Before I tell you the story let me inform you that I am ultra extremely sensitive to lound sudden noise (and shouting). Now then, today at school during advisory is was School Spirt Door Day (I didn't make it up) And lots of people brought ballons to decorate the doors. And anyway they inflated way to many balloons and so I'm scared stiff already 'cause I know sooner or later some jerk will pop them and then guess what, someone pops one and I practically run up the wall and cling to the ceiling this happens about six more times and then Porter (the guy who hates me because I told him I liked him, how's that for fuzzy logic) pops one right next to me and I scream really loud and burst out into tears and all my friends made him apologize but he didn't mean it so I'm practically entering shock at this moment and advisory is ending and one of my friends is still holding a balloon and is going to throw it away and Mrs. Cook tells him to pop it and I scream NO! Don't pop it, please! And Mrs.Cook is ignoring me and makes him pop it so I scream and am totally numb and hyperventilating all the way through band and when I enter the gym two kids are playing with a balloon and ya know what? It pops and so I am scared stiff and hyperventilating and crying and all that jazzand then my best friend comes over to me to ask whats wrong and gives me a hug (which is good because she is the only person who can make me calm down and be happy) but I am too tired to do anything right in gym so I totaly con't do anything and my day turns out to be ttotaly bad and icky and gross and I need sympathy please!