow, she's going to excercise and lose all that extra weight! She's going on a diet. xP

I took the battery out of Naji (*tear*) and put it inside of my mini tamagotchi, whom I restarted. His name is Tama (wow, how original!). Minis are cute, but aren't a whole lot of fun. =[ Oh well! I love Tama! xD

Haru changed into a Hinotama (the fireball teen) this morning. I love that character. <3 When I went to school, I switched the time to really late at night so Haru could sleep all day without being paused. When I came back, I forgot that on the tamagotchi, the date was now January 8th. When I changed it to the right time, Haru gave me my ''Happy Birthday!!'' wishes. xP She's a little too early. My birthday is tomorrow. w00p

Still wondering about that Ebay P2...I am allowed to get it, but should I?

I'm going to an eyeglasses store tonight so I'm bringing my P2 to see if they can open it. I don't think they can, because since I've tried to open the back so many times I might have damaged the screw. So, we'll see....

YAY!! The eyeglasses store got the screws off, and now my P2 is up and running again! No need to buy another off of Ebay. ^^

Sadly, I lost the screws afterwards...oh well. I just taped on the back and it's brand new! Sorta..xP

I'm still waiting for the egg to hatch. I'll update when it does.

Haru was being an angel today..barely beeped for me, hearts hardly dropped. She took her 8:00 bath and went promptly to bed at 9:00.

THE TAMA HATCHED! It's a male. Hello little guy...I'm going to name you Webster, in memory of my other P2. :wacko:

Welcome to the world!

Webster had a nasty awakening today....I FORGOT TO MAKE HIM SLEEP WHEN I WENT TO SCHOOL. o.o When I got home, he had all hearts empty and four poops. Luckily, he wasn't sick. So I fed him, played some games, and cleaned him up.

Webster refused to eat, so I had to disipline him. He's coming along quite nicely. :D

Sorry for not posting yesterday! I'll update you. ;)


Rikko: I started up my V2, Rikko. She was a teenager when I downloaded her, and a few moments ago she turned into an adult! Guess what tamagotchi? ....-> this guy! :p I love those characters. They are my favourites. ^^ PS: Rikko's shell design is white with lifesavers

Tammy: I also found my other V2, whom I had to hatch and not download (long story). I named her Tammy, and right now she is a :) . The starfish guys are just too cute! xP PS: Tammy's shell design is pink with stripes.

Tama: He turned into a kutchipatchi the other day....so cute!

Haru: TURNED INTO A :( AS WELL. O.O I treated her like gold...except for when I frogot to pause her when I went to school. x.x Oh well. As I said, I love those characters!

Naji: Nothing to report...still no matchmaker...

Webster: Webster is now 4yrs old, and STILL a toddler. When is he going to change!? He's supposed to change at age 4 into a teen, and at age 7 into an adult. Other then that, Webster has been very quiet and not nedy. I love him so much. =]

My parents said I'm allowed to get a V4.5!! :D I was going to get it last night, but I couldn't find any at the store I was at and ti was getting late. :( Hopefully soon I'll start my search again for a V4.5. :)

w00p *does a happy dance* I JUST BOUGHT TWO P2'S OFF OF EBAY!! YAY! They'll be here in 1 or two weeks...and guess what!? One of them is a GOLDEN P2! Isn't that awesome? :3

I went to my friends house last night for a sleepover, and I brought Webster. When I checked on him, he was alseep as the BAD tamagotchi with the beak. ;) That can't be possible! I took golden care of him (except for the day I forgot to pause him when I went to school). I fed him, I played with him all the time...oh well. I still love him.


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