Ice's Frosted Pink Angelgotchi Log


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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2008
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Tonight I will be hatching my pearl pink Japanese Angelgotchi. Currently it is Obaketchi 1 and I am waiting for it to come down to Earth. At 10:06 PM it came down to Earth and has beeped for attention. Hoping to get Ginjirotenshi, I will purposely give it bad care. So far, I have fed it 1 pie and have filled 1 Hungry Heart. At 10:08 PM it has again beeped for attention and I have fed it another pie. Its TP (Tenshi Power or Angel Power) was 5 when it came down to Earth and it has dropped to 4. My Obaketchi 2 has 3 training points and 1 Hungry Heart filled so far and 0 Happy Hearts filled.

At 10:16 PM it has beeped for attention yet again, with 1 Hungry Heart and 0 Happy Hearts. This is my second try at getting Ginjirotenshi and this time I hope I will get him. My Obaketchi 2 has been alive for about 21 minuites so far and at 10:22 PM it has beeped for food and I have fed him 1 pie. At 10:23 PM it has beeped for the fifth time because I have left all of his Happy Hearts empty. It is 10:30 PM and my Angel has beeped for attention with 0 Hungry Hearts and 0 Happy Hearts. I have fed him another pie to fill 1 Hungry Heart but I won't be playing the "Shooting Stars" game with it at least up until it has evolved into Takoten. , which is an unhealthy teenager on the Angelgotchi. Ginjirotenshi usually evolves from Takoten.

10:37 PM and Obaketchi 2 has beeped for attention, having all of its hearts empty and I have fed it 1 pie as usual. 10:40 PM. Obaketchi 2's TP has dropped to 3. 10:44 PM and my Angel has beeped for attention. I have fed it 2 pies to fill up 2 Hungry Hearts. At 10:47 PM my Obaketchi 2 has fallen asleep for its short nap but I've decided I won't turn the lights off. Obaketchi 2 has woke up at 10:56 PM and has beeped but I will continue to keep it Happy hearts empty. It is now 1 years old. Most likely Obaketchi 2 will evolve into Maruten in another minuite or 2.

At 11:02 PM it beeped asking for food and I fed it 1 pie and has beeped at 11:03 PM asking me to play with it although I will still only fill 1 or 2 Hungry Hearts. It is 11:05 PM and Obaketchi 2 hasn't evolved into Maruten yet. 11:08 PM and no signs of evolving... 11:10 PM and my Angel beeped. I fed it 2 pies. 11:12 PM and my Obaketchi 2 has finally evolved into Maruten.

Well... that's it for the first day of my log. Tomorrow I will include some useful websites for new Angelgotchi owners. I should be getting some sleep now...

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Day 2 of my log. As promised, I will list down some useful sites for people who are new to their Angel. One of the best sites is Angelgotchi Alley which contains growth charts, character pages, etc. Another site is and Last night, I have paused my Angelgotchi and right now I will unpause it. My Maruten is 2 days old and his TP is still 3. He has 3 training points, 1 Hungry Heart and 0 Happy Hearts.

8:31 AM and Maruten's TP has dropped to 2. 8:33 AM and Maruten has beeped for the first time today, asking to play but as always I will ignore it. My favorite part about Angelgotchi's is that they take strolls and you can call them back by praising them first and when they open the door slightly, you tap the screen and they come back, doing some sort of cute animation. I also like how there are so many secret characters on the Angel. A few days after I untabbed my Angel (which was about a month ago) I got the healthiest secret character, Futagotenshi (Futago means twins in Japanese) who look like conjoined twins. The second secret character I got was Debirutchi (The Japanese pronounciation of Deviltchi) the unhealthiest character on the Angel who resembles a devil with a pile of (I think) poop. But you couldn't play with it though... Anyways... back to Maruten...

Maruten hasn't beeped since 8:33 AM. At 9:36 AM Maruten emptied all of its hearts and I fed him 2 pies. After I ignored him for about 15 minuites, his TP has dropped to 0 he was 2 days old and he has 2 Hungry Hearts full and 0 Happy Hearts. At 10:08 AM I just checked Angelgotchi Alley's character page and I found out you CAN'T get Ginjirotenshi from Takoten. :( That's too bad I really wanted to get him but oh well I can take perfect care of Takoten and get Pukuten instead. Or Taraten. But I guess I'll get Takoten and take good care of it, it seems getting Pukuten is easier. Maybe I can get Sabotenshi ( a secret character who resembles a cactus).

By the way if anyone knows how to make Tamagotchi cradles like this please PM me. I've been wanting to know how to make one for my Angelgotchi.

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Maruten wanted to play with me at 10:31 AM and I still ignored him. In order to get Takoten, I didn't feed my Angel any candy at all. In the Angelgotchi, feeding your Angel candy increases TP but sometimes a bat might come to steal the candy causing your TP to drop. In order to prevent the bat from stealing your Angel's candy, you need to tap on the screen (I tap it on the side because tapping on the screen might scratch it) when the bat comes. Personally I think that this is a very nice feature. Angels are not only great because they are cute and have many secret characters but also because many of the adults you get on it evolve from bad care or ignoring so its perfect for people who don't have a lot of time to spare. They are also quite cheap and common which has made them a favorite in every collector collection.

Maruten beeped at 11:16 AM having emptied all of it hearts and I gave him 1 pie. So Maruten's stats are: 2 days old, 0 TP, 3 training points, 1 Hungry Heart and 0 Happy Hearts. 12:09 PM and Maruten has grabbed my attention having emptied all of its hearts. The stats are pretty much the same as before.

I have a long appointment at the dentist's now so I'll pause my Angel and be back in a few hours.

8:17 PM. I'm back. It was a loong appointment(about 2 hours) and I had to do some grocery shopping. I'll unpause my Angel now. I just changed the time to 8:20 PM but since Maruten sleeps at 8:00 PM, it was already asleep on its cloud. I won't pause it this time, Maruten wakes up at 8:00 AM and sleeps for a total of 12 hours. I usually sleep at around 10:00 PM or 11:00 PM so I'll change the time on my Angelgotchi to 8:00 PM when it is 10:00 PM. This way, if I overslept, Maruten would still be asleep and it will evolve quicker. I haven't turned off the lights for my Angel.

Phew...Day 2 of my log is done...I'll be looking forward to Day 3.


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Day 3 of my log. A few minuites ago my Maruten got sick and I gave it a dose of medicine. Maruten didn't get cured and I had to give it medicine 3 more times up until Maruten evolved into Debirutchi! So I'm afraid I'll have to start my log over again since you can't play or feed Debirutchi :) :)

I pressed A and C on my Angelgotchi and on 5:22 PM Obaketchi 1 appeared on the screen. Obaketchi 1 evolved into Obaketchi 2 at 5:26 PM. I decided to first get Maruten, then Kodoten and finally Ginjirotenshi. So I fed Obaketchi 2, 2 pies and 1 candy. Its TP was 5 at first and it went up to 7. Now the TP is 6 and I played the "Shooting Stars" game with it twice and I filled 3 Happy Hearts(every time you play the "Shooting Stars" game you get 2 hearts filled but I got run over by one of them so I had to play it again and I filled 3 Happy Hearts). Its stats are: 0 days old, 6 TP, 3 training points, 1 Hungry Heart and 3 Happy Hearts. At 5:37 PM, Obaketchi 2 emptied all of its Hungry Hearts and 1 Happy Heart so I fed it 1 pie and I decided to wait until Obaketchi 2 empties 1 more Happy Heart.

At 5:45 PM, Obaketchi 2 emptied all of its Hungry Hearts and 1 Happy Heart. I gave him 1 pie and I played the "Shooting Stars" game with it. Now its stats are: 0 days old, 6 TP, 3 training points, 1 Hungry Heart and 3 Happy Hearts. 5:51 PM and Obaketchi 2 has emptied 1 Happy Heart. 5:52 PM and Obaketchi 2 has emptied all of its Hungry Hearts. I fed it 4 pies. 5:57 PM Obaketchi 2 has emptied 1 Hungry and Happy Heart. 5:59 PM and its TP dropped to 5. I gave it 1 pie, played with it, and gave it 1 candy. Its stats are: 0 days old, 7 TP, 3 training points, 4 Hungry Hearts and 2 Happy Hearts. 6:06 PM. Obaketchi 2 has taken its usual 10 minuite nap. I turned the lights off. 6:13 PM and Obaketchi 2 is awake. Its stats are: 1 days old, 7 TP, 3 training points, 2 Hungry Hearts and 3 Happy Hearts.

Obaketchi emptied one heart each. It should evolve into Maruten in another 10 minuites or so. It beeped at 6:21 PM asking for food so I fed it 2 pies and I'll play the game with it now. Obaketchi 2 evolved into Maruten at 6:32 PM. Maruten asked to be praised at 6:46 PM and I cleaned up its poop. I checked the stats and his TP was 20. So his current stats are: 1 days old, 20 TP, 7 training points, 4 Hungry Hearts and 3 Happy Hearts.

We're having guests over for dinner so I'll change the time on my Angel to 8:00 PM and put Maruten to sleep instead of pausing it because pausing slows growth. I'll be back in an hour or 2. ^_^

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Sorry I said I'll be back in an hour or 2 but thinking back, I'd rather continue my new Angel log tomorrow, its just easier for me.

Day 2 of my new log. I changed the time on my Angel to 9:53 AM. I just checked Maruten's stats and they were: 2 days old, 19 TP, 7 training points, 4 Hungry Hearts and 3 Happy Hearts. Not much has happened. :ichigotchi:

Maruten finally beeped at 1:04 PM asking to be fed. Its stats are: 2 days old, 14 TP, 7 training points, 2 Hungry Hearts and 2 Happy Hearts. It doesn't seem to need much attention today. Not exactly a bad thing but it does get boring.

Maruten's stats are: 3 days old, 13 TP, 7 training points, 2 Hungry Hearts and 3 Happy Hearts. It probably won't be evolving today. :(

6:54 PM and Maruten has beeped for praising. I ignored the call. In order to get Ginjirotenshi, you need to take good care of Maruten and get the healthy teenager, Kodoten. Then you need to get bad care of Kodoten and neglect him, only filling 1-2 hearts and making sure that its TP drops to 0. So I can't feed it any candy or praise since both increases TP. 7:01 PM. Maruten has pooped and I cleaned it up. Its TP which was 10 has now dropped to 0. Its stats are: 3 days old, 0 TP, 7 training points, 2 Hungry Hearts and 3 Happy Hearts. I used the "sleep trick" and changed the time on my Angel to 8:25 PM and I let Maruten sleep for most of the day. So I don't know if Maruten will evolve into Kodoten tonight. But I hope it does *crosses fingers*

11:17 AM and Maruten went out for a stroll but I didn't call him back since his TP would go up. Sorry, I've been kinda lazy for the last 2 days but nothing special has happened so far. 1:19 PM and Maruten hasn't beeped yet. Doesen't look like he needs a lot of attention. 1:59 PM. Maruten has asked for praising and I ignored it. At 3:08 PM Maruten evolved into Kodoten! :) Now I'll just have to take bad care of it and get Ginjirotenshi.

Day 4 of my log. Sorry, I've been lazy for the last couple of days but school started for me today and I had to finish up my homework. I'll change the time on Kodoten now. Its stats are: 6 days old, 0 TP, 3 training points, 0 Hungry Hearts and 2 Happy Hearts. 7:32 PM and Kodoten beeped having emptied its Hungry Hearts. According to Angelgotchi Alley(link provided above) in order to get Ginjirotenshi, you need to take very bad care of Kodoten and fill up only 1-2 hearts. I just felt sorry for Kodoten being hungry so I gave him a pie and filled up 3 hearts in total. Kodoten beeped at 8:00 PM because it had fallen asleep! But I'll change the time on it and wake him up or my log will get boring... There, I changed the time and its awake.

Kodoten beeped again at 8:41 PM with empty hearts. I only jumped over 4 stars in the "Shooting Stars" game in order to fill up one heart. I won't feed it anything. I'm getting sleepy so I'll continue my log tomorrow and I'll change the time on my Angel to when its asleep.

Day 5 of my log. I had to finish up an assignment (second day of school and an assingment already!) I changed the time on Kodoten. Today Kodoten's stats are: 8 days old, 0 TP, 3 training points, 1 Hungry Heart and 0 happy Hearts. I wish I started my log before, when it was still the summer holidays since now there is barely any time for me to record my log. I'm busy most weekends as well so really, unless I'm not able to go to school or its a holiday, I don't have much time to check on Kodoten ^_^ 7:40 PM I checked on Kodoten and his hearts were empty. I'm waiting for him to beep. Kodoten beeped at 8:02 PM and I fed him a pie while all of its Happy Hearts were empty. I decided to put my Kodoten to sleep. Day 5 is done.

Day 8 of my log. Yep for the last couple of days I have put my Angel to sleep because I was busy, so now its 10 years old. It has 1 Hungry Heart and 1 Happy Heart. It probably should have evolved ages ago if I hadn't used the 'sleep trick" for so long. 9:00 AM I noticed that my Kodoten has gone on a stroll! But i won't call it back. After 4 minuites Kodoten came back from his stroll. 1:55 PM I succeeded in getting Ginjirotenshi! :) He is waving at me with a smile on his face. 7:12 PM and Ginjirotenshi beepd for attention and I played the game with him. Not much has happened other than the fact that Kodoten evolved into Ginjirotenshi.

Whoops just noticed that it 10:13 PM and Ginjirotenshi is asleep. I'll continue tomorrow.

Day 9 of my log. Its 8:35 AM and he is still asleep so I'll let him sleep. On Angelgotchi Alley, it says that he will wake up at 9:00 AM so he'll wake up in another hour. Ginji(I'm too lazy to write his full name) has now woken up. So far he has beeped once and I fed him a pie. He has 0 hearts filled but I'm waiting for it to beep. Its TP is still at 0 but I'm planning on praising it and giving it more attention than before. Ginji beeped at 10:47 AM and I played the game with him and filled 2 hearts and I fed him a pie.
