I'm Back!


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Apr 6, 2016
Reaction score
Hilton Head Island, SC USA
Lol, not that anyone missed me! lol

But as the title says, I'm back after a couple year hiatus. Between moving to a new state for my job and also becoming a supervisor, I just didn't have a lot of spare time and unfortunately that meant not spending as much time here on the forums or collecting my Tamagotchis. Things have really settled down since then however, and I am so happy to be back on the forums. I haven't bought a new Tamagotchi to add to my collection in a very long time, and I have been browsing eBay and other sites looking for a good deal. And I am BLOWN AWAY by how much the prices have increased in just 2 and a half years!! Especially since the only Tamagotchis my collection is missing are the older vintage ones and most of the Nano's and special editions. Of course these are also the most expensive ones!! Collecting Tamagotchis used to be a somewhat inexpensive hobby when I first started in 2009. Now, I will be lucky to be able to afford one! I am glad to see such a renewed interest in Tamagotchis and virtual pets though!

Anyways, its great to be back! See ya around....
Donivan :)
Welcome back! I'm fairly new so we probably haven't met but I'm always excited to see more activity on here!

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