I'm Giving Away Furniture!


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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2006
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USA, baby, USA. <3
Hi there, I've been with Webkinz for about a week now, and I've been visiting the site every day. You start with 2000 Webkinz points, and I earned more through Quizzy's, the wheel of WOW, the Wishing Well, Balloon Dartz, etc. Anyway, I had thousands of W points, when my little brother got on my account and bought all the furniture he could see from the W Shop until I had no money left!! :p Now my Webkinz is broke and hungry, and I didn't want all this furniture!!! I only wanted the Candy theme, but he bought all the other things.

So if anyone wants a free piece of furniture, I'd be happy to give it away! It would be really nice if I get just get something cheap back, like food! My username is Sugarbelle123 and if you want a free piece of furniture then just post your username here and I'll get you your free piece of furniture ASAP!

I'd like some food back, but I mainly need to get rid of my roomful of furniture!

Thanks so much! I'm just about to log on to Webkinz and send you a piece of furniture + 1 surprise item! It's really nice of you to send the recipes, but you don't have to give me all three! You can just give me two if you want! :p

Thank you so much!

I just worked out how to add friends but the cell phone isn't turning on and freezes up everytime I try! :D Please add me! Then I will be able to send you your items, and I'd really like to send them tonight! PM me after you've added me, please. :p Ta!

Ill take one! I Have tons of food i have to get rid of. ill send you like three things everyday for a few days. My username is prettydog96.

I'd love a free piece of furniture. I am broke, but i have LOTS OF FOOD. I will give you three foods. It's not food you buy at the W Shop, but it's recipe foods. My username is sugarpuppy101, and i am on right now. Add me

I'll send you 6 farm fresh items, because I have 2 gardens, and I mostly get to feed my pet farm fresh foods. But I have to do that tomorrow because my computer isn't loading webkinz. I'm munches96 by the way.

I have sent you 2 items, mangomade2tango, and have added Memetchitamagotchi - you just need to accept! :p Munches96 will be served right after Memetchitamagotchi.

A big thanks to mangomade2tango and Squidward is Cool for your wonderful gifts! :)

I'll send you some food if you send me furniture. I have A LOT of food. My username is tingrin5.

Hey, I'd like some furniture! My username is Cookieberry. What's yours? Oh, and also, do you have an elephant or pig? Because that's what I have and so I have lots of their special food which fills them up! If not, I'll send you other foods! :unsure:

:) Cool! My username is Bossomy and I only have like 100WP. If you can give me some florring or wallpaper because the walls and florrs in my webkinzs room started out ugly, That would be great. I'll give you a pixel chix babysitter cheat and some googles food.
It's nice that you want to give this stuff away but if you have no money left you can get half of it back by selling your unwanted items in the W shop.

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