I need help with games!


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Aug 24, 2005
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I have two games on my tamagotchi ... Jump and Bump. The problem is, I dont understand how to play them. I dont know when to push the buttons or which buttons to push.

For Jump: I push A,B, or C when the light above it turns on. But sometimes, even when i do it properly, i fail the game!!!! Why am I failing? Am i not pressing fast enough?

Then for Bump: what botton do you push and when do you push it?

O.K here is how it works......

JUMP GAME - You press the button that is under the light that lights up. YOu need to press the button really fast. Pretty close to 0.5 seconds fast or it won'y count

BUMP GAME - You go back to back with another tamagotchi. Then when the top of the screen says PUSH. Press the B button and a power meter shows up. Try to get as much power as you can. You can only get far in this game if your tamagotchi is FAT!

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