Ichigotchi_Piggy's Tama Logs


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Apr 4, 2007
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Welcome to my logs!

Wiffy has just left two days ago. She left a baby Shirotsubutchi. I am on my second generation now!

Gen 1. Wiffy - Shirotsubutchi --> Puchitchi --> Ojyotchi --> Memetchi --> Makiko

Gen 2. Hammy - Shirotsubutchi --> Mizutamatchi --> ?? --> ??( --> ??)

I hope my Hammy evolves into my favourite teen, :mametchi: . Right now she has 28 Intelligence, 59 Arts/Talent and 54 Social/Kindness - a total of 141. I'm just trying to keep my Arts/Talent up so I can get her. I buy every food that (I know) raises Arts/Talent.

Well, that's all I have to really say.


Tuesday, April 17th, 2007

I got an Ichigotchi today! hammy is so adorable!

Here are her skill points:

Intelligence: 34

Arts/Talent: 77

Social/Kindness: 54

That's all I have to say.


Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hammy is doing good. Here are her skill points:

Intelligence: 74

Arts/Talent: 161

Social/Kindness: 76

Total: 311


Hammy is 2 years old right now. I don't want her to evolve so soon because she's a cute Ichigotchi Tama. Ichigotchi is my favourite character. I wonder what I'll name her baby. I don't know if it'll be a boy or a girl but I am expecting a boy. I might name her Muffy...I just like names that end with "y." There is a big variety of names that end with "y." And I also find names like that sort of cute. And most of them have five letters (i.e. puffy) so they are good Tama names. For my next generation, I will name my Tama...I like Puffy...something like that.


Hammy is on pause right now. I am only pausing her throughout the night so that a) my friends' Tamagotchis that they just got can catch up with mine (so they can marry) and b ) so that I can adore Ichigotchi until she turns into an adult.


I just love it how when you press button ( C ) when nothing is highlighted and your Tama dances! Your Tama doesn't do that when it's a baby but that's okay because it's only a baby for like an hour or so. When it's a child, your Tama just turns in a little circle and when it's a teen to adult it comes up to the screen. When you do that with an :blink: it's so adorable!!


I think that's enough for today. PM me if you have any comments!

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Monday, April 22nd, 2007

Hammy is doing okay. She made two friends named Kayla and Mimi! My friend's Tamagotchi is named Kayla and my other friend's Tamagotchi is named Mimi.


Here are her skill points:

Intelligence: 84

Arts/Talent: 174

Social/Kindness: 80

Total: 338


Wiffy: Shirotsubutchi --> Puchitchi --> Ojyotchi --> Memetchi --> Makiko

Hammy: Shirotsubutchi --> Mizutamatchi -->Ichigotchi -->??? --> ???


Hammy's sitting right beside me. I better check the shop - the shop changes at 7:00PM and it's 7:20PM. Lets see...a muffin, a pineapple, a sausage and a ball. Don't really want any of them.


For some reason when you go to school lots, at one point it stops giving you skill points...and then you have to earn more by playing games and then it starts giving you skill points...does anybody know why? PM me if you know...it's kind of strange to me. My friend says it's really weird...she just got her V4 two days ago and yesterday it got the invitation to go to preschool! And she went a few times and after that it started not to give her skill points. It happens to me too, but why? Is it because they don't want people just going to school to get skill points or something?


That's all for today. PM me if you have any comments!

Hammy's sitting right beside me.  I better check the shop - the shop changes at 7:00PM and it's 7:20PM.  Lets see...a muffin, a pineapple, a sausage and a ball.  Don't really want any of them. 
Hey, why did I write "7:20PM"? Haha! I meant 4:00PM...wow, how did I get 7:20? Well, at least I corrected myself :D .

Wednesday, April 25th, 2007

Huh. Today on the bus after school my friend and I were connecting. (Her Tama's name is Mimi.) Well anyway, Hammy gave Mimi a present (a pencil). And Mimi had wrapped up some make-up for Hammy. And it was wrapped, my friend checked it a billion times to be sure. Anyhoo, we connected and Mimi gave Hammy a snake in a box! We tried a second time and it gave Hammy the same thing. We tried a third time and Mimi gave Hammy poo! The fourth time it, again, she gave Hammy, again, the same thing. Then, finally she gave Hammy the correct present the fifth time. But that time before the fifth time my friend played JumpingRope with Mimi to cheer her up. Does anybody know why this happened? She was sure it was wrapped!


Phooey! I thought there was no limit of Gotchi Points on the V4, but with TamaTown (or to be exact I used D-Best's cheat :angry: ), I reached the limit! When I try to get more I can't!It's 99,999 Gotchi Points. Well, at least it's more than 99,99 which was the limit for the V3s. I didn't like the limit. 99,999 seems a lot more reasonable. But still.



Thursday, April 26th, 2007

Both Mimi and Hammy have the cellphone. So, today on the bus we connected and our Tamas were talking on the cellphone! First one Tamagotchi gets out their phone. About 5 seconds later, on the other Tamagotchi, it beeps like when it's calling you. Then an exclaimation mark appears above its head! Then, one of the Tamagotchis start talking. That Tamagotchi will be opening and closing its mouth in the phone and it will have a speech bubble with dots coming up. Every time a dot comes up, the Tamagotchi makes a noise. That happens while the other Tamagotchi just listens. And when the line of dots is done, it reverses.

I find that when they are doing the cellphone thing they will actually tell you when their friendship level is about to go up! When it is, it looks like your Tamagotchis are yelling at each other. I think this only happens at the last speech bubbles, though. Whenever we connect and it looks like they're yelling each other, it means that their friendship level is going to go up! But my Mimi and Hammy's friendship can't go beyond good friend because they're both girls (I think). I think that the Best Friend level and the Partner level are only for two Tams of opposite genders. PM me if I'm wrong.


Well that's all for today! PM me if you have any comments!

Saturday, April 28th 2007

-Sniff- No more Ichigotchi...Hammy evolved into a Memetchi today! Sigh... Yesterday I decided to raise my Social/Kindness skill points so I could get a Violetchi, but I wasn't quick enough. Sigh. I really wanted that Violetchi. I don't really like Memetchi to be truthful. I like Violetchi more. Memetchi looks nicer when she's in her cartoon form. I'm gonna miss my cute little Ichigotchi!

But she's still Hammy, right? I guess she is...just not the character.


That's all for today! PM me if you have any comments! (Please comment! I feel silly like I'm talking to myself!)


A few minutes ago the job interview piece of mail arrived! But I went there and it just put Hammy in the florist job place. I thought it would just make her do that job so I pressed button ©! I had no idea it would make it go away! I want Hammy to have a job! I know she will get one after a bit but still. I really really wanted her to get a job! Well I'll probably have to wait only six hours...but I still wanted her to get one. I particularly wanted her to get the amusement park job where you collect balloons. I didn't want the chef job anymore. I really want the amusement park job now...I hope it's in my job options. Before I wanted the chef job, but since the mini-game is the same as the florist job's mini-game (which was Wiffy's job), I decided to get another one. I decided to get the amusement park job!


Well I'll update later. PM me for any comments!

Yay!!! Hammy got a job!! As a chef!!! I wanted the amusement park job, but it wasn't in the options. :) Really, i really didn't want any of the options. I just chose the chef because before I wanted it. But that's okay, usually you are offered another job after you've had the same job for a few days or your Tama has had a baby. I don't know if the amusement park job will be there but I hope it is! And I could always get it on my next generation. I think I'm gonna try to get all the jobs. All the jobs seem nice to me, but there are jobs I particularly want. But the firefighter job seems kind of boring to me. All you do is repeatedly press button ( :D .


That's all for today! Please PM me if you have any comments!

Wow, it's snowing in MAY!

-Sniff-...something happened today...today when I was boarding the bus after school, I dropped my tama! (At least I didn't drop it in a puddle!) So button A stopped working!! I remembered that when I was in Orlando, I got some waterdrops on my V3. Then, I cried...oh, how I cried. My mom told me to put it in her pocket. A few hours later, it was working again! It was real hot there, though.


So I just put it near the vent about two hours ago. For a while it was working, but then it stopped...now only buttons B and C work. At least it's paused. But I think button A will eventually work. I hope so...I REALLY don't want to lose everything on my current tama! I'd lose Hammy...I'd lose Wiffy (parent section)...I'd lose my gotchi points...my items...my friends in my friends list...I really don't want to lose those things!!! I REALLY REALLY hope it starts working again!


That's all for now! PM me for any comments!

YAYAYAYAY!! My Tama's fixed!!! I didn't lose Hammy, Wiffy, Gotchi Points, items...etc!


I wonder what Hammy's baby will be named. If it's a boy, it will be named maybe...uhh...well, my Tama Name tradition is to make my Tama's names always end with a y. I like those names, so...I dunno. I like Miffy but that's the name of that rabbit. How about Yammy? It's kind of strange, I know. If Hammy's baby is a girl, I will name it Puffy. But I'm almost sure it will be a boy. I've already had two girls in a row, so I want a boy! And I'll try to press a button on an odd minute...well, that rumour just might not be true. But I hope it is. Or at least about 8/10 true...well anyway I just want Hammy's baby to be a boy!


Wow...then I'll be a great grandma, my sister will be an aunt, and my parents will be great grandparents! ^_^ Teehee. Except I won't be a biological great grandmother...it's just some LCD in an egg-shaped shell. Well that may not be so exact, but who cares


Right now that's all. PM me for any comments!

Hammy had another baby girl! (WAAAAH!!! NO. MORE. GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ) ACK! I SO wanted a boy! Darn. Darn. I wanted a BOY BOY BOY!! I wanted to get a Nonbiritchi or a Tensaitchi. The first skill point I earn. Not counting Arts/Talent. Sigh. I'm mad at the MatchMaker! I wish she'd give me a boy. Meanie. I wonder if she knew that I have had THREE girls in a row. I thought Hammy would get married when she was 7 or 8. GRR! But she got married today when she is...well, six. Well, I won't pause her through the night. I might get to see Hammy leave. And then I'll have to name the baby. I'll name her Puffy. When I FINALLY get a boy, I might name it Tiffy. Maybe there will be some kind of glitch and she'll turn into a boy when Hammy leaves! That'd be weird. Or to save Tiffy which I like very much, I'll name it Sammy. Unless it stays a girl B) .

I think this time I'll make my Tama grow into the Kuchizoku. I only made my other Tams grow up to be in the Memezoku because I wanted an Ichigotchi oh SO bad! And now I'm going to aim for another group. In my opinion, kindness is more important than knowledge. So I'll try to make my Tama grow up to be a Yattatchi. I don't care a hoot if it is a Young Dorotchi or a Nikatchi as a teen. Or if the weird glitch I was saying that I hoped would happen earlier in this entry actually happened (fat chance!), then I would make it a Kuchipatchi, of course. Well, on the other hand Minotchi is kinda cool.


That's all for today! PM or email me for any comments!

Yayayayayayayayayay! Just like five minutes ago Hammy got an important info piece of mail. It was another job interview one! So, I flipped around the jobs and the second job was the amusement park job! Of course I said yes. And the judges all said yes! Yay!

Wow...that's actually all I have to say. But I'm just HAPPY! :D ^_^ :ichigotchi:


Please PM or email me for any comments! I like to hear what others think of my log!

Hammy LEFT! And I named her baby Puffy. She is a Puchitchi right now.

Phooey, I wanted her to be a Mohitamatchi! I heard that only Mohitamatchis can grow up to be in the Kuchizoku, but Puchitchi's can't. This doesn't really make sense to me...I had most social/kindness points. Well maybe it's because Hammy and Wiffy were in the Memezoku. I hope I prove that toddler chart wrong!


PM or email me for any comments!

Puffy's so cute! I'm trying to pause her as much as possible because my friend's Tama, Mimi (I have written about Mimi before) had a baby boy who she is going to name Lucky (when he Mimi leaves), and we want them to marry when they grow up. Now my friend who owns Lucky got her Tama when my little Hammy was an Ichigotchi...so I started to pause it a lot until my tama was only one stage ahead. Now I have to do that AGAIN...but it's hard...I love my tama and I love to play with it!!

My friend used to be so attatched to Mimi...I don't know why, she can still visit her in TamaTown. I told her that over and over again...but she still said she didn't want Mimi to leave one bit. Then I blabbed on and on about how her Tama would get more and more boring and how Lucky's life would never start. Then the next day I was talking to her and she said that now she wanted Lucky to leave. Wow, that took a long time. It didn't take me that long to let go. She told me that it was her first Tamagothchi so it was hard to let go, but I don't agree with that. And NOW, she FINALLY realizes!

Puffy's so cute as a little Puchitchi...she's awake right now because I switched the clock. Really, it's 9:33 PM and on my Tama it says it's...10:54 AM! Ha-ha. I love playing around with the clock. WAIT...if I'm trying to pause it more, what's the point of keeping it awake??? Oh, I'll just ignore that. Bah. I'll just switch the minutes to the correct minutes...ah! Now it says 10:36 AM. Well still it's thirteen hours behind, but who cares!

Here are Puffy's stats:

Name: Puffy

Intelligence: 67

Style: 78

Kindness: 127

Total: 272

Training: 8/9 [|||||||| ]

0 Years old

13 lbs.

Gender: Girl

Generation: 3

Gotchi Points: 99,850

UserName: Piggy *I love pigs*

I went to the grandparents house in TamaTown to see my Wiffy Makiko...it looks a lot different from the parents house. But the grandparents house is kind if cute...I find that when I go to TamaTown and they give me some Gotchi Points Wiffy always gives more than Hammy. Last time I went Wiffy gave me 500 and Hammy gave me 300.


Wow...that's a long, long log for me. That's all I have to say...PM me if you have any comments! I really like to hear what people have to say about my log!

Huzzah!! Thanks to my Tama's battery dying, now Lucky is ahead of Puffy! My Tama's batteries are still dead, and my dad went to get new ones!

So today my friend woke up late and she forgot to check her Tama. It had evolved into a Hinotamatchi! She emailed me about it and she says that she's really upset...she was planning to get a Mametchi. Now SHE'S ahead of ME! So now I'M the one that has to unpause my Tama. Yayayayayay!


Huh...that's really all I had to say. Well anyway... PM me for any comments!

CURSE...THOSE...GENETICS!!!!!!!!! Because Hammy and Wiffy were Style, so is Puffy!! :blink: Even though she has by far more kindness!! I am SO mad. The same happened to Lucky. Lucky had WAY more Intelligence and Kindness than Style, but CURSE THOSE GENETICS he turned into a Hinotamatchi! And Puffy turned into a Yangu Memetchi.

Well, this time, I'll try getting a :blink: . My friend says she's going to try to raise Lucky to be a Shimashimatchi.

I forgot to write this in my log...Puffy got an invitation to preschool a long time ago...at least I think I forgot to write that...well anyhoo, today, Puffy got an invitation to school! When I saw a little bit of Mr. Turtlepedia, I kept repeatedly pressing button C. Same with Ms. Flower and then when Ms. Flower started walking off the screen, I stopped because I wanted Mr. Canvas! Yay. I got Mr. Canvas...he'll give my little Puffy kindness points. Too bad you can't get skill points in TamaTown! That'd be so much easier.

Here are Puffy's stats:

Name: Puffy

Gender: Girl

Training: 9/9 [|||||||||]

0 YR. old

13 lbs.

Gotchi Points: 83829

Skill points:

Intelligence: 87

Style: 103

Kindness: 174

I'm trying not to raise Style...but when it's a toddler...well, yeah.


That's all for now! PM me for any comments! Please, I feel like I'm talking to myself and the computer!

Golly, those batteries from the Dollar Store are really bad...whenever I replace the battery of my tama with one of those the next week (or even day) I have to change it! I just changed it yesterday and put in one of those and it died. Curse those batteries! :D

Puffy is sitting on the table...well, her shell is. A big flashing X with a picture of a battery is covering her up. She's a cute Yangu Memetchi, and I can't remember her stats! Huzzah...yay for dead batteries. :(


Well, I gotta finish me homework a little...PM me for any comments! Please!


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