i have been here a month


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This is MY first time on this web. I also need friends!! ^_^ But maybe all of us can be friends!! :unsure: :D


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Same. There are just some people who just never fit in...........

Sure I'd love to be friends!!!

I've been here for a few weeks now... I need some friends, too! I will be glad to have you as a friend!!!

I'll be your friend!I'm new here.That must be awful that no one wanted to talk to you!I'm Kathryn Townsend!I'm 10 years old.TTYL(talk to ya later).

P.S I'll teach you all I know about tamagotchis!Tell me all you know!

well i got a good idea how about every 1 that posts in this topic r friends then no 1 gets left out?


Of course I will be your friend. Send me a PM if you are in the mood for a chat.

Us tamatalk members don't like it when nice people get left out don't we folks?.

You now know you will always have a friend beside you.

* Fooet *

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