M MichelleYeah Well-known member Joined Jul 28, 2006 Messages 220 Reaction score 0 Location Washington, gross. Feb 12, 2007 #1 I've been gone for a while because my Tama's ran out of batteries but I'm back and I got my new V4 TODAY! So check the Tama Logs soon! Yayyy! MichelleYeah is BACK! Hoorahhhh!
I've been gone for a while because my Tama's ran out of batteries but I'm back and I got my new V4 TODAY! So check the Tama Logs soon! Yayyy! MichelleYeah is BACK! Hoorahhhh!
TamaMum Well-known member Joined Feb 5, 2005 Messages 13,518 Reaction score 931 Location Trapped in the Moderator's Gate of Truth Feb 14, 2007 #2 Welcome back MichelleYeah
T tamaheaven2 Well-known member Joined Nov 4, 2005 Messages 469 Reaction score 0 Location Trollsvik, Legesa, Logales, Gales, Vinland Feb 15, 2007 #3 I never knew you but-hey, welcome back!