I'm Different


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Nobody deserves to feel left out from the world. Nobody deserves to sit alone at the cafeteria or sit in corners by themselves just because they are "differet". Nobody should be treated badly for some reaosn. We are all equals and we are us. Girls, boys, women, men....we are all the same in a way. This is a story of Tammy a young :D who starts to feel left out as her life starts changing.

"So......I can't run or do anything like that?" I, Tammy, asked nervously, my heart thumping. Doctor Tama shook his head. "Afraid not. Your heart condition could be fatal if you run or do anything to make your heart beat too fast." he said calmly. I didn't imagine who he could have said this calmly. I could die! I took a deep breath. My mom, a :wacko: , looked nervous as well. "I'll make sure Tammy follows what you told her." she said, looking at me with teary-eyes. I flet like crying. Now I was going to be different. Now I could be out of the crowd for good.

"Wanna have a race Tammy?" my best friend Lara a :D asked me with a grin. It was the next day, and already I was having trouble doing things. I was going to tell my teacher about the problem near the end of the day, when the classroom was empty. "Um...I can't." I said, trying not to show how nervous and sad I was. Lara at once noticed though. "What's wrong?" she asked. I wasn't going to tell her, but I did. "I have a....uh...a heart condition." I said, lowering my head. I thought Lara would hug me wamrly and smile, but she just chuckled. "No way!" I nodded. "Yes way." At once her happy face fell, and turned to a shocked and confuised one. "I can't go near you. It could transfure from your heart to my heart!" she cried. Then she brushed herself off and ran. I knew she was going to tell everybody, I just knew it.

"Really???" Half the school was surrounding Lara. I huddled in a corner. Lara nodded. "Yep. Don't go near her." she said almost coldly. I felt tears sting my eyes. How could my best friend act like this? All day that day, people whispered when they saw me and moved farther away. I felt angry and scared at the same time. I was losing friends, and my BEST friend had turned on me. One guy even laughed when he saw me and called me "Hert girl!" and his gang of friends laughed along. I tried talking with Lara but it was no use. She just looked at me and jerked away. I had an awful feeling at the pit of my stomache. The person I had to sit next to in class pushed her chair way and mumbled, "Tamagotchi heart condition...I don't wanna catch it." I was pretty sure they couldn't catch it from me, but if I told them they would only say I was lying. When school was over I was going to tell the teacher about my heart condition, but I didn't want her turning on me too. So I kept quiet and got my things together. Lara walked up to me, but stood pretty far back. "Uh, I can't be your friend anymore. I don't want what you have." she said in a snobbish voice. She turned and walked away. I felt hot tearsswelling in the depths of my eye. A tear dropped, spalttering on the floor. The class emptyed and the teacher left for a coffee. The school was dark, but luckily still open. I looked around and saw dark shadows form in the classroom corners. At once, I became one with the shadows. I sank down against the wall, tears now dripping every second from my red eyes. I closed my eyes and said quietly, "Why am I different?"

I didn't see the time. It was 6:00pm and the school was closing. I rushed home quickly, the spring sun still shining, only a bit dimmer and night started to appear. As soon as I stepped outside a cloud blocked the sun, casting a shadow on me and me only. I walked along the dusty sidewalk, looking at the big cloud blocking the light. I stepped through the front door of my house. "TAMMY!? Why are you so late coming home?" Mom yelled, coming over to me. I didn't want to tell her I cryed in the classroom so I lied and said, "I wenthome with Lara." Mom looked calmer now. "Oh..okay. But next time tell me." She hurried back to cleaning the dishes. I walked up to my room, and peered in. It was neat with light blue curtains and a hot pink bed. I sat down and picked up my fuzzy phone. I was going to call Lara, but I shook my head and put down the phone again. I looked up at the ceiling and thought about everything.

"Dinner honey!" Mom called from the kitchen. I sighed and hopped off my bed. I took one last glance at my room and smiled to myself. It was perfect. I reluctantly went to the kitchen and sat down to eat. Pasta again. I took a sip of milk and a bite of pasta. Mom kept looking at me. "What?" I asked, sounding like I was mumbling because I was chewing on my pasta. Mom shrugged. "Just thinking..." I knew she was thinking about my heart condistion. I suddenly felt weak and scared. What if she turned on me too and wouldn't go near me!? I got up from the table. "I'm tired. I think I'l lgo to bed now.." I said softly. "But you barely touched your food dear." Mom said, her wide sparkling eye not so sparkly. But I was already heading to my room.

I lay on my bed, then thought it was time to call Lara. "Hello?" Lara's mom's voice came through the reseiver. "Uh..hi. It's Tammy. Can I talk to Lara?" "Of course! Here she is!" "Lara, you there?" "Yeah. What do you want Tammy?" "My heart condition isn't contagious..." "I don't care. It might be. I can't risk it." "But..." "No but's Tammy. No buts...." She hung up on me. I felt like sobbing into my pillow but all I did was let otu a few etars and sat on the edge of my bed.

The next day, I didn't even feel up to school. My mom dragged me out the door and kissed my forehead. "Have a nice day." she said. She waved to me as I slwoly walked down the driveway and down the sidewlak. My school was very large and I felt like a nobody in it. I walked through the hallways, my head down and my eyes looking at my feet. I suddenly bumped into Lara. "Sorry..." I mumbled. I looked into her face. Lara seemed sad. "No, I'm sorry. I acted like such a jerk." she said, blushing a little. I felt a sudden brightness in me. "Oh....well.....I forgive you." "Do you forgive us?" asked teh voices of hundreds of people around her. They all looked ashamed. I couldn't believe this! I felt like crying. But this time, not of sadness.



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