September 2008 Contest Winner
I was selling Girl Scout Cookies a few hours ago.........Well I was bored of sitting and asking. I took a empty Trefoils box and put it on my head and pretended I was the "Box head" well it was stupid I didnt mind. What did my dad do? He hired some jack*swear* to take pictures of me! And now I probably lost my spot as a girl scout ALL THANKS TO MY DAD! I do it every year at Cookie booths and my dad hires someone to STALK me. Does he care I lost my spot in my troop probably? NO! This was my last year as a Juinor (Im a Cadette new year) too! So I am ignoring my dad till I move out for this. Im staying in my room all day or use the PC, earn some money at school, buy a TV from the Pawn Shop, then save money. Isnt this just nice?